I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 171: : I, your Lord, I am back

Outside the Cathedral of Saint Ang, a group of believers knelt on the ground and refused to leave for a long time.

Although their legs were numb because of kneeling, they still had no complaints.

They always believed that the Son would come again, just as he was nailed to the cross in the Middle Ages and resurrected three days later, he would definitely show his miracles to believers again.

It's just inexplicable, there are more believers who seem to be pious among the believers surrounding the Son.

At the invitation of the United States, even if they know the sinister intentions of the United States, but in the face of the temptation of immortality, the countries still unite to get a little blood of the Son for research, but even if they unite, they dare not risk the world at this time It is too big to grab the blood of the Son, so they choose to get the blood of the Son quietly.

A group of people slowly approached the place where the Holy Son bleeds. Some of them are responsible for letting out the wind, some are responsible for rubbing the blood on the ground with their own clothes, and some naturally use their bodies to block the sight of others. , A group of people work together, accidentally stained with the blood of the Son.

Simon stood up slowly. The movements of these people were hidden from ordinary people, but in his eyes they were no different from stealing with a light on.

"The Lord said: If you ask, it must be given to you; if you seek, you must find; if you knock, it must be opened to you. Because whoever asks, you will get; whoever seeks, you will find; whoever knocks, you will be opened. ."

Sister Angelica quietly read the words recorded in the "Gospels" and said to Simon: "The Lord is willing to give everything to the world, so don't stop it."

Sister Angelica didn't speak very loudly, but to the agents and spies whose spirits were already bound up and their ears were erected, it was undoubtedly the same as saying directly to their ears.

Listening to what Sister Angelica said, they showed ashamed expressions, and scrambled to scrape away the blood of the Holy Son on the ground. Some people even pried the floor.

These are all valuable materials that domestic scientists call for. Researching them, even if only a small amount of results, is a good thing for the whole country.

Jiang Hao saw the actions of these people, but didn't care, because the blood is no different from human blood, and it contains no supernatural powers. If you want to use those blood to study the secrets of the eternal life of the gods, you simply don’t care. Possible thing.

He closed his eyes, absorbed a steady stream of beliefs, and transformed these beliefs into divine power.

"This trick of destroying the world and saving the world directly expanded the number of believers who contributed to my faith from the previous one billion to four billion, close to five billion."

"From the perspective of the source of faith, the places that have not been affected by me are mainly oil lands and black Africa, followed by some countries with their own mythological system. They are still sticking to their beliefs.

"But even so, the beliefs gathered in me are terrifying, and the number of devout believers is rapidly increasing."

"Fortunately, there is no upper limit to the divine power of authority transformation, and no amount of faith can be transformed into divine power."

"Now my divine power is unprecedented, and the power that really limits me is authority."

"Only when you have the authority can you be promoted to the true god, and this can only be done in another world."

He thought for a moment, communicated with the black whirlpool in his mind, and touched his thoughts. Then, his eyes went dark and he returned from the blue star to another world.

When he came back, he glanced at the surrounding situation, and when he found that there was no danger, he began to examine his newly acquired authority.

"I played the role of God and got the supreme, sole, omnipotent, and creator. There are four powers in total, which are not much different from what I expected."

Although God has the adjectives of omniscience, omniscience, and omnipotence, which represent omniscience, wisdom, and power, respectively, omniscience and wisdom fall into the hands of Ogma, the omniscient Lord, and are controlled by him.

And right, as far as he knows, there is a **** in the other world named ‘tyrant’, and the authority of ‘right’ is likely to be controlled by him.

"I played Lucifer and Satan, and got the powers of arrogance, depravity, temptation, and deceit respectively. I don't know if I who occupy these powers will fall into the evil camp?"

A thought flashed in Jiang Hao's mind. The gods with the largest number of aliens were the gods of the neutral camp, followed by the good camp, and the evil camp had the least number of gods.

In contrast to a disc of scattered sand, the kingdom of God is spreading over the void of the neutral camp. Most of the gods and kingdoms of gods are gathered on the Seventh Heaven Mountain. They are closely linked to fight against the evil gods of the good camp. The evil gods of the evil camp are not only small in number, but also each other. Hatred, infighting.

Since the second era, the life of the evil gods has not been easy. Not only is their church suppressed by the church of the gods in the camp of the good gods on the main plane like a mouse on the street, even the kingdom of God has to be under the pressure of the good gods. Fall into the bottomless abyss and use the power of the demon princes to resist the power of the good gods.

These evil gods, even in the fourth era, when the evil gods were the strongest and most active, failed to improve their situation. On the contrary, many evil gods even the kingdom of God was broken by the good gods and fell from the void outside the territory. In the main plane.

If not every Cthulhu was exceptionally powerful, and learned to hide himself and others in the long mutual pit, the Cthulhu in another world would have been slain by the good gods a long time ago.

He didn't want to be divided into the evil camp by the gods because of the camp, and become an evil god.

"I played the role of Michael and got the authority of ‘justice’. If I had the authority of ‘justice’, would I become the new Heavenly Mountain Three Gods?"

Inexplicably, Jiang Hao thought of the picture of himself fighting side by side with the Lord of Dawn~www.NovelMTL.com~ He threw the picture out of his mind wordlessly and thought about it.

"I played Brahma, Chronos, the great **** Odin, the original chaotic water Nunn, the original chaotic nuclear Asathos, and Tathagata, but I didn't get the corresponding authority. What happened?"

The last time he played Loki’s authority can be said to overlap with the fallen Dark Sun Cyric, but this time the **** he played at one time involves so much authority and lofty authority, there is no **** who has the corresponding authority in the other world. , Otherwise, the other world would not have been able to give birth to a **** with a **** level of 20.

While he was thinking, the sky in the other world suddenly brightened, and the dark red brilliance took away the sun's rays.

A luminous figure laughed madly outside the main plane, and made its own voice to the whole main plane,

"I, your lord, the only true god, the highest prince, Cyric the Dark Sun, are back!"

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