I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 309: : Secrets of the Multiverse

Become a god? Iolum wanted to become a god?

Before Jiang Hao could say his doubts, Iolum sighed and started talking.

"I used to have countless opportunities to become God."

Jiang Hao nodded, agreeing with his words.

At the time Iolum was the father of the Nether Empire, and countless wizards regarded him as an idol. As long as he was willing to become a god, he could gain countless believers in an instant. The difficulty of becoming a **** was not impossible for him, but absolutely It's not high.

It is a pity that these have become a thing of the past with the collapse of the Nether Empire.

Harry Taylor looked at his teacher sadly.

When the Nether Empire was at its most glorious, those wizards who had their seats in the council were regarded as gods, let alone their teacher, who stood at the top of the entire multiverse.

In their eyes, the gods are just a little stronger life than the wizard, and they will be able to surpass the gods sooner or later.

Moreover, the divine power of the gods is constrained by faith, and it is necessary to please ordinary people who have no power at all, and use authority to transform their beliefs into divine power, and to increase power little by little.

This kind of life bound by the shackles of faith is something they look down upon in their hearts.

Therefore, they would rather study the magic that allows them to live forever than become immortal lives like gods.

But hundreds of thousands of years have passed, the glory of the gods is still shining in the multiverse, and the wizards who despised them at the beginning are only lingering, even their own teacher, the greatest wizard of the Nether Empire, also abandoned the original. The idea of ​​wanting to become a god.

In order to become a god, he even exchanged the color-resistant scroll, the treasure that created the color-resistant empire.

"At that time, I was very confident in my knowledge and wisdom. I thought that although the brilliance of the gods was shining, their path could already see the end. The gods at the level of 20 gods were their limits, and the wizards had infinite potential."

potential? Is it the kind of trillion-dollar wealthy that no matter how hard they try to make money, they can’t double their bank balance tenfold, and the moonlight tribe, who doesn’t have a penny, can easily increase their bank balance thousands of times. ? Jiang Hao wanted to ask this question a little.

"But I found out that I was wrong."

"Even if we push the mage's professional level to 40, break through the level limit, and raise our professional level to 41, the gap between us and the gods is still very far away."

"This gap is not a gap in professional levels, but a gap in the essence of life. No matter how strong the mages are, they still belong to mortals. They are lives restricted by the rules of the multiverse, and no matter how weak the gods are, they are also the masters of authority and dominate the multiverse. The great existence of rules."

"I tried to gain authority after I realized that my path was wrong. I created the spirit-sucking monster mastermind to try to occupy and control the authority of the'Creator', so as to be promoted to the God of God with level 20.

Create the mastermind of the spirit sucker? Occupy the authority of the "Creator"? As expected to be one of the greatest mages in the era of Netheril, his heart is high... Jiang Hao sighed inwardly.

He himself sits on the Blue Star as his backing, and occupies the powerful authority of the'creation', the creator, the king of the gods, and the destiny. However, he chooses to retreat and seize the authority of'agriculture' first, and promote the **** of agriculture. , And then plot the'destiny' and promote the great power.

Compared with the high-spirited Iolum, he was too cautious.

"Do you occupy the authority of the ‘Creator’?"

He did not ask Iolum, ‘have you mastered the sovereignty of creation? ’, because the answer is obvious.

"No." Iolum's voice brought a clear sense of frustration, "Even if I created many demons, monsters and monsters after creating the spirit sucker mastermind, I still did not occupy the authority of the'Creator'. It’s more difficult than I imagined!"

Harry Taylor was a little sluggish after listening to his teacher. In his eyes, the omnipotent teacher would feel frustrated?

"Maybe you can try to create a race." Based on friendship, Jiang Hao gave a hint.

"I did think about creating races, but this is beyond the scope of my ability."

Iolum continued: "After discovering that I could not occupy the authority of the'Creator', I merged my soul into the main brain of the spirit sucker, transformed myself into the main brain of the spirit sucker, the lich, and then took the sucker in my city. All spirit monsters are transformed into spirit sucking monsters liches, trying to create the authority of'spirits sucking monsters liches', with the help of the rule that the creator of authority automatically controls the authority."

"Finally, the authority of the'spirit sucker lich' was born!"

"According to my original plan, I will go to the main plane with authority and declare my god's name to the main plane. Although there is a great risk in doing so, many gods who have been offended by me will definitely stop me..."

"But after the birth of this authority, it was not occupied or even mastered by me as I wished~www.NovelMTL.com~ but fell into the hands of the lich **** Velsharron, strengthening his grasp of the'witch Demon’s authority, and He also found me through this connection. During the battle, the spirit sucker city I created was smashed by his kingdom. I could only abandon the spirit sucker lich I created and rely on me and the color-resistant The connection of the volume is transmitted to the mechanical realm of Nirvana of the clock, using the spiritual energy gathered from the mother of ants to avoid the tracking of the lich **** Velsharron."

It seems that the relationship between Iolum and the Church of Knowledge is not very good. During the Nether Empire, he did not suppress the Church of Knowledge. Otherwise, he would definitely not create the power of the spirit sucker and the lich, but create other powers... Orem didn't even defeat the lich **** Velsharron? Isn't that guy with the weak power of God Level 4? Jiang Hao thought about it, and soon thought of the reason.

After the power of the spirit sucker lich fell into the hands of Velsharron, the main brain of Iolum, the spirit sucker lich, was naturally restrained by him.

After understanding this, Jiang Hao thought for a while and said, "If it's just this part of the color-resistant scroll in your hand, I can give you a link to grasp the authority and help you grasp this authority, but it is only limited. Here."

When the Nether Empire was in its heyday, there were too many gods who had offended. Perhaps some gods hadn't cared about it. But even if only one-third of the gods remembered what happened, Iolum couldn’t succeed. .

The moment he proclaimed his god's name to the main plane was when he fell.

Iolum also understands this, so he said: "I exchange a secret of the multiverse for your refuge."

Before Jiang Hao could speak, Iolum continued, "Do you know that there is a universe besides the multiverse?"

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