I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 175: : Shadow Magic Network

Before he could say anything, a beam the size of a thumb lased out.

This beam of light pierced the space, and the powerful energy shattered the ubiquitous shadows on the road and the shadow plane, forming a vacuum zone, and the radiation from the magical energy was transmitted around.

Jiang Hao, who had just left the scope of the floating city, did not hesitate to show his space shuttle ability again, appearing in the void outside the domain.

Without waiting for the thought of'this should be avoided' in his heart, a strong and extremely dangerous feeling appeared in his heart. He did not hesitate to manipulate the mirror image Masefield to throw the Scepter of God out, blocking the beam of light. The only way to go.

Compared with the avatar of Creeping Walker, the artifact of the Scepter of God seemed less important.


The beam of light accurately hit the scepter of God, and a huge explosion occurred.

At this moment, Jiang Hao exerted his space shuttle ability and left the place.

The burst of light almost illuminates the entire void, and the intense magical energy radiation makes the creeping walker this ancient evil feel slightly uncomfortable.

When the energy of the explosion dissipated, Jiang Hao only saw a broken god's scepter floating in the void, the angel wings on it disappeared, and the crystal book was mostly broken.

But he keenly watched that the Scepter of God was recovering, although it was very slow, but it was indeed recovering automatically.

Can this be restored? As expected to be an artifact with immortal characteristics, Jiang Hao felt relieved, and then dissipated the mirror image Masefield. The scepter of the gods could not be used for at least a period of time. It is not necessary to continue to maintain the mirror image Masefield, and he needs to use it next. Go to Yata mirror this artifact.

A tentacles stretched out and rolled the damaged god's scepter into the creeper's body, and then Yata Kayomi appeared in front of him.

The body far away from the main plane teleported the Yata Mirror here.

Holding the Yata Mirror, he once again activated the ability to shuttle through space and returned to the front of the floating city.

As soon as he entered, Jiang Hao immediately raised the Yata Mirror, and when the dragon yelled out ‘fire the gun’ in shock, he pointed the mirror surface of the Yata Mirror at the dragon.


A mirror clone identical to the dragon appeared in front of the opponent. Under Jiang Hao's manipulation, the mirror dragon spoke.


Under the stunned gaze of the other party, the magical aura extinguished, and the magical energy gathered automatically dissipated.

The shortcomings of fully automated artillery fire only recognize instructions... Jiang Hao muttered in his heart.

Immediately, he manipulated the Creeping Walker clone to change dozens of times larger than this giant dragon, and then stretched out tens of thousands of tentacles to tie up the dragon whose face had not yet dissipated astonished, and some of the tentacles opened. Teeth, bite down against it.


The dragon shouted.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao manipulated the Creeping Walker clone to bite down, and the evil power from the Creeping Walker was injected into the dragon's body and began to pollute its body and soul.

A living dragon is not a good dragon, but a polluted and transformed dragon is a good dragon, at least it will not lie.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao discovered that the soul contaminated by evil forces had disappeared, and the dragon's eyes that had become his possession quickly lost its luster.

What's the matter, the soul will disappear out of thin air? He was surprised.

Immediately, his mind moved, and the body far away on the main plane knitted again with the wheel of fortune.

"...Affected by some unknown power, the tainted soul that disappeared and transformed the dragon reappeared in front of me."

The spinning wheel of destiny creaked, Jiang Hao, who returned his attention to the plane of shadow, suddenly saw a creature covered by a long white, with only hands and no feet falling from the sky on the floating city.


Jiang Hao, who saw the extremely iconic gaps in the white cloth that represented the eyes and mouth, instantly recognized this middle-lower creature born from the underworld.

After falling, the ghost floated staggeringly, and walked towards the ruins of the spire that had been smashed by the thunder before, as if something was attracting it.

This creature from the underworld seems to love to eat souls. Could it be that the soul of the dragon disappeared in the ruins of the steeple? Jiang Hao thought to himself that after the ghost was approaching the minaret ruins, there was a magical aura rising from the minaret ruins, and a bolt of thunder fell from the sky, smashing the ghost's body, and instantly killing the ghost.

An illusory old man in a robes appeared on the original minaret ruins. Facing the creepy walker, an ancient evil that can pollute the soul and transform the soul into his own servant, he showed no fear.

"Make the ancient evil things a powerful existence. This is the place where Lady Dark Night has descended. Please leave here."

Lady Night?

That goddess actually came to this floating city?

But it is also right, the **** of knowledge knows the coordinates of this floating city, and the lady of the night knows it and it makes sense to be here.

Jiang Hao thought in his heart, and said calmly on his face, "Why did Ms. Dark night come here?"

"Because of the magic net." The old man calmly told the secrets of the Third Age. "In the glorious era of Netheril, those great mages, their magic skills reached terrifying levels, even the gods Magic may not be able to beat them, but at that time, they were worried. When we were fighting against the gods, would the mother of magic cut us from the magic net and stabbed us? Compared with the gods, those of us who have no respect for him seem to be more distant."

"Under this worrying thinking, hundreds of great mages joined forces to promote a great plan: to create a magic net under our control to replace the ubiquitous magic net."

"We call this magic net under our control as the shadow magic net, which means the shadow that replaces the magic net."

The game player who played the game felt that the server was insecure in the hands of the game company, and was afraid that he would seal his account, so he decided to open a private server to replace the official server? Jiang Hao feels that the ideas of these mages are very bold~www.NovelMTL.com~ After all, Mystra, the mother of magic, is not a game company, and it would be fatal to open a private server.

"The results of it?"

"With the support of some great forces, we succeeded, but we also failed." The old man said bitterly.

"Why do you say that?" Jiang Hao asked curiously.

"Because when we used Shadow Demon Net instead of Demon Net, Karthus, one of the greatest mages in the empire, suddenly used some magic that no one knew what it was. No, maybe it was not magic at all. It was divine art or some other ability. He intended to take over the power of the mother of magic over the magic web and seize her power, so terrible things happened. The mother of magic fell without warning, spreading across countless planes. The magic net broke down!"

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