I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 168: : Atonement

The fall of his voice shocked the world.

The Lord is omnipotent, and of course it is just waiting to see through the hearts of the people, so the red bishop really had the idea of ​​killing the Son in his heart.

Thinking about this, everyone looked at Florence with shock, incredible, anger, hatred, encouragement, admiration and other emotions.

"The cardinal bishop actually wants to kill the saint son."

"God, is he the Iscariot of the Last Supper, the Judas of the new century."

"Is he crazy? That's a god, his lord, so he is not afraid of being thrown into **** by God and tortured in the lake of sulfur and fire forever and ever?"

Although many people on Blue Star are hostile to the Son of God, even the most devout believers of other gods do not dare to say that they can have the idea of ​​killing him in front of the Son.

There is no other reason, but also fear.

God proved by his own actions that he is really omnipotent.

The believers present were completely angry. They looked at Florence with extreme anger and hatred one by one, as if Florence at this moment was not the former respected cardinal, but the last Judas, the disciple who betrayed the Son of God, was the same.

If it were not for their Lord and Son Messiah, they would now tie Florence to the cross and burn him to death with fire to wash away his sins.

Listening to the words of the Son, and feeling the gaze on his back, Florence subconsciously wanted to deny it, saying "No", but looking at Messiah’s bright eyes like the stars of the universe, he actually I can't tell a lie.

"Lord, I am guilty."

This big man who had experienced countless winds and waves in his life couldn't help it anymore, holding his head and shaking.

"How dare you try to assassinate the Lord?"

"How dare you, how dare you have such an idea?"

"Sinner, you have no forgiveness."

Looking at Florence's words and acknowledgment of no doubt, everyone exploded in an instant, staring at him as if they were going to swallow him alive, and St. John XII pounced on it. He waved his fist at Florence and was about to hit it.

Florence is his heir. Although he is only one of the candidates, he has shown his optimism in public on many occasions and is already showing his inclination.

But now, Florence, he dare to have such a rebellious idea, he is... Does he want to drag himself to hell?

Although they recorded that the Messiah was a benevolent **** in their cross religion, how dare he put his hopes on the mercy of God?

However, just when his fist was about to touch Florence, a soft light emerged, blocking his beating, and the Son of Messiah gently said to Saint John XII: "You shouldn't hit him. , Because he wants to kill me, it is good, it is good, I will not blame him, and you should not blame him either."

"Lord." Florence shed tears after hearing the words of the Messiah, and his voice sobbed, "I am guilty, and my sin is inexcusable, because the demon, the devil, he deceived me, he said as long as Killing you can stop the final judgment, I... I don't want to watch the world perish, I am guilty."

"You are a person who loves others, and your Father in heaven will also love you."

The Son of Messiah kindly looked at Florence in front of him, and a dagger was condensed in his hand. He handed the dagger to him, "You can kill me with it to remove the sins of mankind, call this If the end does not come, this world will not perish, so that all sentient beings will be redeemed."


Florence looked at the dagger as if he had seen a snake or a beast, as if he had seen Lucifer Satan, hurriedly backed away, speaking incoherently, and did not dare to pick up the dagger.

He had the idea of ​​killing the Son of Messiah, but at this moment, he could not even have the slightest idea of ​​killing the Son of Messiah.

"The Son of Messiah wants others to kill himself."

"Redemption, this comes from the salvation of the Son. He will once again bear all the original sins and martyrs in the world, and he will save the world again."

"Why are the same as the Lord, the Son and God are so far apart?"

"Because the Son is a person incarnation of the Lord, representing the mercy of God, he was born through the body of a man, and he is both a God and a man."

"This is God."

Listening to the conversation between the Son of Messiah and Florence, countless people felt heavy. Even the heretics, facing the Son who was about to sacrifice themselves and save the world, could not help but become silent. People who believe in the Lord, they looked at the Son, tears unconsciously shed on their faces, and the faith in their hearts became more and more religious.

Looking at Florence, who was retreating in fear, the eyes of the Son of Messiah contained love for the world, "I will give you what you ask, and I will satisfy you if you wish, because God loves the world, he is called The world should not worry about tomorrow."

Behind Messiah, a simple cross appeared. .

He opened his arms, one of his shoulders was deformed and shrugged, as if being pressed by something indescribable, round wounds appeared on his palms and soles of his feet, red with a little golden blood flowing out of the wounds. Drop by drop, it fell on the ground, blooming a sacred flower.

Looking at those traces, a sense of enlightenment arose in the hearts of those present at the same time. It was a stigma, or a trace of sin. The Son of Messiah was born after bearing all the sins in the world on his body. trace.

"Lord, you told me to kill you because you wanted me to be your Judas."

Looking at the dagger that appeared in his hand inexplicably, Florence felt that he was about to collapse.

The Judea who betrayed the Son, his fate is not even the ashes left.

Even if the Son of God asked him to start ~www.NovelMTL.com~, but who dares to say that he will not be dug out of the ashes in the future, you know, tampering with God's words, the whole world is doing it.

Messiah shook his head slightly, with a gentle voice, with infinite peace, "No, you are not Judas, you are Florence, you are a righteous man who walks in my way, I want to thank you, and they also want to thank you, Because you did terrific things for them, you saved them."

Florence opened his eyes wide and looked at the saintly son Messiah in front of him in amazement, but immediately, he closed his eyes, his face became extremely complicated, and finally all his expressions turned into a touch of determination.

He walked up, walking slowly and hard, and every movement seemed to carry the weight of a mountain like a sea.

"My child, you don't have to be afraid, don't panic, don't have to suffer, because you are perfecting them, just like your Father in heaven is perfecting you."

Listening to the words of the Lord close at hand, Florence closed his eyes and handed out the dagger, piercing it into his slightly obstructive body.

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