I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 311: : Fellow

Horus, Geb, Isis, Seth, Nyarlatotepu, Shanhaijing, Jade Emperor, Wenquxing, Weaver Girl, Thunder God... Jiang Hao was muttering these things from Iolum's mouth, very The familiar name is like knocking over a five-flavored bottle in my heart, I don't know what it's like.

Feelings Before I came, the fellow villagers had already put the other world into a sieve.


If these fellow villagers find me impersonating them to absorb faith at Blue Star, will they beat me up? Jiang Hao thought, suddenly felt that he had a huge shadow in his heart.

No, it may not be a fellow, because they may not come from the universe where the blue star is located, but came to the blue star from other universes, and then showed their power on the blue star, attracting the ancients living on the blue star Believe in them, leave a trace of yourself, and finally continue to travel to other universes.

This also explains why the ancient Egyptians would subjugate their country and species, explain why the cross religion can expand globally, and explain why no one/god jumped out and knocked me sap when I pretended to be a god, Jiang Hao thought in his heart, The shadow dissipated a little.

He organized the language and asked,

"Do you know what level of gods such as Horus, Geb, Isis, Set, Nyarlatotepu, Shanhaijing, Jade Emperor, Wenquxing, Weaver Girl, and Thunder God are?"

What level of god? Why would your Highness ask this question? Iolum froze for a moment, and quickly thought about it, "From my description, Geb, Isis, and Weaver Girl are weak and other divine powers, Horus, Wenquxing, and Thunder God are medium divine powers, Seth, Shanhaijing It is a powerful divine power. Nyarlatotepu and the Jade Emperor should be great divine powers."

Fortunately, there is no threat to me other than Nyarlatotepu. After all, I have never pretended to be Shan Hai Jing, Jade Emperor and Seth. Jiang Hao thought to himself and asked.

"You seem to know them well?"

"Yes." Hearing Jiang Hao's question, Iolum nodded in confession, and then sighed again. "After discovering so many gods that are suspected to have descended from outside the universe, my heart There was great curiosity in it."

"I went to the remains of the Skar Empire and saw the temple left by the Skars. It is a pity that the gods believed by the Skars have disappeared. Their kingdom is hidden in the void outside the territory and it is difficult to find."

"After that, I came to the mechanical realm of clock and watch Nirvana, and spent more than a thousand years looking for the kingdom of God left by the Jade Emperor, but I did not find anything."

"These gods who came to our universe in the Second Age and left quickly, they have left too many secrets."

He left a lot of secrets. After listening to Iolum's words, Jiang Hao muttered in his heart. He felt that he needed to know more about these fellow villagers, so he changed into a curious tone and said:

"Like you, I am quite curious about these gods from outside the universe."

"I will try my best to help you promote to the true god, but after you are promoted to the gods, I hope you can continue to look for the traces of these gods in the multiverse, and share your findings with me."

He originally wanted to suggest that Iolum join his **** system to expand the power of the **** system, but he changed his mind when he thought that the gods that Iolum had offended were flying all over the sky.

"Thank you for your help." Iolum saluted Jiang Hao.

Quite polite, not at all like that unruly, unruly archmage Iolum who specializes in catching the gods... Jiang Hao took the scroll of resistance to color, and his figure gradually disappeared.

"Can you tell me what is your authority?"



Jiang Hao in the kingdom of God repeated this phrase and then stared deeply at the direction of the mechanical realm of Nirvana of the clock.


On the outskirts of Burgundy, two bright suns hung high in the sky.

A few ragged, hungry peasants gathered around Antonio cautiously, looking nervously at Viminaga, the snake **** beside Antonio.

"We are the pastor of our lord, and we must treat potential believers of our **** kindly." Antonio exhorted to Viminaga.

Although the **** of agriculture is not a **** in the good camp, his pastor does not need to be kind, but a pastor with a kind attitude is always a little more affinity than a pastor with a cold and violent attitude, and affinity is particularly important when preaching.

This is the conclusion he reached after observing the priest of the Vengeful God.

Viminaga, who looked uncomfortable, gave a smile that he thought to be amiable, and nodded:

"Well, I'm very kind."

Almost at the same time when he smiled, several farmers moved their positions back a few times, as if they were taken aback, to move their positions further away from Viminaga.

They were arrested by Viminaga, and when they were arrested, the other party also showed the same smile and sent out invitations.

"Don't worry~www.NovelMTL.com~ We won't hurt you."

You didn't hurt us, but what is the difference between you arresting us here and not letting us work and hurting us... These farmers fell silent. If the farmland is not reclaimed this month, there will not be enough food to pay taxes next year, and if there is no food to pay taxes, they will be taken as slaves by the crusaders.

Seeing that these farmers were silent, Antonio directly stated his purpose, "I'm here to spread the faith of God."

"Believe in my **** can get a good harvest."

A good harvest? This word has attracted the attention of these people. As farmers, what they hope most is a bumper harvest, which means that they can feed themselves after paying taxes. Maybe they can buy some sweets and new clothes for the children.

"Can you really get a good harvest?"

Among the farmers, a relatively young man with not so dark skin boldly asked.

"of course."

Antonio gave an affirmative answer without even thinking about it, "My God is the **** who dominates agriculture, the **** of fertility that allows the earth to harvest, and the protector of farmers. As long as you believe in him, he will protect you. You have a good harvest every year."

It sounds beautiful, but what is beautiful does not seem to be true.

"You guys come with me."

Antonio stepped forward.

The farmers hesitated for a moment, and stepped forward one by one, quietly following Antonio, trying to see if what he said was true.

See if the words that sound illusory and not true at all are true.

Soon, Antonio stopped in front of a farmland, and he made a prayer.

"Praise the great agricultural **** Shandru..."

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