I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 177: : Nether Empire

What is he looking at me for? "

Facing the quiet gaze of the other party, the old man who had lived for hundreds of thousands of years had an inexplicable feeling of erected hair, even though he had no hairs anymore.

Almost for an instant, all kinds of magical auras lighted up on him, holy light, blessing, soul curing, alien energy expulsion, anti-death enchantment, anti-control force field, dispelling magic and other magics. Throwing money on his body, while defending against possible attacks, he checked his soul.

The other party didn't do anything to my soul?


A crisp sound hit the old man's heart like a bolt from the blue sky, and his heart became cold.

It's a phylogenetic!

Just now forcibly mobilizing the magic energy that flooded the floating city to release magic, the bursting ability affects the phylogeny, causing it to be destroyed?

As a mage who transformed himself into a lich in order to survive, the phylogeny made from his soul is his foundation.

If the phylogenetic is intact, he will not die; if the phylogenetic is destroyed, he will die.

Immediately afterwards, the old man heard more clicking sounds coming from the phylogeny, and each clicking sound was like tearing his soul apart.

I can't die.

I have not found the man behind the collapse of the empire, and I have not yet seen the great revival of the empire.

In his heart, as if he had fallen into the underworld, all kinds of illusions before death appeared.

As an orphan who doesn’t know who his parents are, he has been robbing wild dogs and other creatures and the like in the sewers of the city to fill his stomach with food. Because of some accident, he was spotted by the Archmage Iolum and became Iolum. Apprentice of the Archmage.

Iolum’s grace and power of adoption make him admire, and the power of magic makes him obsessed. He drives the floating city to fight on the outer planes and expand the territory of the empire.

However, the huge disaster destroyed everything, and he hadn't even had time to tell the teacher that he had developed a method to cast spells directly without going through the magic net and directly using magic energy.

He looked at Jiang Hao, opened his mouth and made a sound.

"Save me, I'll give you...I will be loyal to you."

He was going to say that I was paying you, but the situation was urgent, and he was afraid that the other party would refuse or bargain and would delay the time. He directly stated the bottom line.

"How to save?" Without hesitation, Jiang Hao immediately responded, because this was originally the fate he weaved.

"Quickly, leave the ten kilometers range of the floating city, and then shatter the phylogenetic technique to attack my phylogeny. The way this magic is cast is..." The old man hurriedly said a magic spell.

The Shattering Phylogram is a spell created by the Lich Ovo to break the Lich Phylogram. Its effect is to split the phylogeny into several without destroying the Lich Phylogram, making it easier for the Lich to hide the phylactery. In several places to prevent others from finding it.

Affected by the hatred of the mysterious girl and the ubiquitous magic power in the floating city, he cannot cast spells through the magic net.

On the one hand, the powerful radiation of magic energy destroys the magic net, forming a dead magic area without the magic net around the floating city. On the other hand, once he casts a spell through the magic net, he will be immediately perceived by the mysterious girl, thus Trigger God's surrender.

Jiang Hao activated the space shuttle ability, leaving the floating city for ten kilometers, and then released a broken phylactery technique as the old man taught.

At the moment when the magic took shape, he once again used his space shuttle ability and appeared on the old man, hitting the broken phylogenetic technique in his hand on the old man's phylactery.


The phylactery was split into three, one of which shattered suddenly, leaving behind gem fragments and some unknown magical materials.

The remaining two were grabbed by the old man, and his face showed a little bit of luck and helplessness.

First, the teleported lightning hits the spire where the phylogenetic is hidden, and then the ghost finds the phylogeny, and when he releases the magic, he damages his phylogeny...If he hadn't noticed the divine power fluctuations that occurred when he released the magic, He had to wonder if he was facing the priest of the goddess of doom.

"Maybe this is the fate of impermanence."

He looked at Jiang Hao, his expression complicated, "I swear allegiance to you..."

"But I want you to help me find some apprentices with talents for casting spells and help my students re-establish a great Netherite Empire on the main plane."

Netheril Empire, the huge empire that dominated the main plane in the Netheril era, even the name of the Netheril era was named after the Netheril Empire.

He paused, "I will pay you for this request. To be precise, I will not pay you, but I will give you the empire's inheritance as the empire's payment to you."

"You can assist, but there is no guarantee of success." Jiang Hao said, although hundreds of thousands of years have passed, the glorious Netherite Empire has long been a thing of the past, leaving only some relics on the main plane, but no one There is no guarantee that the gods will forget the Nether Empire. After all, hundreds of thousands of years are not long for the immortal gods.

Under the obstruction of the gods, unless there is the support of the great divine power with a **** level of 19 like the lady of the night, it is impossible to rebuild the Nishite Empire.

The old man also knew that the Nether Empire had offended too many gods, and several gods were even deadly enemies. After all, they bombarded the opponent's kingdom of God back then, intending to send the opponent to the anatomy platform.

Because it didn’t force a certain commitment,

"PLZ follow me."

Jiang Hao immediately felt that a certain force was trying to teleport himself. He did not resist, and the surrounding scenes immediately changed.

He and the old man appeared in a hall that looked a little gloomy, and there were transparent boxes in the hall.

These boxes contain a large number of translucent unknown bubbles, and each bubble contains a strange-looking creature.

There are creatures in the form of humans but with eight legs. Some are in the form of snakes, but the heads are densely packed with hundreds of snake heads. Some are dark all over~www.NovelMTL.com~ a bird that looks like a crow with a bird face. But a creature with six scarlet eyes...

"This is the only place in the floating city that is still in operation. The name is called the creation room. It is the place where the floating city is used to create biological weapons, and those bubbles are automatically generated and attached to the independent space around the floating city. Inside, the visually small creatures are actually big."

"You can imprint your spirit on that crystal."

The old man pointed to the crystal in the middle of the creation room, "When you activate the creation room and start creating biological weapons, all the biological weapons created will be automatically implanted into combat consciousness, and your spiritual brand will be attached to make these biological weapons Under your control."

"But when activating the creation room and making it work, you need to pay a lot of magic crystals. Of course, you can also use your own magic instead."

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