I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 176: : Affected by some unknown factor

Affected by the collapse of the magic web, the elements of the planes raged. Many spellcasters in the empire lost the ability to release spells. The floating cities floating in the sky and the void outside the domain crashed one after another, and a large number of wizards fell, plus Those lowly races who served the empire raised their flags to rebel, and the Church of the Gods helped to make our empire collapse. "

With that, the old man's body trembled, obviously recalling something bad.

To others, the collapse of the magic net is just a thin, historical text. Even readers with rich emotions will at most regret the era of magical prosperity after seeing it, but for the old man who has experienced it firsthand , The collapse of the magic net is a huge disaster for the country’s destruction and family destruction.

After hearing this, Jiang Hao's thoughts flashed through his mind after hearing the words of how the game server restarted, and the Great Guild was dead.

Although in theory, after the game server restarts, players can still gather together and rebuild the guild, but it is clear that the magic empire, the guild that wants to replace the game company, offends a group of game companies, and those game companies unite They were treated with humane destruction.

However, the experience of these mages made me understand why the gods had to form their own divine power network instead of letting the priests use the magic net to cast spells.

——Although the maintenance of the divine power network requires a lot of divine power, at least it is your own server. There is no need to worry about others deleting the account, and there is no need to worry about the failure of other people's servers to release the power of the magic.

It's just that there are a few doubts.

Jiang Hao asked, "Three questions."

"The first question: What is the ‘support of great power’ in your mouth?"

"Ms. Night, Lord of Calamity, God of Knowledge, and a mysterious woman."

The old man said four names in a relaxed tone.

"The second question: "When we were fighting against the gods, would the mother of magic cut us off from the magic net and stabbed us?" Is the mage of this idea a person or a group of people? ?If it is a person, who is he?"

The old man was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Jiang Hao to ask this question at all. After thinking about it, his face suddenly became pale, "A person, his name is... Karthus."

"The third question is who first put forward the idea of'make a magic net under our control to replace the ubiquitous magic net"." Jiang Hao asked again.

"It's also Karthus."

The old man's face became paler.

He paused for a while before speaking with a slight difficulty, "There is a **** that made me, or all the insiders subconsciously ignored these things."

"There are gods calculating the empire!"

Some things will immediately feel wrong once you think back to them afterwards.

At the critical moment when Shadow Magic Net replaced Magic Net, Karthus’ actions were very unreasonable. If Shadow Magic Net succeeded in replacing Magic Net, he would have seized the power of the Magic Net and the power of the Mother of Magic. What's the use? As for Karthus's belief that Shadow Magic Net cannot replace Magic Net, it is impossible.

The Shadow Demon Net is the masterpiece of countless wizards in the entire empire. Among them, there are several mages with the same glorious glory as Karthus. If the Shadow Demon Net cannot replace the Magic Net, it is impossible for those wizards to see it, and they cannot continue to implement this. There is no plan for the possibility of success.

And after the fact, all the mages, no matter which plane they are in, can subconsciously ignore these doubts, only the gods who have the authority.

"Not necessarily just calculating your empire."

He is still calculating the mother of magic. Judging from the fact that gods like to corrode others and turn others into his own clone, Jiang Hao felt that the mage named Karthus might have been secretly turned into his own clone by a certain god. I just don't know which of the gods turned Karthus into his clone.

——Ms. Night? Dominated by disasters? The **** of knowledge? And the mysterious woman?

Although there is no evidence, he feels that these four gods who actively helped the mages create the Shadow Demon Net are most suspicious.

Nothing to show courtesy, to steal or to commit crimes.

Jiang Hao’s thoughts were turned around, and he recovered his thoughts. He didn’t feel much about the experience of these wizards. On the one hand, the wizards of the Netheril era were just a piece of history for him, and at most they were added to the front of history. Add the word'brilliant' as a prefix.

On the other hand, he was about to be promoted to the gods, and he really couldn't get a good impression of the mage who tried to fight the gods in that era.

Of course, the encounters of the wizards of the Netheril era made him more vigilant against the gods above them. These old monsters, who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, are playing tricks to prevent them.

"The fourth question is whether Ms. Dark Night has taken away Shadow Magic Net."

"No..." The old man was still immersed in the shock of "The collapse of the empire was not caused by his own death, but by someone else's conspiracy." He did not notice that this was already the fourth problem. "For the dark night For the lady, it is enough for him to copy a magic net after he obtains the materials to make a shadow magic net. There is no need to save some materials to alarm the mysterious girl."

"After all, since the fall of the mother of magic, the mysterious girl born from his body took over the magic net. This new **** particularly hates the shadow magic net created by the great wizards to replace the magic net. Once When the shadow magic net leaves the area of ​​influence of the floating city and enters the area covered by the magic net, it will be perceived by the mysterious girl.

"And he will come down quickly as he did before, and then destroy the Shadow Demon Net."

Hearing the old man's words, Jiang Hao asked, "There are many Shadow Magic Networks?"

"Not many, but many nodes." The old man proudly said, "Shadow Demon Net is the magic network that we use to replace Mole Nets. It has a large number of nodes. When any node exists, it will self-repair and restore to a new shadow magic net. After all, in fierce battle, it is common for the magic net in an area to be destroyed and form a short-term dead magic area. If the shadow magic net replaces After the magic net, every dead magic area needs us to actively repair it, even if all the mages in the empire are sent to repair the shadow magic net, it will not be enough."

After listening to the old man, Jiang Hao had an idea.

"I can take the Shadow Demon Net to the Blue Star... There are very few places in the planes that are not covered by the Demon Net. Except for the kingdom of the gods, even if it is the bottomless abyss, there is also a Demon Net, but the Blue Star has no magic net. network."

It’s just that, Shadow Magic Network needs to be placed here, until I left it when I left the other world... Jiang Hao thought turned around~www.NovelMTL.com~ How to ensure that Shadow Magic Network will always Stay here until I take it away when I return to Blue Star.... "

He thought for a while, and decided to let the old man help him guard the Shadow Demon Net.

As an old man who has spent hundreds of thousands of years in the plane of shadow with Floating City and has not been discovered by anyone other than Lady Night, the God of Knowledge, and the gods, he is obviously the best candidate.

He cut his vision back to the main plane, then took out the wheel of fortune, weaving a period of fate,

"Affected by some unknown factor, the old man chose to be my servant."

After doing this, Jiang Hao looked at the old man quietly.

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