I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 163: :the Lord

the Lord! God! Jehovah!

Even if it's just a vague sight, people have already surfaced his various titles.

Some quick-reacting people either closed their eyes or turned aside their eyes.

Because... don't look at God directly!

Although many gods in myths and legends don't care much about the eyes of mortals, Zeus in Olympus mythology is chasing mortal women and falling in love with princes and princesses, but the omniscient and omnipotent God is taboo from the sight of others.

Therefore, there is a rule of ‘Don’t look directly at God, don’t call God, and don’t blaspheme God’.

However, there were also people who were slow to react. They saw this God, saw his seemingly real figure, and quickly closed their eyes, and nothing happened.

Only then did they start to realize that they seemed to be deceived.

"Don't look at God directly is it fake?"

"Who said last time you can't look directly at God? Obviously nothing happened."

"It is of course false not to look at God directly. According to the scriptures of the Cross, God has been holy in front of people several times in history. It is false to regard God as false, and it is also false not to call God directly. The original version of the cross religion is that you must not pretend to be your Lord. It means that you can’t do your private affairs and seek benefits in the name of God, not that you can’t. Call him by his name."


"I just checked. Don’t look directly at the saying that the gods are Egyptian gods. The Karnak Temple records: Confucius, the son of Amon, asked Amon to show his true form in front of him, so that he could see his father’s true face. But because God’s true body cannot be looked directly at, God Amon wrapped himself in the skin and head of a ram and appeared in front of his son. Kongsi thought he had seen his father’s true face and told everyone the secret. The ancient Egyptians no longer killed rams except for the high sacrifice, but this should also be false, because last time many people saw the **** Ra and nothing happened."

In front of the screen, many people are typing and chatting while staring at the screen, using the way of talking with others to ease their fear and anxiety.

God has come, can Satan and Lucifer stop him?

They have the answer vaguely in their hearts, but at this time they would rather not know than that everything is unknown.

At least if you don't know, you can leave some suspense, leave some thoughts.

When God, the omniscient and omnipotent, walked out of heaven, an indescribable sense of weird sluggishness appeared on everyone. Those who avoided dodge no longer, those who prayed stopped praying, and the whole city fell into slow motion. , All fell into dead silence, as if time and space were frozen.

No, not only people, but all kinds of animals are sluggish.

The fleeing mouse stopped halfway, like a corpse. The fluttering bird fell stiffly, and the cute kittens lay on the ground, their bodies curled up and shivered.

Their wisdom is much lower than that of human beings, and they are more easily controlled by instinct. Therefore, they don't even struggle, they are motionless, and no one can move freely.

But in this weird sluggishness, there are two activities that are still able to move freely.

"God!" The instigator who once challenged God rushed up excitedly when he saw God, as if he was going to continue the unfinished challenge last time.

But it is not an irrational beast. As soon as it approaches, the king of the devil has already summoned many demon kings of **** to help.

The surrounding space was instantly broken by Satan's dark magic power, and the invisible and intangible time and space channels were exposed, and the ugly world composed of fire and darkness showed its true face in front of the world.

The demon kings of Hell, such as Samael, Bezeb, Asazil, and Abaddon, poked their heads out of the passage and snarled angrily at God.

They are all angels who have fallen from heaven to hell. There are various reasons for their fall, but only one thing is similar, that is, they are hostile to God.

As soon as they appeared, they manipulated various dark lights, dark thunders, blood-colored lightnings, plague viruses, filthy sounds, and stabbing spears to release and throw them at God, and the endless magic of darkness rolled and exploded. The sky was swallowed by it.

But all the dark magic powers turned into invisible things by God's side.

Then, the **** stretched out a finger and pointed it on Satan.

This finger is obviously as long and as small as an ordinary person. This God is also standing there clearly, without moving distance, but his finger is on Satan who is more than ten meters away from him, as if it was nothing. A half-meter-long arm should span a distance of more than ten meters.

The unit that humans use to measure the world loses its meaning before this omnipotent God.

Then, Satan disappeared, just like Satan, the king of the devil who once went to heaven and intended to challenge God, never appeared.

"My lord."

Lucifer looked up to God, the Creator who created him, and issued a declaration of victory, "The script you thought about two thousand years ago and used prophecy to make mortal records was destroyed by me."

"...Before the Son comes, Satan has been wiped out by you, so this time I won."

The answer to him is also obliteration.

In a single thought, the Creator obliterated his creation.

Lucifer disappeared, as if he had never appeared.

With the fall of the two demon kings who were hostile to God, the God who did what he wanted stopped. He seemed to be thinking about how to deal with the stage play that was not performed in accordance with the established script.

While He was thinking, people all over the world who were concerned about this matter held their breath, waiting for God's decision.

Should we abandon the final judgment, or continue with the final judgment?

"Mr. President, the nuclear bomb is ready over there and can be launched at any time." The secretary who hurried over said in a low voice in President Hodgson's ear.

"Do you think it is useful for us to launch a nuclear bomb?" Hodgson asked the secretary. He knew the answer in his heart, but he wanted to hear a different answer.


Is the nuclear bomb useful~www.NovelMTL.com~ Don’t you all know it well?

He thought about it for a while, and said the truth: "I feel useless."

Hearing the secretary's answer, Hodgson sat down on the ground, waved, and said weakly: "Don't even tell me the lie... Forget it, let's give up."

The secretary on the side listened to Hodgson's words, his face was slightly embarrassed.

In fact, I want to say it is useful.

But this lie is too fake to be said, it is more fake than the king's new clothes, I really can't afford to be so embarrassed.

When they were desperate, God finally finished thinking.

He who walked down from heaven spoke for the first time,

"The boring universe, start over."

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