I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 161: : Michael

The sacred syllables vibrated, and the magnificent and peaceful beam of light descended from the sky, stopping in front of Satan, blocking his way.

The doors of heaven opened one after another, and the sacred scene like a miracle spread in the void, endless brilliance flowed out of the heaven, dispelling the dark power of Satan, and countless faint and dusty angels were shining. They are flying in the sky, holding musical instruments and blowing horns, and the sounds of praise, blessings, and prayers are intertwined together to form a heavenly movement.

Afterwards, angels with illusory statures filed out from the kingdom of heaven, gods wearing hard armor and holding swords.

After these angels came out, they were separated on two sides, with their wings covering their faces, and lowered their eyebrows, as if waiting for someone to appear.

"Someone is coming out."

"Which angel is it?"

"Is it the great Lord?"

Under the brilliance, the pious faces showed excitement, looking forward to the brilliance in the sky.

Under everyone's gaze, a more magnificent door to heaven suddenly opened, and a seraph holding a cross sword and wearing a battle suit wandered into the void.

His beautiful and impeccable face was full of sacred taste, and the pure white feathers fell down while the wings were trembling, turning into a brilliant brilliance, illuminating his surroundings, and at the same time setting off him incomparably dazzling.

The moment he saw Him, the excited hearts of the believers present throbbed and throbbed, as if they were about to jump out of their chests.

"God, it's Michael, the commander of countless angels, Michael the Lord of Heaven."

"In heaven, the most sacred and dazzling angel is the king of angels on the right hand of God."

"He brought the army of angels to protect the Son."

The king of angels paid no attention to the surprise and admiration of these believers. He came to Sister Angelica without joy or sorrow, and slowly knelt down, facing the unborn'my lord' in the belly of the Virgin. Recite the hymn by mouth, praising the greatness of'my lord'.

After a while, he stood up, turned around, raised the cross-sword in his hand, and pointed it at Satan.


When the enemies met, they were extremely jealous. The ancient snake roared, it rushed forward, opened its blood basin, and bit down at Michael.

Facing the mighty power of Satan, Michael, the prince of heaven who is known as the brave crown among the kings of angels, did not have the slightest fear. He raised the cross sword in his hand and slashed at the ancient snake.

Only in an instant, there was a sound of ‘boom——’.

The incomparably terrifying ripples exploded in the collision between Michael's cross sword and the ancient snake. In an instant, black cracks burst out.

Although the appearance of the crack was only a short while, everyone who stared here could still see the crack and the looming starry sky behind it.

"What it is."

"I don't know what it is if it is explained by science, but if it is explained by magic, then it should be a space crack."

"How powerful is their power? A nuclear bomb will not explode into space and cracks will appear. How do I feel that an ordinary fight between them is greater than the energy produced by a nuclear bomb?"

"What a nuclear bomb."

"Space cracks have appeared, will there be space collapse? Will there be black holes? If they do, then the blue star will be over."

"Wake up, Blue Star will be over soon, but it was not killed by the black hole, but by the Lord you believe in."

"Come on, Satan."

In a live broadcast room of an oil pipe, everyone became noisy.

Although the oil pipeline owner of this live broadcast room has never been seen, although he is surprised why the oil pipe owner dares to start the live broadcast at this time, this little doubt has long been forgotten by everyone in front of the content of the live broadcast.

They sit tightly in front of the computer, holding their mobile phones, watching this battle that determines the fate of mankind.

Although from the perspective of mythology and the number of believers, the majority should support God, but in the live broadcast room, Satan accounted for the majority, and occasionally someone supported God. , I was so sprayed that I didn't dare to appear.

In the face of their own lives, they have countless reasons to support Satan.

Justice is reversed at this moment.

When everyone was still arguing, the screen they were staring at changed again, and Michael, the king of angels, who was known for his bravery, slammed Satan away.

A person the size of an ant actually bounced off the extremely huge giant snake, and this picture made countless people's jaws almost fall off.

The bounced Satan rushed up immediately, and the king of demons changed back to the appearance of seven big red dragons, and fought fiercely with Michael.

Sometimes it changes into a big snake, sometimes a big red dragon, sometimes close hand-to-hand combat, sometimes long-range use of magic bombardment, sometimes alone for a courageous attack, sometimes summoning the demon kings of **** to help, creating indescribable effects. All kinds of incredible powers are in Satan's power. With it in hand, its power manifested everywhere in the sky and on the ground.

Regardless of how it changes, Michael only attacked with the cross sword in his hand, dissolving Satan’s attacks one by one. There was a scent of breaking the law in it, and all kinds of brilliant brilliance burst out of him. Half of the sky shone like day.

One of these two is the lord of **** and the king of demons, and the other is the lord of heaven and the commander of all angels. They are almost equal in personality and almost equal in strength. The two sides are inextricably fought.

They fought all the way from the sky to the ground, and from the ground to the sky~www.NovelMTL.com~ in a ball.

When the two big brothers were fighting, the sinners under Satan couldn’t stand it and rushed up to Sister Angelica. Before the believers planned to form a human wall to protect the Virgin, the angels were already Joined the battlefield.

They were holding swords in their hands and holding them empty in the other hand. The brilliance condensed into a shield and stood in front of the criminals.

The number of sinners summoned by Satan is more than a million. They took advantage of the black fog and directly drowned the angels in it. Before their cheers, countless brilliance burst out from the black fog. Pierced through the black mist, the sinners approaching one by one screamed in the light.

Even if they are at a complete disadvantage in terms of numbers, even if the sinners have borrowed the power of Satan, in front of these angels, they are as vulnerable as paper.

If it weren’t for the fact that the number of sinners is too much, the sinners are people who have already died once. After this resurrection, they have been promised by Satan and are not afraid of death. These sinners have been defeated by angels. .

At this moment, above the sky and behind Michael, Lucifer's figure appeared, stretched out his hand, aimed at his heart, and fiercely inserted it in.

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