I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 190: : Temple of Lady Spider

when did it happen?

Seeing the white silk threads on her body, Serra felt a cold chill surge up. She raised her head and found that these threads criss-crossed and formed a huge spider web.

And at the invisible end of the spider web, a huge red and black spider looked at himself and others with his scarlet eyes.

Seeing someone watching him, the huge spider raised his head slightly. On its head, a bust of the appearance of a female dark elf rose from the spider's body.

The huge altar and the phantom of the temple descended, covering the area where they were located. With the descending of the temple, the magic web in the area was suppressed by the magical power of the spider lady, and their connection with the night lady was temporarily cut off.

This means that they will not be able to release magic through the magic net and they will not be able to release magic by communicating with the gods and borrowing the power of the gods.

At the other end of the temple, hundreds of female dark elf phantoms sat quietly on the bench near the outside of the temple, watching the pedestrian with a strange look.

The temple...Ms. Spider's pet... This is a sacrifice.

Serra, who holds sacrifices all the year round, smells a sacred smell in this scene.

We were sacrificed to Lady Spider by them.

Looking at these, the bust of the female dark elf on the spider had her lips curled strangely, and the eyes of the statue with no engraved eyes were highlighted with traces of bright red.

Seeing this scene, hundreds of female dark elves sitting on the bench prayed at the same time.

"Praise you!

"The Great Queen Rose:

"The ruler of the abyss:

"The creator of the dark elves!"

Accompanied by the sound of prayer, some great existence seemed to project its gaze, and everyone present felt this gaze full of cruelty and malice.

The female dark elves clasped their hands together, and there was a look of awe on their faces. Serra and the others, who were watching by this gaze, felt a deep chill falling from the top of their heads, freezing their whole bodies all the way to the soles of their feet, and the whole person looked like Like falling into the deep sea.

Almost instinctively, Serra said, "Great Lady of the Night..."

Although this may be of little use, the great Lady Dark Night cannot happen to pay attention to her. She is not the favored person or the descendant of God, and she will not be paid attention to by Lady Dark Night all the time, but in case, 10,000 One happened to attract the attention of the great lady of the night.

But when she was chanting, an unknown force sealed her mouth, preventing her from chanting the name of the goddess.

Vicia said coldly, "Let's get started."

The giant spider stood in place and made a squat movement. Its abdomen protruded, and gray spiders smaller than a baby's tail finger came out from the giant spider's back **** with light green mucus.

These little spiders swish and crawl on the spider web as soon as they were born, rushing up towards Serra and others.

Rao is that the female clergy present are stronger than ordinary women, and I can't help my scalp numb after seeing this scene.

The black dragon Bamas opened his mouth, and the scorching dragon's breath began to gather, but the next moment, an unknown force gently brushed its mouth, and its mouth was closed.

Tiamat, the benevolent dragon mother, please save your beloved child. I am willing to offer you one ten millionth of my treasure.

Black Dragon Bamas reluctantly prayed in his heart.

As a black dragon that has lived for many years, it has seen countless creatures, the demons in the abyss, the demons in hell, and the undead from the underworld.

But looking at these densely packed little spiders, it felt numb in its heart. For the first time, it felt that such little things were more terrifying than demons, demons, and undead.


A shooting star crossed and stuck on the ground, and the white silk threads connected together were disconnected one by one.

Serra, who was free, immediately summoned his companions to escape with action.

Seeing the prey about to run, the little spiders became impatient, and their surging speed became more and more rapid. Some fast-running little spiders stepped on the body of the same kind to rush forward, ready to enjoy their own meal.

Seeing that the spider was about to catch up, Serra took out a scroll and tore it open.

Dozens of flaming meteors fell from the sky with their long tails, and hit the small spiders who gathered into a gray wave.

The flames exploded one after another and burned on the ground, but the gray wave was quickly extinguished, and at the same time, countless spiders turned into a pile of coke, and the air was filled with a faint, burnt meat fragrance. .

"I hate the smell of meat."

Heilong Bamas muttered in his heart, flapped his wings vigorously, grabbed Serra with his paws, and flew into the sky.

Just as they were about to fly out of the temple, the huge spider that fell on the ground because the spider web was cut off opened its mouth and spit out a large string of white spider silk.

Huh huh!

The spider silk came first and stuck to the flying black dragon Bamas.

Bamas raised the other paw and pointed it at the spider silk. The sharp nails ran across the spider silk, but it didn't work.

These spider silks did not know what they were made of, they were extremely tough, and without waiting for it to make a second move, more spider silks entangled up, wrapping it into a kind of zongzi in circles.

Immediately afterwards, the giant spider forcefully contracted the white silk that it spit out, and pulled the black dragon down a little bit.

This huge spider of unknown species is actually stronger than the black dragon Bamas.

Seeing that the black dragon failed to escape, Serra took out the three scrolls in one breath and tore them apart together.

The enlightenment of magic lit up, an illusory door appeared out of thin air, and an elemental giant full of fire fell from behind the door on the white spider silk.

When these extremely tough spider silks touched the blue flame on the fire elemental giant, they burned directly, and the white spider silk was quickly burned in the flame.

The Fire Elemental Giant that fell on the ground helped his **** sitting on the ground with his hand, and looked back at Serra who was caught by the black dragon~www.NovelMTL.com~ and then stepped on the ground, making a rumbling sound. Ran towards the giant spider in stride.

Then a light-colored halo spreads around the torn scroll in Serra's hand.

The huge altar, the phantom of the temple, and the phantom of the dark elf sitting on the bench quickly disintegrated after touching the halo.

She dispelled the magic of the dark elves.

Immediately afterwards, the world that she and her escaping companions saw at the same time turned into a dim tone. The movement and sound of the fire elemental giant fighting with the giant spider began to become distant. It was clear that the other party was still in sight, but it seemed It's something like that, making those things distant and silent.

Seeing Serra who disappeared from her hand and the people who disappeared at the same time, Black Dragon Bamas was startled in amazement.


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