I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 192: :trap

The wax melt demon, who was chasing the black dragon, saw the black dragon hiding in the plane of shadow, and immediately prayed to Lady Spider's supernatural power to open the portal to the plane of shadow.

But the moment it entered, it was immediately caught by the creeping tentacles, and the evil power suppressed the supernatural power belonging to the spider lady, and the soul quickly degenerated and corrupted.

"This is a trap, the great lady spider..."


The wax melt demon's body shattered and disintegrated.

Before the black dragon Bamas who had escaped had time to breathe a sigh of relief, he felt that the area of ​​the plane of shadow he was in was full of evil and deep breath. The intuition from the dragon made it feel creepy. , It barely thought about it, and fluttered its wings to escape from here.

However, the next moment, a tentacles stretched out, wrapped the black dragon, and dragged it back.

Just as it prayed for the dragon mother in its heart, a deep voice came over.

"What are you running?"

"This voice is... my master's voice?"

Hearing a familiar voice, a thought flashed in the black dragon Bamas's mind, and then it was surprised to find that the tentacles that had wrapped it slowly loosened it, and at the same time, the deep evil aura gradually disappeared into the shadow. Inside.

Following the news of the breath, the trembling heart of the Black Dragon Bamas gradually recovered.

"Does that breath come from the master?"

Black Dragon Bamas whispered in surprise.

Although the deep evil aura is completely different from what Jiang Hao usually shows, the aura can be disguised, and although the clone is rare in the main plane, it is not non-existent.

Thinking of this, Black Dragon Bamas felt a little settled.

Two melted wax monsters were successfully eliminated, and Serra took out a scroll again, tearing it apart.

The mysterious symbol turned into a door, and disappeared in a flash. Serra and the others, together with the black dragon Bamas, quickly disappeared from the plane of shadow. The dim world in their eyes began to recede, and the element of fire came from a distance. The sound of giants fighting with giant spiders, the smell of barbecue still permeating the air.

"That breath really came from the master."

The black dragon Bamas, who had returned to the gloomy region, immediately settled down. The master's voice and the other party's actions did not harm him. Who else could be so gentle except for the great master?

"Praise the great master."

It prayed in his heart.


Shamas City,

In a temple shrouded by the sacred power of Ms. Spider, a gray-blue flame was blazing, and this flame reflected what had happened outside the city of Shamas.

When Vicya discovered that Sela and his party appeared outside Shamas city, and the two wax-melted demons who had been enshrined in the temple all the year round chased Sela and others into an unknown place and did not come out. When dealing with the conspiracy, she immediately smelled the conspiracy.

Is the news from the dark elves of the surface world false? No, the news they sent back should be true, but the other party deliberately used the dark elf's hand to pass it on to themselves and others.

These guys from the surface deliberately pass the news to themselves, and then deliberately make a little knowledge of the dark area and want to pretend to be a caravan to find out the intelligence of Shamas City. The purpose is to lure us to take the initiative. Attack?

Their target is cannon fodder troops? No, the cannon fodder troops are not enough for them to lay out. Their purpose is Ms. Spider's god-servant waxing demon? No, their real purpose is to prevent Ms. Spider from using the body of the gods to melt the monsters.

"Using that black dragon and yourself as bait, the two servants who will descend from Lady Spider's kingdom are led out from the temple, and then proceed to kill them, cutting off the way for Lady Spider to descend... These dark believers are really hateful. "

Vikya, who had always been the only dark elves who used conspiracy to play other races in applause, immediately became angry when she found out that she had been played.

Shaman's face changed drastically when she heard the words of Matriarch Vikya: "The servants are dead?"

The wax-melted demons are the servants who descended from the spider lady's kingdom. Their existence not only symbolizes that their Do'Urden family's rule of Shamas City is recognized by the spider lady, but also the channel for them to communicate with the spider lady and their The ultimate combat power of Shamas City.

——Ms. Spider can use the body of these wax-melting monsters to descend from God at any time.

After seeing Vicya nodding, Shaman immediately said: "Mother, please immediately hold a sacrifice to communicate with the great goddess, pray for him to open the channel to the kingdom of God, and send a new wax-melted demon to come down."

"Yes." Vikya also reacted and ordered.


The temple shook suddenly.

"They attacked?"

Shaman thought of this possibility right away, and Vicya didn't speak, but rushed out with a calm face.

As soon as she came out, she saw shooting stars with long tails being summoned from the void outside the domain and slamming on the walls of Shamas City.

Although these meteors were teleported and smashed on the city of Shamas, instead of falling directly from the void outside the domain, the city walls of Shamas were still unable to withstand the impact brought by the meteorite. Great power.

A magical aura quickly extinguished after flashing, and then the seemingly tall city wall collapsed.

Countless dark elves and their slave troops were wiped out in the first wave of impact.

Immediately afterwards, the flames in the sky fell like rain, and the magic power that had existed in Shamas City for so many years began to operate, resisting the rain of fire from the sky.

Don't wait for those dark elves, such as blade-like winds, turquoise poisonous water, chilly hail, thundering thunder...and so on, all kinds of magic bombard the city of Shamas.

Every magic can cover the entire city.

Seeing Serra who tears the magic scroll as easily as breathing air~www.NovelMTL.com~The red light in the eyes of Black Dragon Bamas, "These are treasures."

The magic scroll is a complex crafted and loved by nobles. Although it is a one-time item, the price is still high, and the magic scroll that the bishop from the church of the night has just torn off is converted into a gem, the quantity is almost the same. It's close to one-tenth of the number of gems in its collection, how can it not be jealous.

"about there."

After tearing off the last scroll and summoning hundreds of earth elemental giants from the elemental plane, Serra took out a small door with a delicate structure and mysterious runes engraved on it, and input his divine power.

The dark brilliance expanded and spread.

Silently, a luxuriously equipped knight group appeared out of thin air outside the city of Shamas.

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