I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 189: :silk

Sure enough, he is a believer in the dark night. "

After hearing the news from her subordinates, Mother Vikya did not panic or rejoice.

As the mistress of a family, Vikya knows the hugeness of the Church of the Dark Night, but she knows better that killing, defeating and sacrificing these believers of the Dark Night to Lady Spider will make her happy. The great Lady Spider I don't like Lady Night.

Of course, if it is a large army of the Church of the Night, if there is Lady Night watching in the void outside the domain, let alone Ms. Spider likes it, even if he drops the oracle, she will not dare to attack their idea, unless it is Ms. Spider herself. It is possible to come to supervise the war.

But according to intelligence, this time it was only the power of a temple in the Church of the Dark Night. It was the private action of the bishop. As long as they were caught and dedicated to Ms. Spider, they would get the grace of Ms. Spider.

"Ulliver, take those inferior slaves to test them first."

She glanced at the male dark elf next to her and said, "Be careful not to die."

Although Ms. Spider loves female dark elves to become her own clergy, the dark elves are a matriarchal society. The rulers of a family are basically women. The whole society is proud of women and shameful of men, but there are always some outstanding ones. Male performance stands out.

Dark elves such as Zachnavan and Drizzt, who left their names in history, are all outstanding males who stand out from the group of female dark elves.

"Yes." Ulliver left in response.

When the followers of Ms. Spider responded, Sara, who was transformed into a merchant, approached the destination of the trip, and stopped at the edge of a city standing in the gloomy area.

"Bamas, do you know this city?"

Pretending to be a caravan, inquiring about the news, and then seizing the city, serving as a foothold, slowly spreading the faith of Lady Night to the entire gloomy region was her original plan.

But after entering the dark region, Sai La found that it seemed that the foreign aid he had invited had a good understanding of the dark region?

"Shamas City."

The black dragon Bamas took a look and gave the name, "It was a famous city in the last epoch, but it is famous because it is the only city dominated by male dark elves."

Saila nodded, and she also knew about the female dignity of the dark elves. It is said that if the high-ranking male dark elves get in the way of the female dark elves, the female dark elves can hack him to death on the spot without being responsible.

In such a social environment, a city dominated by male dark elves appeared.

In the dark elf system, a city is equivalent to an independent kingdom.

"However, as the spider lady's gaze is watching, Shamas City is already in the past tense, now the Do'Urden family is ruling here, and the mistress is Vicya Do'Urden."

"House Du'Urden?"

Hearing what the black dragon Bamas said, Syrah immediately came up with a name, "Do'Urden where the ranger Drizzt is located?"

As a ranger adventurous on the surface, the ranger Drizzt is arguably one of the most well-known dark elves, he and Bruno the dwarf, Bruno’s human adopted daughter Katie Brier, Wulfgar the barbarian, and Regis the halfling. The adventure story of people taking risks together is still widely circulated in the human world as a stage play.

Many people in the surface world have their understanding of the underground world from those legends of the ranger Drizzt.

"Yes, that's the Du'Urden family."

The black dragon Bamas bent his small paws to grab a gold coin and became intoxicated. "At the beginning of the Fifth Age, the Du'Urden family was defeated in the battle with the Banri family and was forced to leave the city of Mzoberlei. Here it is."

"They conquered this place and sacrificed all the male dark elves to Lady Spider, thus gaining control of the city."

"Misoberle, the largest city of the dark elves, did not expect that the city we chose at random could actually have a relationship with the city of Menzoberle."

Saila thought for a while and asked, "How is the strength of the Du'Urden family?"

"The strength of the dark elf is not very good."

Heilong Bamas thought for a while and added, "But be careful of Lady Spider’s sacred demon. The dark elves believe in Lady Spider. The ruler of each of their cities is a priest of the church, so almost every city They all enshrine a number of wax melted monsters. Each of these wax melted monsters has a legendary rank. As the **** servants, they can borrow the power of the spider lady, which is more powerful than ordinary legendary professionals, and they will even summon when necessary. The projection or clone of Ms. Spider descends."

"Do you have any advice?"

Although it is not uncommon for the gods of the church faith to personally end up on the surface world, it was the first time she encountered the situation that the **** servant of the kingdom of God was sitting in the city personally, which was completely different from the surface model.

Ms. Spider, does this regard the dark region as his earthly kingdom of God?

Looking at the clergyman with frowning eyebrows, Black Dragon Bamas asked back, "Can you stop Ms. Spider's clone or projection?"


"Then find a way to kill the Melting Demon, and not give them a chance to summon Lady Spider." Black Dragon Bamas said with a shake of his head.

A few minutes later, when they were approaching Shamas City, a bunch of goblins, Deinonychus, gray dwarves, spidering dark elves, and kobolds emerged in Shamas City.

With simple weapons, they rushed towards the caravan without any protection.

"Help, I'll pay you."

The brilliance of divine art was lit up, and all kinds of blessings were in it. The knights of the church took out their swords and rushed up. Serra shouted to the black dragon Bamas after releasing a round of divine art.

Although the black dragon is greedy for money, as a member of the Augustus family, the family's ancestor motto is that problems that can be solved with money are not a problem.

"I want a lot of gold coins and gems."

The black dragon Bamas suddenly changed into its original appearance, grabbed a goblin and threw it out. With a flick of its sharp tail, a gray dwarf flew out in disbelief.

These cannon fodder troops composed of slaves were completely unmatched against the black dragon, and quickly collapsed.

Seeing the ferocious black dragon, the first to break down was the kobolds. These creatures, which are said to have the blood of the dragon, kneeled on the ground and shivered despite being on the battlefield, and yelled in their "dragon language". The dragon expressed his surrender.

These races, who have always claimed to be descendants of the dragon, and call their own knuckles as dragons, once encounter the dragon~www.NovelMTL.com~, they will surrender first without being conquered by the other party.

The second is the gray dwarves. These evil races with the same bloodline as the dwarves on the surface that are good at forging equipment see the black dragon immediately invisible, and disappear from the battlefield.

The remaining Deinonychus, goblins, and spidered dark elves were cleaned up by the knights and priests.

From attack to defeat, this cannon fodder army of slaves only existed for three minutes.

Before Serra reaped the joy of victory, she felt that her hands and feet became heavy. She almost instinctively opened up her real vision, only seeing a single thread, not knowing when to appear next to them, and stick them. Up.

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