I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 181: :grace

A white female finger pointed at it.

In an instant, Mekanshut, in a fiery red silk robe, solidified again.

Ms. Dark night pulled back her dissipated projection.

She looked at the surrounding environment and the finger pressed towards her, and made a sharp cry, "This time the spider-playing woman and the two-headed baboon did it together. It has nothing to do with me."

The finger pointed to Mekanshut's body.

Click! ! ! !

There were cracks in the projection of Mecanthout, and the divine power from the night lady did not directly destroy Mecanthout's projection, but bombarded the past along the connection between the projection and the ontology.

A palace on the 570th floor of the Bottomless Abyss shattered, and the will of the abyss emerged, full of evil spirit energy violently surging, a spiritual storm blew up in this abyss, and countless demons' heads exploded with a bang.

The fragmented face of the succubus queen Meikanshut became surprisingly angry, "Old woman, you 10,000-year-old young girl, I curse you for not finding a man in your life."


The projection of Mecanshout was shattered, and the powerful abyssal magic power and evil will surging and spreading, everyone present felt their heads swelled up, as if it would explode in the next moment.

But the real next moment is when the sky full of silver light falls, like a fine rain, from his divine power blessing on everyone, while expelling the remaining abyssal breath, it gives people a kind of distant tranquility. The feeling in the earth is full of peace.

This lady of the night gave grace before disappearing.

"It is also suppressed to the demigod position by the main plane, the strength shown by Ms. Dark Night is completely different from other demigods."

Jiang Hao fell to the ground. He had seen many demigods, such as the black dragon, the Lord of Dawn after the descending of the gods, and the **** of knowledge, but none of them or the gods could perform better than the demigod. He even It is suspected that some of the gods with a slightly lower **** level are not necessarily the opponents of the demigod Ms. Dark Night.

While he was thinking, the female bishop walked up and said with a smile: "Can I invite you to the temple to have a chat?"

Jiang Hao subconsciously wanted to refuse. As a false god, he didn't want to approach the temple of any **** unless it was necessary. After all, the temple was the root of the gods on the main plane and was easily watched by the gods.

But thinking about it, it seems that after he crossed into another world, he had two contacts with Lady Dark Night, and the other party did not show any evil feelings, and from the action point of view, he helped him a lot.

The black dragon on the side became excited when he heard the words, "When, now? Let's go right away."

He still remembered what the female bishop said.

She said: The Temple of Dark Night will give you treasures that satisfy you.

Treasure that pleases me.

Thinking about it, Black Dragon Bamas shook his tail. With the accumulation of millions of years of wealth in the Church of the Night, their gold and gems should be able to cover the main plane. Then I, Black Dragon Bamas, take It should be no problem to walk the gem of the ring of space.

"Of course." The female bishop smiled softly.


Jiang Hao nodded.

After receiving Jiang Hao's reply, the female bishop led the way, and the two flew to the Temple of Dark Night.

Because of the size of the temple, the black dragon Bamas had already become half-human tall before entering. Once inside, it could not wait to show an expression of expectation, "Where is the treasure?"

The female bishop summoned a priest and asked him to take the black dragon to the collection room.

She looked at Jiang Hao and introduced herself, "Introduce myself, my name is Sai La, and I am currently the bishop of the South Asian Temple of the Bauhinia diocese of the Church of the Night."

"Shandru, an ordinary adventurer." Jiang Hao gave the name.

This name is the name of the **** he prepared for himself.

It will be widely spread in other worlds in the future.

adventurer? Or an ordinary adventurer at the demigod level? There are adventurers like you, do they know about the Adventurers’ Guild? ... Sairah slandered inwardly, but didn't ask.

She is not a voyeur, and she has no strong curiosity, and will not go to the bottom of things that others obviously don't want to talk about.

Sairah thought for a while, organized a few words, and said, "Mr. Sandro, I don't know what you think of the current situation on the main plane?"

What do you think? I'm just an otaku living in a corner, and my understanding of the outside world is basically based on the narration of others at the "party" and the book of Grand Master Tingen. If you ask me such a high-end question, how do I know... Jiang Hao thought in his heart, After thinking about it, he said, "The times are changing."

With the rise of steam and the advent of a new era, the main plane could not be described more appropriately as the change of the times.

"The change of the times?" Sai La was stunned for a moment, and then smiled apologetically, "Isn't it a change of the times."

Cthulhu, ancient evil things, and demon princes joined forces to challenge the order established by the good gods and some neutral camp gods, which can indeed be described by the changes of the times.

She thought for a while, and then said: "In such an era of change, don't you know that Mr. Sandro has a friend who is sure of him?"

Jiang Hao wanted to say "No", but he thought of Miss Fiona at the party, of the former scholar, the current Ephram, and the god-born Iyetta of the Lord of Dawn. His words reached his mouth. It becomes, "Yes."

They should be considered friends.

"That's right, how can someone like you have no friends? I said the wrong thing. I'm sorry." Sairah smiled apologetically and apologized for her stupidity. Become a friend of Mr. Sandro?"

This is to form an alliance... Jiang Hao thought about it carefully, and he does not reject the alliance, but if it is only the South Asian temple, with the strength of this temple, it is not so much an alliance, as it is to seek refuge, and he No interest in sheltering a temple.

As the temple of Lady Dark Night, basically no one dares to provoke it, but if the other party provokes it, it means that there is a **** or a god-level person behind the other party who supports it.

He didn’t want to get involved in such a thing~www.NovelMTL.com~ Saila also knew that his temple was not heavy enough, so he added, “My full name is Saila Augustus, and my mother is Western Grid Augustus, if Mr. Sandro is willing to make the South Asian Temple a friend of Mr., I am willing to pay a certain price."

He blurted out and swallowed it back.

The Augustus family, a very famous family on the main plane, the names of two members of this family are recorded in the history of the main plane, namely Bartholomew Augustus and Ackerman August Sto.

The former, as the goddess of pleasure, all over the world pimping for the goddess, and finally established the Augustus Empire with the support of the goddess. The latter loves women and does not love the country, and the Augustus Empire is destroyed.

Jiang Hao deliberatedly asked, "What can you give me?"

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