I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 178: : The Abyss Projection

After listening to the old man's words, Jiang Hao subconsciously thought of what would happen if he brought the creation room back to Blue Star to create the monsters in myths and legends?

However, this creation room seemed to be part of the floating city system, and there was no way to take it away alone, and the power system of this floating city had been damaged, and it was impossible to take Blue Star into the air without repairing it.

In addition, the appearance of these biological weapons is inconsistent with the legendary monsters...

He thought for a while and asked, "Can this creative room modify the body of a living thing?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he replied: "It can be, but the creatures here are carefully tested and modulated by countless empire mages, and rash modification will reduce their combat effectiveness."

You don’t need too much combat power, as long as the image is in line with myths and legends... What I conquered is not the sex, but the soul... Jiang Hao's thoughts turned in his heart, walked to the crystal, imprinted his spirit on it, and then spoke. "I will give you more than a dozen monster images. You create them. I will come over and take them away with Shadow Magic Net in a while."

"They are a dog with three heads and a viper tail, a minotaur with half a man and a cow, a giant dragon with a hundred heads, a giant with only one eye, a lion in the front and a goat in the middle. The tail is a viper, a monster that can breathe fire..."

He explained the appearance of the famous monsters in the blue star myths and legends one by one.

The old man's mouth twitched after hearing it. He silently thought about the adjectives, and then thought about it after a few seconds, "Those who came up with the appearance of these monsters must have never read the book "Magic Biological Transformation: From Beginner to Master". "

You are right. Of course, the ancients of Blue Star never read "Magic Biological Transformation: From Beginner to Master", and they haven't even read much.

"Their image of magical creatures is completely contrived." The old man said again.

You are right, these are indeed contrived by them.

"I think...Forget it. Since I give it to you as a reward, there is no need to tell you how to use it." The old man looked at Jiang Hao and repeated what I said earlier, "My only wish now is to be able to See the great revival of the empire."

"I think you will see."

Good thing, no money.


After a short silence, the old man waved his hand, and the power of transmission came again. The two appeared in a secret room. He went up and picked up a spider-web-like object glowing with colorful light. "This is the highest in our color-resistant empire. A masterpiece should also be the purpose of your trip-Shadow Demon."

"The real magic web is not a spider web. From the perspective of the wizards with the great prefix, the magic web is more like a force based on the interaction of all elements except magic energy. A magic network formed, it has no fixed shape."

"It can be a net shape, a vertical strip shape, or a square shape. At different points in time, the arrangement of the elements changes, and the shape of the magic net will also change accordingly."

"At the beginning, we also thought about making the Shadow Demon's web into an unfixed shape like a magic web, but some of us think that since it is called a web, it should be made into the shape of a web, preferably into the shape of a spider web... "The old man said as if thinking of something, the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

This person must have a high status, otherwise all the mages in your empire will not accept such a low image. Jiang Hao thought in his heart, if this Shadow Demon's web didn't shine, he would think it was a spider web.

"The Shadow Demon Net is hated by the mysterious girl, and once it appears in any place covered by the Demon Net, it will immediately trigger God's surrender."

The old man said solemnly: "Unless the mysterious girl has the ability to resist it, don't expose it to the magic net."

Jiang Hao nodded seriously, "I will remember."


Kirchniur, the capital of the Bauhinia Kingdom, in front of the Hillman Temple.

Countless civilians dressed in burlap and linen knelt in front of the temple, chanting aloud with the scriptures that have been familiar for this period of time. The voices of the crowd gathered together and amplified by the power of sound amplification, forming a shroud in the whole Kishi Newell’s prayer,

"Praise the great spring goddess."

"The creator of spring water."

"The guide who stops the travelers along the way."

"The leader of justice and holiness."

Following their prayers, the high priest standing in front of the temple raised the scepter in his hand and pointed to the sky. A swath of spring appeared in the air, and the clear spring water fell. There was a heavy rain that brought Kirchnew The residents of Seoul are all soaked.

Although the spring water is cold, the residents who are drenched do not feel the slightest coldness. Instead, they feel a warm breath flowing down their skin, flowing all over the body, taking away the dirt on the skin, and the whole person is relaxed at once. A lot.

Under the gaze of millions of people, a pure white goddess phantom, dressed in a soft white robe, bare feet, covered by a holy light and unable to see her appearance, slowly descended from the kingdom of God and stared.

Seeing this scene, countless people knelt down and chanted words of praise.

During the chanting, some people suddenly felt like they were overwhelmed in their stomachs. There was a strong feeling of retching. Under the urging of this feeling, they opened their mouths and vomited. Many pink spider eggs were caught by them. Spit it out.

These spider eggs hatched quickly as soon as they landed on the ground.

The rear bodies of the spiders exploded, spattering with corrosive blood everywhere, some inexplicable symbolic blood emerged, the bright sun became dim, and a slightly illusory, abandoned steel fortress was heavy. Smashed on Kirchniur, the capital of the Bauhinia Kingdom, intertwined with it silently.

A 6-foot-tall, eight powerful tentacles extended ~www.NovelMTL.com~ like a pool of mud, the waxy demon stared at the goddess in the sky with his blood-red eyes dreadfully, turned around, respectfully Behind him, he said, "Sixteen cities plus a clone of the goddess of spring water. This is a gift from the great lady spider to you, honorable demon lord Demogogan."

"Plus you."

"What?" Before the wax melt demon could react, he saw a huge head biting down at him, and then his eyes went black and he lost consciousness.

After eating Ms. Spider’s **** servant wax melt demon, the two-headed baboon suddenly roared.

Roar! ! ! ...

Countless demons poured out and began the massacre.

And this kind of thing also happened in 15 cities belonging to the Bauhinia Kingdom, including Ganzyros City, Yagang Sea City, Libaya Island, and Nanibo Port. 8)

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