I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 169: : Our universe is saved

The warm blood spilled on Florence’s face, and he almost opened his eyes in a **** look. From the scarlet perspective, he saw his dagger accurately inserted into the chest of the Son of Messiah. Into his heart.

"Oh God."

The trembling cries rang out uncontrollably, and the believers cried loudly. Sister Angelica covered her mouth, and hot tears fell from her face.

Seeing the saintly son Messiah whose life aura is gradually weakening, St. John the XII is crying bitterly, "Merciful Lord, why did you come to this world and leave us?"

"Yes, our Lord, why did you leave us? Why did we never see you again after we saw you? Are we sinful and unable to be with you?"

Everyone confessed and wept together. For them, as long as they can see the Lord and let the Lord be with them, even if the world perishes and the universe restarts, why not?

The Son of Messiah was happy for their faith, and was relieved by what they said, "You don’t have to be sad, and you don’t have to care about it, because I, your Lord, is going to the kingdom of that day to open the earth for you and let that faith My people, and those who pronounce my name, have their homes, and they are all children of God."

Florence, who had killed the Son of Messiah himself, was holding a dagger. He watched the Son of Messiah whose complexion was gradually losing his blood, and many memories emerged.

He was familiar with the classics, opened his mouth to the doctrine, treated the believers gently before others, and calculated the others coldly. He comforted the people who came to confess in the confession room, but he wrote down what these confessors said. For calculation purposes, he pleases St. John the XII, wants to climb to the pinnacle of power, and secretly confuses others and encourages others to be dissatisfied with the pope.

He is scheming and always maintains a mask of hypocrisy.

He does not believe in God, even if God came to the world, he has not believed in it, otherwise he would not have the idea of ​​killing the Son.

However, when the Son of Messiah asked him to kill himself with a dagger, he was shocked, what kind of mercy would make an omnipotent **** sacrifice his life to save those creatures.

God, shouldn't you be high above and do nothing? Why is this **** sacrificing his own life to save everything for him, even people who are not even ants?

When he actually stabbed in with a dagger, he felt that he believed in God.

The Son Messiah is his God.

Because of this, he felt that he was guilty of killing the Messiah with his own hands.

Florence looked at his god, drew out the dagger, held it with his backhand, and pierced it into his heart.

"My Lord, I am guilty."

As the red blood gurgled out, his consciousness began to become blurred, anemia, shock and other symptoms were reflected on him, and it didn't take long before he fell into darkness.

In the darkness, he saw God, a God who is extremely loving and dazzling, and his light shines the darkness like the kingdom of heaven.

He saw a light pushing him away, telling him to leave the kingdom of heaven and return to the world.

The Messiah looked at him kindly, with a gentle voice, "Life is the gift of the Father. You must not abandon it. This is what your Father and I do not like."

Inexplicably, Florence felt a little itchy behind his back. Something seemed to grow out of it. He manipulated the thing and stretched it out, only to hear a tearing sound. A pair of angel wings broke his clothes. Behind him opened, a sacred power surged in his body, and the diffuse light radiated out.

Florence cried with excitement, "Lord..."


The dagger stained with the blood of gods and humans fell to the ground. According to the legend of the god-killing spear Longinus, this dagger that killed the Son must be a powerful artifact, but no one was present. One cares about this dagger.

Because their **** is about to die.

"You must remember: love is patient and kind; love is not jealous, love is not boastful, not arrogant, does not do shy things, does not seek your own benefit, does not get angry easily, does not count people's evils, I don’t like injustice, I only like the truth; tolerate everything, believe everything, hope everything, endure everything; love will never stop."

The voice of the Son of Messiah gradually became quieter.

One after another spheres appeared in the air, intertwined into a huge Kabbalah tree of life, and even the omnipotent God in the sky looked over.

The believers on the ground prayed in a low voice one by one, their voices sobbing,

"Our Father in heaven... please forgive our sins, just as we forgive our people, please don't let us fall into ruin, but save us from all destruction."

"Father, I saved them from sin."

The Messiah exhausted his last strength and shouted loudly, seeming to be speaking to the believers, and also seeming to be speaking to God.

In an instant, the Kabbalah's tree of life diagram lit up.

The sphere of light representing the ten-faced God of transcendence, omniscience, omniscience, benevolence, omnipotence, self-existence, glory, creation, omnipotence, and kingdom gathers on Messiah and blends into it.

At this moment, the Son of Messiah turned into a ray of light, separated from the human body, and merged with the Supreme God. There seems to be something different in the God who does whatever he wants.

It seems that there is compassion.

He raised his hand, clenched it into a fist, opened it slowly, and said the second sentence,

"I, save your sins."

A certain indescribable wave radiated from his body and spread into the universe, causing the universe to produce some kind of magical change that cannot be seen or observed, but can be felt.

The astronomers who saw this scene on the Internet hurriedly manipulated the astronomical telescope and aimed it at space. With the help of various instruments, they saw that the extremely magnificent and beautiful universe was exactly the same as what they had observed before, as if the universe collapsed before It's just an illusion.

This discovery made not knowing how many people held their hearts and got excited~www.NovelMTL.com~ They were excited to announce the great news.

"Our universe is saved."

This great news made the world boil, but the people outside the Cathedral of São Ang did not boil at all. They surrounded the corpse left by the Son of Messiah, and under the leadership of the angel Florence, they whispered. The last prayer.

"Vaning people, blessed are you, because the Lord does not regard your sins as sins."

"Blessed are you people of greed, hatred, and ignorance, because the Lord does not regard your sins as sins."

"Blessed are you who are intrigues, because the Lord does not regard your sins as sins."


"Those who insult them, persecute them, and fabricate all kinds of bad things to slander them, please rejoice, because our Lord has saved you from your sins."

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