I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 193: : The Queen is Coming

All bright silver chain mail, all white horses, all crusher greatswords, they stood neatly and quietly outside the city of Shamas, and then launched a charge under orders.

The sound of horseshoe charging sounded in the light-lit world, and a white horse skilfully crossed the city wall that had been smashed into ruins by the first wave of meteorites and rushed into the city of Shamas.

The guards and soldiers of Shamas City had already collapsed under the magic bombardment of the sky. Those guards who had escaped the magic bombardment all hid in a panic, unintentionally and the knights armed to their teeth. Combat.

The Knights rushed into the city of Shamas.

"Mr. Black Dragon."

Seeing the knights rushing into Shamas City as if there is no one, Serra nodded and said to the black dragon Bamas: "The temple will trouble you."

The black dragon Bamas stiffened upon hearing this.

Why should I go to attack the temple?

That is the temple, the temple of Ms. Spider, let alone that the temple of the dark elves is where the high-end power of the entire race gathers. The name of Ms. Spider alone makes dragons fearful. This evil **** is not a magnanimous god. Destroying his temple is to be hated by him, maybe he will give you a punishment or a surrender while you are sleeping.

"This time the reward is tripled."

"no problem."

The black dragon Bamas received the order and immediately fluttered his fat wings to fly over the temple, and opened his mouth to eject the hot dragon's breath, "I am your disaster."

The scorching firelight collided with the shrine's magical brilliance, and the shrine, which had lost a lot of power in the previous waves of blows, quickly defeated the demigod-level black dragon's breath jet.

The flames raged.

Soon, dark elves of legendary ranks and spider-like dark elves rushed out to face the black dragon.

The first encounter with the black dragon was the spider-formed dark elves. These monsters transformed by the magical power of Ms. Spider spread their limbs and hugged the black dragon. The black dragon swept out his sharp tail with his backhand and swept these limbs. Hit all back.

The dark elves who took the initiative one step behind and let the spider-like dark elves in Xi’an saw that the spider-like dark elves had completed their historical missions, they immediately accelerated up with a scimitar, and the black dragon took a breath, and its fat belly swelled When he got up, the hot dragon's breath sprayed out from its mouth, forcing the dark elves back, and before they rushed up again, the giants of the earth element surrounded them.

These dark elves were forced to fight the earth elemental giants.

In the void, a secret eye opened, watching all this.

"The victory is basically set."

Jiang Hao, who was observing the war through the Eye of Horus, thought about it. Although the high-end combat power of Shamas City has not been defeated, the low-level troops and cannon fodder troops are facing the knights. massacre.

And when the Knights vacate their hands, the dark elves' high-end combat power will be destroyed sooner or later.

Just like Mother Vikya thought, this is indeed a trap, but they are really unfamiliar with the dark regions, and they also have a dark eye on the dark elves. But being unfamiliar doesn’t mean they don’t know how many in the temple. It's a vehicle for Lady Spider to descend.

After all, this world has such things as prophecies.

Under Serra's money offensive, the fortuneteller easily fortunes out the number of wax melters. In order to prevent the divination from being disturbed and the wrong answer appears, Serra hired several fortunetellers and prophets from all angles. After prophesying and divination, the answer to the first divination was the correct answer.

So there was the scene where Jiang Hao’s creeping walker clone solved the two wax-melting demons by luring the wax-melting monsters to the plane of shadows.

The elimination of the Melting Wax Demon is equivalent to cutting off the possibility of Lady Spider's surrender.

"The only variable now is the clone or projection of Ms. Spider."

The gods need a carrier for the surrender, but the clones and projections are not needed. As long as the gods are willing to pay the price, they can project the clones and projections at any time.

However, he also made a countermeasure here. Serra has a complete but simplified altar in his hand. As long as it is used, he or the Creeping Walker clone can be temporarily summoned to him.

"Will he drop the clone or projection?"

Jiang Hao stared at the battlefield closely.

On the battlefield, the spidering dark elves and the dark elves began to die. Although they were all elites, their opponents were stimulated by rewards to beat the black dragon with blood and firepower.

Don't look at the black dragon Bamas who is usually very afraid of many things that are connected with the gods, and likes to work hard, but its own strength is not weak.

As the top existence of many races on the planes, the dragon is already very powerful. Ordinary creatures are not their opponents at all. Moreover, it is a demi-god rank. Even if the dark elves can temporarily hold the black dragon by their numerical advantage Ma Si, but in the case of being injured next to each other, they will inevitably suffer casualties, and once casualties occur, they will be defeated.

What's more, among the elements beside them, the earth elemental giants, known to be the first and most resistant to beatings, were restrained by them, and the dark elves were quickly defeated.

On the other hand, those knights trained and armed by the Augustus family smoothly killed the cannon fodder and the lower dark elves who tried to resist. They turned their heads to support the black dragon. This practice accelerated the defeat of the dark elves.


Doubt appeared on Jiang Hao's face, "Ms. Spider didn't lower her clone or projection?"

Shamas City, as the city where the whole city believes in the spider lady, is about to be destroyed, this moody **** has not appeared to save his believers?

Suddenly, Jiang Hao found his room darkened.

A collapsed palace did not know when it was intertwined with a simple room~www.NovelMTL.com~The huge broken stone pillars occupied his vision.

At the end of the ruined palace, a fiery female demon stood on the throne.

The wide wings spread out from behind her, and the thorny devil's tail stretched freely from the hem. She flicked a whip, and a pair of brilliant eyes stared at Jiang Hao with interest.

The succubus queen Mekanshut.

She actually came to me...

Jiang Hao's body stiffened for a while and his brain went blank.

"Do you want to know why the woman playing the spider didn't lower the clone or projection?" Meikanshute exuded infinite charm, evoking his sex, "It's simple, because the heavenly mountain gods are attacking the abyss." 8)

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