I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 185: :get together

In the space enveloped by the violent elements, a sturdy little tree raised its branches to meet Fiona Russell who was coming by. The emerald green leaves looked like children's graffiti, one green and one yellow.

Fiona Russell, who shuttled by, did not reach out to pick his leaves, but pressed her lips, because her mood at this moment is at the lowest ebb, "Little tree, you say, your Highness, will he promise me? ?"

Father's soul was taken into the abyss by the devil. With the danger of the bottomless abyss, even if it is a god, if it is not a particularly powerful god, it will be dangerous.

His Highness, would he really be willing to take risks for himself?

She bit her lip lightly and her eyes became nervous.

However, apart from the gods, who would dare to go to the abyss to **** the soul from the devil?

The Bottomless Abyss, in any drama and adventure story, is a place where all evil converges. It is the root of the evil of the multiverse and the home base of the evil gods. The kingdoms of all the well-known and unknown evil gods are in the abyss.

This kind of place, for any powerful person who can travel across planes, is undoubtedly a place full of dangers and possible death at any time.

"His Royal Highness should help me... He is... God is so good, and his attitude is so kind... Although he is very majestic... He is really good."

Thinking about it, the impression Jiang Hao left on her became blurred and became as she expected, which in turn strengthened her confidence.

"I think He will definitely help me."

There was no wind blowing, and the small trees shook their branches, green and yellowed leaves stirring the air, but after a while, the main characters of the "party" were all there.

Seeing the arrival of that majesty, Fiona Russell hurriedly said, "His Majesty, I don't know what price you will have to pay if you take my father's soul back from the hands of the abyss demon?"

Abyss Demon? Did Fiona Russell have the souls of loved ones fall into the hands of demons? Was it the previous incident of the Demon Invasion of the Abyss? With the status of Grand Duke Russell, even he was killed in battle. It seems that Kirchnewell's battlefield is very tragic. What they are facing is the spider lady and the double-headed baboon who planned the incident in the mouth of the succubus queen?

"Do you know the name of the demon who took your father?" Jiang Hao asked. Although he could not leave Ganzros City to the abyss, he could do it as a avatar of Creeping Walker.

"I...I don't know." Fiona Russell shook her head.

"The race."

"I... I don't know." Fiona Russell lowered her head.

She was not on the scene when her father died in the battle, and the knights who were there at the time had no life left, and all their souls fell into the hands of the devil.

It’s hard to do if you don’t know. Although you can start with the investigation from the demon who invaded Kirchneull, the one who can kill Archduke Russell must be the high demon, but even the high demon is like finding a needle in a haystack. After all, the depths of the abyss are too high. There are more, and the abyss is not a place full of order. The longer you stay there, the more dangerous it will be. If any Cthulhu or Demon Lord pays attention to it, even creepy walkers may not be able to leave the abyss.

Unless the wheel of fortune is used to weave a period of destiny.

When his thoughts flashed, he saw Afram Krell with a slightly moving complexion, and his eyes fell on him.

Feeling the gaze coming from him, Afram Krell's voice changed slightly, "His Royal Highness, I just think that this kind of thing may not need to trouble the great you!"

It’s best if you can solve it yourself, Jiang Hao thought to himself, and said without any ups and downs.

"You can come to me for things that you can't solve."

"Thank you, your majesty."

Averam Krell bowed slightly to show respect, and then he turned to Fiona Russell, and said gently, "Little girl, there is someone here who can take your father's soul from the hands of the devil." ."

When the lord of the dawn Luoshanda was still there, this energetic young **** hated the abyss. Angels, servants, and celestial creatures under his command had entered the abyss for several battles, and after his fall, the Cavendil family The sons of the gods of the past will choose to go to the abyss of **** battle to improve their strength.

On the entire main plane, Iyetta Cavendil, who was born in the Cavendil family, may not know the abyss best, but among the three-person gods here, he is definitely the most familiar with the abyss, and he is also most likely to learn from the abyss. The man who snatched the soul of Grand Duke Russell from the hands of the abyss demon.

Mr. Paperman is talking about Mr. Mystery? Fiona Russell looked at the mysterious person shrouded in white light. His Highness was a **** and not a person, and since Mr. Paperman used the word ‘person’, it did not refer to himself.

The mentioned Yieta Cavendil said in a calm tone, "I need to see a railroad track with all the cities in the kingdom and a steam train running on it in the land of the Bauhinia Kingdom."

As long as the soul of this lady's father does not fall into the hands of the Demon Lord, he can bring his soul out of the abyss.

After listening to Iyetta Cavendil's words, Fiona Russell's depressed mood picked up. This mysterious man has already walked on the road to becoming a god, and he will definitely be able to bring his soul back.

The thought of her father's coming back soon made her voice excited, "I'll do it right away."

"Don't worry." Avram Krell reminded in a soft voice, "The party is not over yet."

"At the next meeting, I will give you your father's soul. I hope that before that, I can see that the rails are already full, or the rails are almost full." Iyetta Cavendil thought for a while. Said, "You can let your mages use the latest recorded magic'rail-making technique' in the magic net to lay the rails."

The characteristics of the magic net, any place covered by the magic net has the birth of a new magic, this magic will be recorded by the magic net immediately, and it will be determined by all the wizards according to the wishes of the magic creator.

'Railway making technique'? Are your artificial railroad tracks in other worlds going to be magical? Yes, this is very magical, because this naming ability needs to be improved, why is it so straightforward to use the name "rail-making technique"? Is it inspired by the ‘water making technique’ and the ‘bread making technique’? Then, when your mage was building a house, why didn't you call it ‘House Building Art’ but ‘Mage’s Residence’? Jiang Hao thought to himself.

He thought that Iyetta Cavendil would proceed step by step in accordance with the knowledge he gave ~www.NovelMTL.com~ He didn't expect the other party to use magic to partially modify the knowledge he gave.

I don’t know if there will be magic like ‘train building’, ‘factory building’, and ‘aircraft building’ in the future, but it shouldn’t be.

"I know."

Fiona Russell nodded vigorously.

After mentioning Fiona Russell, Afram Krell looked at Iyetta Cavendil and asked, "As far as I know, the steam train you are pushing is divided into two parts: cargo and people. Kind of, can you provide a game for travelers in a steam train with people."

"Well, that's the game'Living Master Card' developed by my Highness inspired by!"

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