I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 162: : The Fall of Michael

"Be careful!"

When Lucifer appeared behind Michael and gave him a backstab, the believers outside the church instinctively shouted, wanting to remind the heavenly king to be careful of Lucifer.

But it was useless. The speed of sound transmission was limited. It could not be transmitted until a few seconds ago. Therefore, after exclaiming, they could only watch Michael, the Heavenly King, pierced by Lucifer's palm. A strong golden heart was grabbed from his body by Lucifer, the former king of angels.

"Oh God."

"Sir Michael is going to die in Lucifer's hands?"

The believers below all exclaimed. Some even closed their eyes, not daring to see what was going to happen next, and not daring to see Michael, whom he respected and loved, died in the hands of Lucifer.

And this scene was seen by countless people through live broadcast.

The devout believers were angry and sad, closed their eyes and began to pray. The ungodly believers kept entangled in their hearts as to whether they should be happy or painful, while the other non-believers became more clear, and all cheered in their hearts. There was obviously uncontrollable joy on his face.

If it weren't for fear that posting on the Internet might attract revenge and punishment from the gods, they would have reveled long ago.

For non-believers, what is the difference between the **** who wants to destroy the world and the evil god?

But the reaction of these onlookers did not concern Michael. He turned around and looked at Lucifer, who was holding his angel's heart. He looked at his former companion indifferently in a pair of shining eyes, "It's useless. Yes, Lucifer."

"I know it's no use." Lucifer held the angel's heart and smashed it forcefully, her golden pupils were also very calm, "I just don't want to be a puppet of God, and I don't want to perform according to the script, even once. "

"What does their dialogue mean? What's useless? What kind of puppet? Who will translate it?"

"When you look at it, you know that you don’t understand the texts of the Cross religion. If you understand, you won’t understand it... The Cross religion clearly records that God is omnipotent and does whatever he wants. If he likes it, he will hold it in the palm of his hand. What He doesn’t like will be destroyed. The past, the present and the future are between His thoughts. It is omniscience and omnipotence in the true sense. Do you think He doesn’t know that Satan will lure Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit? Do you think He doesn’t know the way and will fall to heaven? Do you think he doesn’t know that Satan and Lucifer will come to prevent the birth of the Son? Wrong, he knows, he knows everything, he knows everything."

"Then why didn't He prevent these things from happening?"

"Don't speculate about the Lord's thoughts, because the Lord cannot be guessed by our mortal thoughts and logic."

"Just blow it. You know everything. Lucifer has said it. If you don’t do his marionette, it means that your **** did not anticipate what happened here. Don’t refute it unless you are better than Lucifer who once served The king of angels around God knows God better!"

"'If Lucifer fails to prevent the birth of the Son, then everything is in the Lord's script. No matter how Lucifer struggles, it will not help. If Lucifer prevents the birth of the Son, then all of this is also in the Lord. In the script, the Lord never thought of destroying the world. He just accomplished all this through Lucifer's hands.' Use this sentence from the devout believer upstairs upstairs. Don't thank me/funny."

"Aren't those upstairs afraid of being punished by God?"

"Do you think that Judgment Day is not a divine punishment for me, a believer of the emperor Wa? Anyway, I will face divine punishment, and I am not afraid that God will come again."

The people are not afraid of death, so how can they be afraid of death? This is the current state of mind of many people.

They worship God because they fear the power and punishment of God, but if they do not respect God, they will die and be punished, so why should they worship God?

After the angel's heart was crushed, Michael, the most brave warrior in heaven, the prince of heaven burst into infinite dazzling light, dispelling the dark magic that covered the sky.

Facing the light bursting out of Michael’s dying, the two great beings Lucifer and Satan almost simultaneously chose to avoid them. They disappeared in this time and space, hiding in the vastness of time and space that no one could detect. Among them, there was no trace of existence in this time and space, and the sinners who had borrowed the power of Satan to resurrect were screamed in the light, and instantly disappeared into ashes.

This infinitely radiant angel flapped her wings like light and phantom, bowed her head to Sister Angelica, and prayed in a low voice, "May the glory belong to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; how was it in the beginning, today? The same is true forever. Amen!"

Only in the next moment, the light on the angel king's body converged, and his body disappeared without a trace.

"Master Michael."

The believers outside the church had tears in their eyes. I don't know who started to pray, and they soon infected the believers outside the church. They began to pray for themselves.

"Our father in heaven... what we need today, please give us today; forgive our sin debts, just as we forgive those who owe us sin debts; don’t let us be skilful in temptation, please Save us from the evil one."

The lowly chanting prayer students gathered, with an inexplicable sad tone and artistic conception, slowly echoing over the church, passing through the live broadcast room to all over the world.

"Michael fell?"

"Although it looks incredible, it is understandable, because his opponent is not Satan, but Lucifer, a colleague who has been with him on the left and right hands of God and has worked with him for so many years~www.NovelMTL.com~He If you have enough knowledge of him, set a trap to attack him, you must be absolutely sure of it."

"Lucifer won. The next step is to kill the Son. I don't know what will happen after the Son is killed. I hope everything is safe."

"Michael has fallen, but there seem to be several archangels in heaven, so don't let a few more archangels come at that time."

"Shut up, you crow."

People from all over the world gathered their eyes in this city, discussing everything that happened here. It can be said that the battle over this city determines their life and death. Therefore, every change here affects their minds.

A moment later, Lucifer and Satan returned from a different time and space. The still-glorious archangel stood where Michael had fallen, seeming to remember something, but Satan couldn’t take care of that much anymore. He watched the victory and looked again. It couldn't wait to become an ancient snake, and opened its mouth at Sister Angelica.

In an instant, the sky seemed to split, the incalculable brilliance vented, and the hymns of praise lingered. In the blurry scene, everyone seemed to see the figure sitting behind the big white throne standing up.

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