I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 188: : The Dark Territory

A faint phantom melted into the body, and after Fiona Russell digested the information she had received, the corners of her mouth rose involuntarily, and her face showed heartfelt joy.

At this moment, a worried voice came,

"Miss, what's wrong with you, you can't do anything."

It was Liya... Fiona Russell was startled at first, and immediately recognized who the owner of this voice was, and then complained: "It's Liya, why didn't you knock on the door before you came in?"

"I knocked it." Leah walked in and sat beside Fiona Russell worriedly, and she said with her words: "Miss, I know you are very sad when Grand Duke has gone, but you have to be strong, Duke is here. In the kingdom of the goddess, I don’t want to see you like this now."

After hearing the maid’s words, Fiona Russell showed a smile on her face, “Lea, my father won’t go to the goddess’ country anymore, he’s going to be resurrected.”

She shared the joy with her personal maid, but because of the relationship that the party could not disclose to the outside world, she did not give the details.

It's over.

The young lady was crushed by the news of the death of the Grand Duke.

Liya sighed in her heart. Combined with the abnormal expression of joy that the young lady was sitting on the bed before, she felt that the young lady could not bear the death of the archduke, so something went wrong in her mind.

She followed Fiona Russell's words, "Yes, the Grand Duke will be resurrected."

"Lea, I will see my dad soon. What do you think I should wear to meet him? I want him to see the best and the best me." Fiona Russell said with joy. Said, "He seems to like me wearing that dress, but that dress is uncomfortable to wear."

"Miss, didn't the Grand Duke give you a set of clothes last time? You can wear that suit." Liya said with a sweet smile, thinking in her heart that she would invite a priest who is good at spiritual healing to come to Miss Look, the lady can't be okay.

"You said that set, where did I put that set? I looked for it, I really want to remember that I put it here? But no." Fiona Russell looked for it in her room.

After a concealed sigh, Liya went up to help find it, "Miss, think about it again, where did you put your clothes."

"I remember here, why can't I find it..."


Deep underground, the faint fluorescence emitted from the plants brought a faint light to the invisible darkness. Clusters of pale vines grew and spread on the gray stone ground until the feet were high.

"Is this the underground world?"

Saila, dressed as a businessman, bowed her head and prayed. The brilliance of divine art surged, blessing everyone with the ability of night vision, allowing them to adapt to the environment of the underground world.

"In fact, the aboriginal people of the underground world prefer to call it the dark region." The two small but prominent dark eyes of the black dragon Bamas, who have transformed into a dog-like animal, revealed a fierce look. "In the dark region, The law of intelligent life is not the legal order from the surface that is closer to them, but the chaos and chaos that follow the abyss."

As a dragon that has lived for countless years, it is no stranger to the dark regions.

When he was young, he was often chased by adventurers because of robbery. Sometimes he hid in the dark areas to avoid those adventurers who are more sensitive than any wild dogs.

Some adventurers will choose to give up after discovering that it is hiding in the dark area, but some adventurers will go deep into the dark area and continue to hunt down. At that time, it needs to use its wisdom to fight their wits and courage.

"The followers of Cthulhu are naturally chaotic and disorderly."

"But when the brilliance of the great goddess shines on them, they will escape the clutches of chaos and return to the embrace of the night."

Saila gently nodded, dozens of priests of the gods, a legendary magic item, plus the follow of a demigod black dragon and the gaze of the demigod who is already preparing to be promoted to the true god, this lineup , Even if the opponent is a believer of the evil god, she has the confidence to defeat it.

The black dragon Bamas didn’t mean to refute Saira. Although the dark regions are full of dangers and the indigenous creatures are fierce, even the dragons dare to challenge them. They follow the original law of eating the weak and strong, unlike many evil creatures on the surface. If the dragon receives its head and worships, it is willing to be a servant of the dragon and serve the dragon.

But it doesn't mean that they can't be subdued. Another nature of the weak and the strong is to worship the strong, and among the gods, the lady of the night is standing at the top.

In the gloomy region, is there any evil **** whose power can compare with the great and generous Lady Dark Night?

I hope I can get a good salary this time.

The black dragon Bamas turned his mind to the treasure inexplicably.

Last time it made a fortune. Afterwards, the bishop named Sairah didn't see a painful look on his face. It seemed that he wanted less?

It is indeed the Dark Night Church that has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and the wealth it has gathered can satisfy even the appetite of the dragon.

At this time, two female figures who were almost integrated with the surrounding environment quietly lurked down, staring at the pedestrian with their silver-white eyes for a while and then quietly left.

After moving away from this pedestrian, a woman with a barely dressed and hot body couldn't help but speak, "The believer in the dark night has actually entered the gloomy area, and the spider lady is here, and the news from Sabrina is actually true, dark night. The church is really thinking about us."

The dark elves are not a race that knows nothing about the surface. As a surface race, they are very envious of the prosperous world where their relatives live. They always want to return to the surface. They pay much attention to the collection of information on the surface world. Countless dark elves who have been taken away by humans and become playmates on the bed of nobles are their source of information~www.NovelMTL.com~Of course, those human nobles would not expect that the stunners who have almost no contact with the outside world will pass information to them through prayers. Ms. Spider, then the information will be distributed by Ms. Spider's maids.

"Are you afraid?" Another companion chuckled, "Saman, you who once slaughtered a large tribe of goblins in the war would be afraid of the followers of Lady Night."

"Night Church is not the same as a goblin." Shaman squeezed the scimitar in his hand. As the most powerful church among humans on the surface, the foundation of the Night Church is so deep that the whole family of elves may not be comparable to them.

"It's nothing different. Humans are like goblins. They are timid and cowardly. Maybe they need to add a lust." Her companion smiled contemptuously. "Well, I'm going back and telling the mistress, the mistress. But a beautiful gift was prepared for these people."

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