I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 186: : Please help

Yes, from the point of entry of the game as the authority of'entertainment', we will promote the development of entertainment in other worlds bit by bit, so as to master the authority of'entertainment'... and travelers on the train will have a high acceptance of the game , After all, travelers are boring when riding a steam train. At this time, it would be quite good to have a game to pass their boring time on the journey, and if the game is attractive, it can also use travelers to spread the reputation of the game for themselves. Lay the foundation for the promotion of entertainment.

Jiang Hao listened to Efram Krell's words and couldn't help applauding his thoughts in his heart.

How does their way of cooperation give me a sense of business negotiation?

What is the game "Living Master Card"? But although I don't know what it is, I will promote it to my friends after I return... Fiona Russell thought to herself that after the sad things faded away, her mood began to recover.

"How do you solve the pollution of words and knowledge by the once God of Knowledge and now the Lord of All-Knowing?" Iyeta Cavendil asked.

What sounds like a new thing like "Liu Mage Brand" is obviously in the contaminated ranks. If this former scholar cannot solve the pollution problem, he will choose to refuse... He doesn't want to push the steam train by himself. A bunch of inexplicable monsters appeared on the board, which would cause a huge blow to the steam train and affect his next plan.

By the way, there is pollution... I don’t know if Mr. Paper Man can solve the problem of pollution. It should be possible. Although it is pollution from the powerful evil god, Mr. Paper Man is the former priest after all. He should have It's a way! Fiona Russell had a lot of confidence in Mr. Paperman.

Of course I solved it.

For this, I paid for the ‘newspaper’ which was included in the knowledge given to me by His Highness.

Afram Krell thought of what he had given out, and felt a slight pain in his heart. He had to'contribute' the new newspaper, a new thing, to the goddess of ice and snow because he could not solve the pollution problem on his own. Know which words and images that ordinary people and professionals will not be contaminated and become monsters after reading.

So he said confidently:

"By getting the help of a god, I learned that certain words and images are safe."

The help of a god? Is it your highness? Fiona Russell subconsciously thought of this great Highness, and it seems that Mr. Paper Man had sought the help of His Highness before, but if it were His Highness, he would not use'a god' to refer to it, he should directly Say'the great majesty'.

"I can let your game enter my steam train." Iyetta Cavendil nodded lightly.

He didn't think that Ephraim Krell would deceive himself. Under the gaze of a god, lying is a great sin, except of course if the **** is Cyric.

"But I need some compensation."

"I currently work under a church of the gods, and I can use the power of the church of the gods to help you promote steam." Averam Krell took the initiative to prepare himself without waiting for him to say what he wanted. The good pay is spoken out.

Jiang Hao looked at a clergyman who was formerly the Lord of All-Knowing in surprise. After cutting off his contact with the Lord of All-Knowing, this paper man was accepted by the new **** so soon? No, he seems to be blaspheming the priest now, so he should have got in.

He thought to himself, watching the communication of these members without saying a word.

In the beginning, he just regarded this gathering as a way to communicate and drive them to do things, but now he has more ideas, some plans in his mind, and slowly began to become clear.

"It's just an introduction."


Iyetta Cavendil nodded slightly, expressing his approval.

Steam is his core, and he is willing to accept the rewards that help him master the authority of steam.

After speaking, Iyetta Cavendil saluted Jiang Hao and put forward his own request, "Great Majesty, I want your help."

Knowing that I was asking for a high salary, I still wanted to ask for my help instead of seeking help from other members. It seemed that the help he was looking for would be very difficult.

After listening to Iyetta Cavendil’s words, Jiang Hao subconsciously thought about it in his heart, but there was no emotional response on his face.

"Say it."

"I am currently hostile by several gods. In order to prevent me from promoting steam, the other party killed my pope through the method of **** descending, and I foresee that the other party will have a big action recently, although it is interfered by the gods, My prediction is vague on key points, but I guess the other party will surrender in that action..."

So you want to invite me to help you kill the gods after the gods descend? Jiang Hao didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while. He thought that the request made by Iyetta Cavendil would be very difficult, but he did not expect that the request made by the other party would be so difficult.

That is God's surrender, the final trump card of all the churches of the gods, and the foundation of their footing. Once a **** surrenders, unless the other party also has a **** surrenders, it will be a massacre mode.

Yes, after the **** descends, the **** will be restricted to the semi-god position by the main plane. In theory, as long as it is a legend and a demi-god, it is possible to defeat him, but the theory is the theory. The history of the alien world is so long. In the era of Netheril, those legendary wizards used three-digit numbers and several artifacts to successfully pile up the gods after the gods, other than that, I have never heard of anyone who can defeat the gods on the main plane. After the gods.

Of course, for a **** who seems to have a very high personality, it is definitely not difficult to kill him, but the problem is that I am not a god, I am an impersonator.

A husky posing as a wolf can't really kill a wolf.

"...If that **** really descends as I expected~www.NovelMTL.com~ I have prepared a gift for him." Iyetta Cavendil immediately felt that there was no need to hide, so his tone was relaxed. He said, "That is my ancestor, the clone of Luoshanda, Lord of the Morning Light."

Has the Lord of Dawn reached the point where it can condense the clone? It seems that the Lord of Dawn is not far from returning? Averam Krell thought instinctively.

It takes a lot of divine power to return to the gods after the fall, and the gods after the fall will lose their source of divine power due to various factors. Therefore, every bit of divine power is precious to him. The Lord of Dawn can descend the clone, which means His divine power is already full to the point where you can squander it at will.

"But because of the interference in the prophecy, I can't see the final result of this battle clearly." Iyetta Cavendilton paused and said: "If the final result is not good for me, can your Highness please take action to save the situation? "

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