I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 310: : Those gods from outside the universe

Is there a universe beyond the multiverse? Does it refer to other universes or the universe where the earth is located? After Jiang Hao heard Iolum's words, he had a huge question in his heart, but he deliberately showed just the right shock on his face:

"I do not know."

Actually, I know, but I want to maintain my new god's personality. How could I, a new god, know the secrets of this multiverse? Jiang Hao explained it in his heart.

"I'm curious, can you tell me this secret?"

I want to know if you are talking about the universe where the earth is.

There is a universe beyond the universe... Harry Taylor was a little dazed when he heard this word.

Is our universe infinite, and if it is not infinite, what is outside its boundary, and is it another universe? If so, then can we cross the boundary of the universe and go to other universes to see different scenery?

This is a question raised by a great master of the Nether Empire in 1985.

This question aroused widespread discussion among the wizards at the time. From the apprentices who had just started to the wizards who had entered the rank of legend, even those wizards who had a seat on the council came to discuss whether there is a universe outside the universe?

Some people say no, the reason is, if so, why have we never seen other cosmic visitors? Some people say yes. They think that visitors from other universes may have already visited us, but the magic skills of our Nether Empire mage are not enough to discover each other.

In order to verify whether the universe has a boundary and whether there is a universe outside the universe, several legendary wizards have jointly created the "Friends" outer space exploration type magic puppet, let it control the floating city, and bring the wizards to the outside of the universe. Friendly greetings from the life of the world, go to the depths of the void outside the domain, search for the boundary of the universe, and look for life outside the universe.

But until the Nether Empire collapsed, the "Friends" magic puppet did not bring them the answer to this question.

But now, listening to the teacher said, beyond the universe, is there really a universe?

Jiang Hao’s question was what he wanted to see, so Iolum laughed, but he did not immediately explain it, but asked a question, “Your Highness, how did you know the origin of the scroll of resistance? Do you understand?"

The origin of the color-resistant scroll? All I know is that it is a treasure of the Nether Empire, with countless skills recorded in it. It is a treasure that even a mysterious girl must peek at... Jiang Hao asked thoughtfully:

"The color-resistant scroll is a fetish from outside the universe?"

"Yes." Iolum smiled and gave an affirmative answer, "In order to fight against the orc gangs, Giles’ shaman king Daniel and fishermen formed an alliance, and the seven sworn villages established a new country. In order to celebrate the founding of this alliance, Danause developed a new calendar to celebrate the birth of the alliance, and this consortium was named Netheril, meaning the land of Netheril."

“In the 326th year of the establishment of Netheril, the name of Netheril discovered the scroll of Netheril. This roll of parchment gave the Netherese an incredible leap in magical skills and created the brilliant Netheril. Times, even let the Third Age be named after Netheril."

"There has never been such a glorious magical civilization in the entire history of the main plane. Even now, there has never been such a glorious civilization."

Speaking of this, Iolum paused and said, "Then who created the color-resistant scroll?"

The answer he gave was already obvious, so Jiang Hao gently said the answer.

"Civilization beyond the multiverse!"

By this time Jiang Hao had already understood that the scroll of resistance to color did not come from the universe where the earth is located, at least not the earth, because the earth lacks the basis for the development of magical skills-elements.

A clear smile appeared on Iolum's face, "It is also possible that it was created by the former mother of magic and the mysterious girl now."

Hearing the teacher telling the mysterious girl jokingly, Harry Taylor's lips twitched, the mysterious girl created? He is a god, not a mage. How could he create magic? Ninety-nine percent of the spells that exist in the magic web are created by the wizards of the Nether Empire.

"Actually, if you observe carefully, you will find that in the multiverse, a considerable amount of existence comes from outside the universe."

"They always have no signs, suddenly appear in the multiverse, and then suddenly promoted to the true god, unable to find a complete growth experience."

Is this talking about me? Jiang Hao became a little guilty inexplicably, it seemed that he himself could not find a complete growth experience.

In order to prevent Iolum from focusing on himself, he quickly took over the topic.

"For example?"

"For example, the Elf Lord God."

Iolum said: "He first appeared on the main plane in the face of a god. After he appeared, he created a family of elves ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and quickly gained the mighty power of **** level 18. ."

"In order to find some traces left by him when he was a mortal, I sneaked into the hall of the Elf King to search for the historical materials of the elves. I also visited the former Elf God Queen and the current Lady Spider, but in the end I found nothing."

Iolum paused, and then said: "Nothing is gained, which is the biggest gain in itself. A **** cannot appear out of thin air. Even a **** born from the magic net and the moon like a mysterious girl and a lady of the night has a birth. Therefore, I suspect that the main elven **** was already an extremely powerful **** before he came to the multiverse."

"After that, with interest, I went to the kingdom of the **** of knowledge, entered his temple of knowledge, looked at the history of the multiverse, and looked for those who had existed."

"It turned out that it was recorded by the dragons in history, and has not appeared in the main plane. The creator, the head of the good dragon, Paladin and the dark dragon queen, Taksis, the original ruler of the bottomless abyss. After the chaos, the astral zerg wandering in the astral world dominates the will of the worm's nest."

"Horus, Geb, Isis, and Set, who created the Skar Empire, the super-giant alien creature Nyaratotip, who has disappeared, and the scriptures of mountains and seas that once placed the kingdom of God in the mechanical realm of clock and watch Nirvana The Jade Emperor, Wenquxing, Weaver Girl, and Thunder God are all gods that suddenly appear in our multiverse, just like the elves."

"The difference is that these gods don't still exist like the spiritual master gods. They appeared in a certain period of time, leaving behind their own traces, and then quickly disappeared."

"They may have fallen, or they may have left our multiverse."

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