I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 187: : Deliberately please

You let me save the situation? It seems that you have a high opinion of me... Does this mean that I am actually very successful in acting as a god? Jiang Hao thought to himself, pondered his words, deliberately slowed down his tone and asked.


Your Highness, are you ready to agree? It seems that this majesty is very great. He didn't ask who the **** descended from, but directly asked the time... Fiona Russell praised her in her heart.

Iyetta Cavendil thought about it for a moment and said: "It is estimated that in the next six months to two years."

The reason why it is estimated for half a year is because it is not costless for the gods to descend on the main plane. On the one hand, it is to fight against the ubiquitous restrictions of the main plane. After the gods descend, every move needs to consume a lot of divine power and release the magic. The consumption has increased by hundreds to thousands of times, and the gods with a little less believer can't afford this consumption.

On the other hand, the characteristics of the gods ‘everywhere is the kingdom of God’ conflicts with the strict laws of the main plane. When the characteristics and the laws collide, the gods will be injured.

The longer the gods after the descent of God stay on the main plane, the deeper the injury. After every descent of the gods, the gods need to return to their own kingdom to adjust their state.

The reason why he expects to be within two years is that he will be able to promote the steam engine to the entire main plane at most two years. If the goddess of the forest does not act within two years, he will no longer be afraid of being promoted to the true **** with the authority of "steam" in two years. The goddess of the forest.

Is it between six months and two years? Jiang Hao nodded gently.

After half a year, the wheat will be harvested. The high yield of Blue Star wheat can definitely cause the nobles of the main plane to follow suit. In this world where most of the land is concentrated in the hands of the nobles, the nobles’ land is full of wheat. , It means that wheat has become the mainstream, and then he will use this to announce his **** name to the entire main plane, thereby promoting the true god.

But if the time can be longer, it would be better, then I will be more sure... Jiang Hao thought to himself, and said with no expression on his face.

"Recently a seed called wheat has become popular."

wheat? It seems to have heard that it is said that it is a high-yield crop, and many nobles are growing it. Is it related to this highness? Fiona Russell thought to herself.

seed? High-yield crops? Could it be that…….

Iyetta Cavendil and Afram Krell had a guess at the same time.

After a pause, he collected the expressions of the three in front of him, and he chose one among several ideas.

Jiang Hao admitted with a half smile, "That's mine."


Hearing the accurate answer given by this great majesty, Iyetta Cavendil and Afram Krell's guesses in their hearts were confirmed at the same time.

Wheat seeds, high-yield crops, this highness is secretly holding a new authority, but he doesn't know what this new authority is, "seed"? ‘Farmer’? ‘Good Harvest’? Or "agriculture"?

Iyetta Cavendil immediately understood the request of this highness, "I will definitely try my best to promote wheat."

Wheat... Authority... Listening to the words of Mr. Mysterious Man, Fiona Russell suddenly realized that this is where wheat is, this is clearly authority, and this highness is holding new authority!

Her mood suddenly became agitated. The gods were great because of their authority. The more authority and the stronger the authority, the greater the gods.

After mastering the new authority, the already great His Royal Highness in front of him is about to become even greater.

"Can I also assist His Highness in promoting wheat seeds?"

"I currently serve in the church of the Goddess of Ice and Snow. The church of the gods has a wide range of influence in the north of the main plane. I can help His Highness to promote wheat in many northern countries." Afram Krell was in a strange mood. He was not excited, he said in a calm tone.

Iyetta Cavendil’s experience made him understand that the road to godhood is not easy, because of the relationship of authority, he has already determined his enemies from the moment he embarks on the path to godhood, and those enemies are also It won't be a fair duel with him as described in the drama.

They will do everything possible to prevent him from grasping the authority of ‘entertainment’, even if he chooses to start with the authority of ‘game’ to reduce the difficulty of becoming a god, the enemies may decrease, but they will never disappear.

And he doesn't have the blood of gods in his body like Iyetta Cavendil, and the power of the family behind him can't support him to become a god.

The power he envisioned to support him to become a **** is this great majesty, but he racked his brains and couldn't think of what he could pay to a **** as a reward for helping him become a god.

Now this great majesty is ready to take over new authority, he feels that he can help, and gain a little favorability in front of this god.

Jiang Hao didn't expect Afram Krell to offer to help, he said after a little thought:

"What kind of payment do you want?"

"Great Majesty, I just did something trivial, and I don't need additional compensation." Afram Krell said respectfully.

Of course, you can’t ask for rewards to gain favorability. Asking for rewards is tantamount to a transaction.

He didn't think that the little thing he did could get the other party to support him as a god.

Mentioning that he embarked on the road to becoming a **** and helping him clear the obstacles on the road to becoming a **** are two different things. The latter is much more difficult than the former.

Iyetta Cavendil turned his gaze to Afram Krell. The former scholar seemed to want to please this great Highness, but would this Highness accept it?

If so, what should I do to please your Highness?

He thought about it.

Why did Mr. Paperman at this time remind me of those officials who were respectful and respectful in front of my father, who were deliberately pleased? ,...You can’t think like this, Mr. Paperman is definitely not that kind of person. He admires His Royal Highness so much that he wants to pay without compensation... Fiona Russell forced herself to stop her cranky thinking.

Is the party changing to a large-scale dog licking scene? Although that’s pretty good~www.NovelMTL.com~ but it doesn’t match the development I expected... Jiang Hao asked calmly.

"What kind of payment do you want?"

Ephraim Krell did not continue to say anything like ‘no additional remuneration needed’, he said respectfully after a little thought: "His Royal Highness, I hope I will ask you for remuneration when I need it."

Didn't this highness accept it? It seems that this highness's preference is fair trade. I don't know if he has anything to do with the wealthy lady who secretly mastered the ‘deal’? ... Iyetta Cavendil's thoughts began to fly.

After listening to Efram Krell’s words, Jiang Hao nodded calmly.


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