I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 191: : Respond to the call

The dragon’s voice was very loud, and the voice of ‘wait ah’ spread far, far away, but Sierra and the others didn’t know if they heard it or heard it but didn’t respond, so there was no response.

"Your friend ran away."

A fiery female dark elf walked up, her red lips were glowing lightly, and she let out a jingle of laughter, "Black Dragon, why don't we be friends, I won't abandon my companions."

"Are you rich?" Heilong looked at the dark elf with small but prominent dark eyes, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Because Serra used the scroll to disperse the temple projection, the power in the temple that prevented it from opening its mouth also disappeared.

The female dark elf was startled.

"Do you have the dark night church and rich?" The black dragon fell on the ground, his disdain in his eyes deepened, "No, you don't, so the lowly waxy demon, put away your changes, and I will smell the smell on your body. I want to vomit."

"The greedy black dragon,"

When the female dark elf spoke, her face suddenly changed. A 6-foot-tall waxy monster appeared in front of the black dragon, "As a sacrifice to the great Rose Queen, all of you ran away. Can't drop."

It stared at the black dragon with blood-red eyes, opened its mouth and prayed.

"God, please keep your eyes on, and pray for your power to come..."

The power full of sacred taste came, and the black dragon Bamas felt a malicious gaze fall on him.

"What I hate the most is creatures like you that are in contact with gods."

It opened its mouth and spouted a breath of dragon, forced away the melting wax demon that was rushing forward, and then fluttered its wings and ran away immediately.

The long life made it understand that none of the creatures with the gods behind the titles of **** servants, godly favored ones, and gods are easy to provoke, except that they themselves can borrow the power of gods to gain additional bonuses. Also because they have gods as the backstage.

Although on the main plane, apart from Cyric of the Dark Sun and Ogma, the All-Knowing Lord, no **** claims to be an omnipotent existence, but the closer you get to the gods, the more you understand that the gods are in their own hands. The almost omnipotent power possessed by authority.

The gods who are not good at fighting can always win the battle against the existence below the **** level. The existence of the legendary level or the demi **** level can only kill the gods in the scripts and dramas fabricated by those demon believers. appear.

Apart from other things, the commonly used divine art of the Light Gods: Extraordinary Divine Art—Life and Death to Seize This divine art that can resurrect or kill mortal creatures at will, it can easily take away any professional below the legendary rank, including the legendary rank. Even if this legend holds a large number of artifacts in his hands, it is useless.

"Don't run." Seeing the black dragon escape, the wax melting demon immediately chased him up.

These are the sacrifices of Ms. Spider. If the sacrifice that reaches the mouth runs away, Ms. Spider will be very angry, and if the lady is angry, the consequences will be serious.

While it was chasing the black dragon, another wax melted demon stretched out his arm to pray. The divine power from Lady Spider fell, opening the illusory and mysterious door in front of it.

Seeing this door, the wax melt demon rushed in without hesitation.

The world behind the door is no different from the main plane. After stepping into the door, it is as if you have not stepped in. There is no change in the environment except that the world seen by the line of sight has become darker. It can even I saw the giant spider fighting with the fire elemental giant and the companions chasing the black dragon, but all these were dim tones, and everything was silent.

But from the perspective of spatial coordinates, it has already left the main plane and entered the shadow of the main plane-the shadow plane.

It quickly found Serra and others hiding in the plane of shadow,

"You can't run away."

"Isn't it good to be consecrated to the great lady spider?"

Seeing the wax melt demon chasing, Serra took out the scroll again and tore it open.

A huge sword burning with flames swung over from behind the wax melt demon. The sharp sword cut through its mud-like body. The wax melt demon was cut into two pieces. The whole body was made of steel and looked like a knight. The same tall demon puppet stood behind the wax melt demon holding a sword.

But the wax melt demon that was cut in two didn't care about these. As a servant, it had long lost its pain in the process of being transformed, and ordinary methods could not kill it.

Under everyone’s gaze, the lower half of the wax melted demon's body struggled and jumped, actively approaching the upper half as if it was alive, and fused with it, it recovered in the blink of an eye, and it was never cut off anymore. Mark of.

But Sierra took advantage of the time it was recovering and tore open a scroll in preparation.

An illusory door engraved with mysterious symbols was sketched out, the magical aura suddenly skyrocketed, and a peculiar summoning power rushed out of the plane of shadow and cast it into the void outside of the unknown.

At the same time, Jiang Hao's Creeping Walker clone in the void outside the domain felt this summoning power and immediately responded. He responded to Serra's call and stretched out the squirming tentacles.

So in Serra's sight, squirming tentacles stretched out from behind the door, grabbing the wax melting demon's body.

The evil force surged, polluting its consciousness, the wax melt demon's body was full of the magical power of the spider lady, and it quickly retreated under the pollution of this evil force.

It's not that Ms. Spider's divine power is inferior to the evil power of the ancient evil things, but that Ms. Spider's divine power contained in the body of the wax melt monster is too scarce.

"Crawler, the believer of Lady Dark Night actually borrowed the power of the ancient evil, the great Lady Spider..." The wax melt demon screamed.

Only Ms. Spider colluded with the ancient evil. Why is Ms. Dark now also colluding with the ancient evil?

The tight tentacles shrank sharply, and the wax melt demon's body instantly snapped to pieces.

Creeping Walker... That demigod named Sandru can manipulate ancient evil things? As expected to be a powerful demigod about to be promoted to the true god~www.NovelMTL.com~ Seeing that what he had summoned was the tentacles of the ancient evil creeping walker, Serra felt that he had seen Sandreu's hole cards.

The demigods are also divided into strengths and weaknesses, and in the demigod position, except for those powerful existences such as true gods, demon princes, and ancient evil things that are forced to be reduced to demigods because they descend on the main plane and are suppressed by the main plane, It is generally recognized that the top existences in the demigod ranks are those demigods who are already in the process of being promoted to the true gods.

Each of these demigods has unimaginable hole cards.

The thought flashed through, and Serra immediately tore open a scroll again as agreed.

Suddenly, a black dragon was pulled in.

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