I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 170: : Blood of the Son

Blue star is saved

This news spread to reality through the Internet in just a few minutes. If it is not reported by the media of various countries, if it is not published by the observatory, if it is not for the news, only familiar faces will be endorsed in the political news. If it hadn't been for the blessing of the gods to disappear inexplicably, they would definitely think this was a joke.

You just announced the end of the world on the front foot, but on the back foot you declared that there is no end in the world?

Is today April 1st April Fool's Day?

But watching the video clips played repeatedly on the Internet and on TV sets, some people feel confused.

"Sacrifice yourself to save the world, is this God?"

"He is the one who destroys the world, and he is the one who saves the world. I don't know how to evaluate him/him."

"Although the Holy Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are in one trinity, in my opinion, the Holy Son is the Holy Son, a loving God, and the God, the one who does whatever he wants, they are two people in one body."

"I hate God because he destroys the world, but I kind of like the Son, because he saved the world, and it's good to treat them as two people."

"Will you believe in God?"

"No, I have my own beliefs, I will not deviate from my beliefs, but I will respect him."

"Praise and bless our primitive transcendence **** Kronos, you are the supreme and supreme god, the master of time and space, and the root of the gods. My congregation and I swear never to abandon you, in His mighty power Next, the Son made the right choice. Here I suggest that all those who believe in the great primitive transcendent **** Kronos join the primitive brotherhood formed by us believers. Those who join the religion are brothers and sisters. ."

"The one upstairs is a cult. If you don’t believe me, look at what he said before. He is a citizen of the universe. He had created a new hope for the Universal People’s Religion, believed in Danjun, and recruited people everywhere to join the religion. No, he is a liar, don’t believe him."

You have been blacklisted by the other party)."

The Son's salvation move touched countless people, making Blue Star talk about his voice everywhere, but there were also some people who were violently attacked after discovering that the world had no end.

"God, why didn't you destroy the world? Why did you do this to me? I just spent all my money."

"Selling accounts, tainted milk powder full-level number, ultimate graduation outfit, a total increase of 14. There are 6 million points in the account, 13 billion game coins and some increase materials in the mailbox, (screenshot) (screenshot) only 1.3 million yuan , This is the money I just invested, I didn’t ask for a penny more... I beg the big guys to buy the account of the little brother, I will give the full hero account of the League of Legends, kowtow, thanks!"

"I... I did something against the law in the last days. If I surrender now, can I get a few years less sentenced?"

"I confessed to Senior Sister, and she agreed, but now that the end is not here, Senior Sister will not regret it? Who will tell me Senior Sister she will not regret it."

"You are talking about the Shuying of Jiang X University, I have already confessed to her, and transferred a small amount of money to buy her things, she seems very happy (screenshot) (screenshot)."

"Don't wow... blame, do you think I can't see that you are P's picture?/Funny"

The U.S. Black Palace, Hodgson, who vowed to live and die with the country on Twitter, saw a comment on his Twitter liking him. Even though he has been suffering from sleep deprivation recently and his eye bags are severely swollen, it is also at this moment. He was shivering, and he didn't look like an old man in his seventies.

He gave him like messages one by one, encouraging them to continue to support themselves. When he was having fun communicating with netizens, his secretary came up with coffee and said, "Mr. President, biologist. Dr. Hall hopes that you can send someone to the city of São Ang to collect the blood of the Son for their research."

"Collect the blood of the Son of God for research?" Hodgson automatically showed the appearance of the mad scientist in the movie, and then shook his head vigorously, "Tell Dr. Hall that I can't give this order."

That is the Son, the Son who just saved the world, the whole world is grateful to him, even if this gratitude will gradually be forgotten over time, just like in the Middle Ages.

But it wouldn't be the case that people just saved the world on the front foot, and everyone forgot about him on the back foot.

At this time, someone is sent to collect the blood of the Son. Isn't this looking for condemnation and protest? Even with the strength and face of their country, they dare not commit this anger. Now it is not the past. They used to be the Blue Star overlord, but now they are not. At this time, it is better to keep a low profile.

Besides, the strength of the Papal Kingdom is unfathomable. Now a few new angels have been added, and their strength is even stronger. With their fanatical respect for the Son and all the things around him, anyone who dares to attack those items will definitely end up well. Wherever he goes, once he seeks to steal the blood of the Son of God, those transcendents may disregard the rule of'God to God, Caesar to Caesar' and go directly to their land of the United States to wreak havoc, then he would cry .

Moreover, the Son has a deed of resurrection in history. Although this time is a bit different from the last time, this time the Son has been integrated with God, but no one can be sure that the Son must be He won't descend from heaven again. If he comes and discovers what he is doing, will he throw himself into the lake of sulfur and fire of **** and let himself be tortured forever and ever?

As a not very religious believer, he is also very afraid of **** and does not want to be tortured after his death.

"But Dr. Hall said that in the Middle Ages, Longinus stabbed the Son, and the blood of the Son fell on his eyes, which restored the light to his nearly blind eyes, indicating that the blood of the Son can heal Eye diseases." The secretary relayed the words of the other party to the president. "He said that as long as the blood of the son is available for him to study, he will definitely be able to develop medicines for all eye diseases, and the son is a god, and his blood is the blood of the gods. If you let him study it, maybe you can study the secret of the eternal life of the gods."

The secret to immortality of the gods... Hodgson was shocked ~www.NovelMTL.com~ For an old man in his seventies, immortality is really the biggest temptation.

He is not short of money or rights, but he is the only one who lacks eternal life.

Although a series of events that happened recently proved the existence of the kingdom of heaven, but when he counted his actions in this life, the distance between the kingdom of heaven and him was probably as far as the atonement of the Son.

"Let the people closest to the Saint Ang Cathedral go to worship the Son." Hodgson smiled devoutly. "He accidentally got a little blood of God in the process of paying homage to the Son. I think no one will go. Blame him."

"Of course no one will accuse a devout believer." The secretary also smiled humbly. If Dr. Hall can really study the secret of the immortality of the gods, then this immortal technology may spread to his head. He was still young, and he could afford to wait.

Hodgson thought for a while, felt that the risk was a bit high, and decided to pull in some allies, "Remember to pull in other countries, I mean those countries with extraordinary power, and they said, we want to share our interests, we want to share technology."

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