I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 179: : First Love

I was dragged into the abyss? Jiang Hao, who had just turned his attention back, suddenly saw that the city of Ganzros where he was in had changed, and countless demons swarmed up and rushed into the city.

Immediately, he realized that it was someone who had summoned the Abyss Projection on the main plane.

Is it a counter-attack doom after three consecutive uses of the wheel of fortune? ... Jiang Hao's eyelids twitched slightly, he floated up, looking over, only to see the dense crowd of demons outside the city rushing in.

In the process of surging, some demons secretly attacked their companions, and the demon army had already damaged a small part before it approached Ganzros.

After they approached the city of Ganzros, priests and wizards flew out one by one. There was no pre-war declaration, no threats to negotiate, and the sky of magic and magic blasted them down.

Negotiations are impossible for the demons in the chaotic evil camp.

"I felt the breath of the gods and the devil princes, they were fighting." The black dragon Bamas shrank his body to a point smaller than the palm of a normal person, and cautiously approached Jiang Hao.

The Demon Lord is also an unusual and powerful existence in the abyss. I did not expect to perceive the Demon Lord in the main plane, which can suppress any powerful existence.

Given the degree of demon lord’s love for the dragon’s soul, even if it is separated from several cities, it still feels cold all over it. For a powerful existence like the demon lord, this distance is just a blink of an eye. Able to.

"Help clear the devil." Seeing the black dragon coming over, Jiang Hao immediately shouted.

But... But would you not be perceivable by the Demon Lord? The black dragon Bamas hesitated subconsciously, and immediately recovered and changed back to his normal appearance.

The abyss projection has arrived. The demon army will definitely kill all creatures within the projection range that are not abyssal demons. Even the undead will not let go. It can't hide no matter how much it can hide. Rather than run away in panic and be killed and eaten, it is better to send I hope that many masters of this artifact can defeat the Demon Lord, after all, this is the main plane, and any powerful existence can only maintain the plane of the demigod position.

Roar! !

The black dragon opened his mouth and exhaled a terrifying heat.

Feeling the terrifying high temperature from their bodies, the priests and wizards flying in the sky instinctively set up their shields, and then they found that the target of the high temperature was not themselves, but the demon in front of them.

Ultra-high-temperature flames sprayed onto the ground to ignite the fire, and then the flames moved, and the scorched earth was everywhere.

"It's the black dragon."

"It's the black dragon that robbed Ganzros City before. It's actually helping us?"

"Yes, the abyss demon will destroy all creatures they see, unless it is stronger than the demon, so in order to protect itself, it must help us."

"As for the city defense army, the demons have appeared for several minutes. Why haven't they appeared yet? Is the money that the City Lord's Mansion blackmailed from the Viscount every year to support it is some waste?"

"Butler, go and pack things, I'm going to a safe place."

"Mr. Earl, this is projected by the abyss,"

Ignoring the nobles who are already discussing the way down below, a female bishop wearing a pure black priest's clothes with a bright moon in the middle of the clothes raised her hands and blessed on her body, "Black Dragon, thank you for your help, the Temple of Dark Night must Will give you treasures that will satisfy you."

"It's actually a demigod-level black dragon. It seems that I need another pet."

The voices of two women came in one after another, the voice of the former was full of coldness, and the voice of the latter was full of charm.

The black dragon Bamas rolled his eyes and saw a female demon wearing a fiery red silk robe and holding a long whip of electric sparks standing behind the demon army.

The wide wings spread out from behind her, and the thorny devil's tail stretched freely from the hem, and a pair of bright red **** flowed in a pair of wonderful eyes.

Looking at her, the black dragon Bamas trembled, and uttered a name with difficulty: "Succubus Queen Meikanshut!"

"Do you know me? That's great, do you take the initiative to tie yourself or let me tie you?" Hearing the words of the black dragon, Meikanshut put a smile on his bright red lips.

The black dragon flapped its fat wings, turned and ran.

The succubus queen Mekanshut is a demon prince, with a personality comparable to a god, even if she can only display the power of a demigod in the main plane, she can't deal with it.

"It seems that you chose to let me bind you."

Mecanthout waved the whip.

The long whip in her hand stretched out, chasing the black dragon.

When the whip swept through, Barmas felt the air around him solidify, no matter how hard it flapped its wings, it could not stop his flight speed from slowing to almost stagnant.

At this moment, a shooting star passed by, and Mekanshut reacted almost instantaneously, black and white spread from her body, solidifying the surrounding space, and her own body turned from real to virtual. All sorts of strange scenes of void outside the territory appeared in the vision.

She shuttled to the void outside the domain to avoid attacks.

But in the next moment, a branch tore through time and space and slammed into her body fiercely.

With a single brush, Mekanshut's body shattered into countless spots of light.



Not waiting for the black dragon to breathe a sigh of relief, the seductive voice of Mekanshut came from the void.

"Your inevitable artifact is only aimed at my projection. I can differentiate countless projections like this." The twisted powers gathered, and Meikanshut, dressed in flaming red clothes, appeared again, spreading like flames With bright red lips, looking at Jiang Hao, his eyes flashed, "Kid, you can shoot my body on the 570th floor of the Bottomless Abyss, and I will definitely let you in."

I finally know why the black dragon is behaving badly in the dream. This kind of woman who drives at every turn is really overwhelming. Holding Kungunir who flew back from the void outside the domain, Jiang Hao backhand took out the god-killing gun Langinus. Rushed her up.

Also, I am not a kid.

The long whip in Meikanshut's hand grows automatically to respond, the electric white light flickers on the whip, and the evil aura floats ~www.NovelMTL.com~ She smiled.

"Charm humans."

Immediately, Jiang Hao, who was charging, saw Mekanshut on the opposite side, as if he had seen his first love for many years. A sweet and warm feeling shocked his whole body, and his heartbeat accelerated. .

He stopped involuntarily, his previous thoughts of battles and hostility had long been forgotten, and his face was green with a smile.

Facing Jiang Hao who had stopped, Meikanshut smiled and walked over and took his hand, "Come home with me, my love."

What responded to her was the god-killing gun that was pierced into her body,

"Don't you know I haven't been in love since I was a kid?"

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