I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 180: :old woman

The succubus queen shattered into countless light spots.

After she disappeared, something terrifying happened. Dozens of Mikanshuts projected down at the same time, appeared beside Jiang Hao, and surrounded him.

They opened their arms, showing their arms, and declared enthusiastically,

"Then talk to me about a passionate relationship, Hinaman."

Who’s going to fall in love with you, don’t think I don’t know that love you are talking about is to abuse people with a whip... You like to abuse people so much, why don’t you make a couple with a battered lady... One of you likes to abuse people, the other likes to be abused? Human abuse, it was a match made in heaven, and thoughts flashed in his mind.

He flew up and escaped from the encirclement of Mecanthout, then, holding the God-killing spear, looked back at the female bishop and asked, "How long will it take?"

"What?" The female bishop saw the man who could fight Mecanthout looking at her, and she was startled for a moment. She didn't turn her mind for a while and didn't understand what he was asking.

"How long will it take for the respected Ms. Dark Night to come? Or, how long does it take for Ms. Dark Night to find something wrong here?" Jiang Hao asked.

It’s impossible for the gods not to notice this when such a big thing happened. It’s like the Blue Star’s president of the United States. He may not know about the death of a person, but if all the people in a city die suddenly, he will definitely know the situation and the difference in the first place. It depends on the length of time.

"Ten minutes at the latest." The female bishop firmly said: "These abyss demons conceal the great goddess for ten minutes at most."

Ten minutes at the latest... That means Ms. Dark Night will come within ten minutes... Jiang Hao thought, he had an idea in his heart, these are just the projections of Mekanshut, and no amount of killing has any effect on her body. , It's better to drag it until the night lady arrives, and then he will call the queen hard when Mekanshut doesn't run away.

"Little young man, you ask when Ms. Night will come and what to do. Isn't your sister not as good-looking as Ms. Night's old woman? That way, your sister will get angry."

While talking, Mekanshut exuded charm freely and seduced him.

"You are already hundreds of thousands of years old," Jiang Hao asked.

"Do you dislike your sister's age?"

"No, I mean, I should call you old and old...grandma." Jiang Hao said outrageously.

You dare to say that Ms. Night is an old woman, don't you know if her pastor is there?

If the pastor hears it, it means that the gods have heard it.

I vent my anger for her like this, Ms. Night should know.


"So old and old... grandma will let you taste the moss of love first."

A group of Mekanshuts waved their whips.

These whips twisted and rolled towards Jiang Hao like a poisonous snake, and her whips were flying in all directions.

At the same time, the solidified air compressed him in place, making him unable to move.

Jiang Hao took out the sword of vengeance, Flagrak, and danced around him, the whip all over the sky snapped off.

Meikanshut is just a projection, and of course the whip in her hand is also a projection. In front of an all-encompassing artifact like the Vengeance Sword, Flagrak, it looks nothing like tofu.

"There are many artifacts. I want all your people and your artifacts. Be firm."

Dozens of Mekanshuts sneered at the same time.

A icy icy wind blew, Jiang Hao's body was already covered with ice before he moved.

These Meikanshuts simultaneously stretched out their hands and held them imaginarily, and spherical lightning that was several times as large as hers appeared, and they did not slam Jiang Hao politely.

Before the spherical lightning fell, the Dark Words, Blasphemy, Blasphemy, Advanced Command, Telekinesis, Binding Spells and other spells appeared out of nowhere, hitting Jiang Hao's body, killing him from body to mind. The imprisonment was controlled.

The next moment, lightning fell.

Electricity is everywhere.

"Don't die, kid." Meikanshute showed expectation in her beautiful eyes. "Old and old... grandma still wants to entertain you in her palace. I can help you in eighteen poses. "

After the frantic current subsided, a humanoid coke corpse was revealed in the ice cube.

"It's dead."

Meikanshut suddenly felt dull, and thought it was a male pet that could play for a long time. He didn't expect it to be so fragile and died at once.

"But it doesn't matter if you die, you can barely use it after being resurrected."

Mekanshut stepped up, preparing to confine the soul in the corpse first, and then use the resurrection technique to bring it back to life.

But as soon as she approached, she heard a laugh.

"Don't bother you."

Jiang Hao, who looked like a human-shaped coke, got up from the ground, "Your little power can't kill me."

The succubus queen is a projection, and is suppressed by the main plane. Her strength is only maintained at the legendary level, but it is added by the demon lord’s combat consciousness and her own understanding of magic, making her every projection worthy of. Exert the strength of the demigod rank only.

But the stage of her projection was there, and Jiang Hao was exempted from death under the effect of the Spear of the Killing of Gods.

"I'm not dead, I like you, but I don't have much time."

The white fingers turned lightly, and the dark sky was immediately replaced by blood. Bloody lightning swam through the dark clouds, and the huge spatial energy began to condense.

"Be careful, it's the thunder of exile. She wants to expel you from the main plane."

The female bishop recognized the name of the spell, its effects, and her sinister intentions almost instantly.

The succubus queen Meikanshut wanted to expel Jiang Hao from the main plane, and then drag him into the abyss. With the strength of her demon lord, she would let her play with any non-divine ranks.

"Go home with me!"


There was a burst of thunder in the sky, and the blood-colored lightning crashed down after gathering enough energy.

The surging divine power surging in Jiang Hao began to mobilize the power of the ‘Almighty’ authority to dispel the lightning.

But the next moment, the humans and non-human creatures present heard a clicking sound~www.NovelMTL.com~ The abyss projection trembled violently, and a series of dark cracks appeared on the body of the abyss image, something full of maliciousness. The consciousness wailed.

A bright moon slowly rises.

The silver-white moonlight was scattered, and the demon that was irradiated by the light, regardless of rank or race, was restored to the basic element of building everything.

"Ms. Night...Impossible...How could it be so fast...It's only a few minutes." Mekanshut screamed, and all the projections instantly dissipated, returning to abyssal energy.

"I remember your soul, little young man, I will find you."

"You can go." A voice that did not fluctuate but was clearly female rang out, "Tell me first who is the old woman."

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