I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 160: : The Lord said: Let there be light

Outside the Cathedral of Saint Ang, everyone was relieved of their anxiety after the Virgin spoke. They began to kneel on the ground and prayed in a low voice.

"Wanfu Angelica, you are full of holy favors! The Lord is with you; you are praised among women, and your parents and children are praised; the Virgin Angelica of God, please be with us now when we are dying Sinners pray for forgiveness from God, Amen!"

These people are believers with firm beliefs, even if the final judgment is coming, even if Satan's sinners are coming, they don't have the slightest idea of ​​retreating, because they can even ignore their lives for the Lord.

Anthony also knelt on the ground, like a steadfast believer, following the prayer of the "Our Lady", praying to the living Virgin Mary, praying that she can forgive her sins, and pray that she can have eternal life in the final judgment.

I don't know why, he prayed with everyone, and his heart became empty.

Suddenly, the sky was flashing and thunder for no apparent reason, and endless black mist emerged, engulfing the eternally shining little kingdom of heaven. It seemed that even the power of Lucifer could not match the mighty power of Satan.

The huge big red dragon poked its head out of the clouds and mist, and the extremely huge body was looming in the black mist. Sinners came by taking advantage of the black mist and slowly approached the Saint Ang Cathedral, with a pair of cruel and vicious eyes. Sister Angelica staring at the door of the church.

Looking at Satan in the sky, and then looking at the sinners who are staring at the Virgin, even the devout believers cannot calmly continue to pray at this time.

"The enemy of the Son, Satan."

"A seducer who entices people to commit a crime, a provocator who provokes the faith of the creature in the Creator."

"Leave here, Satan, this is the sacred place of the Lord. It is not a place where you can set foot and return to your hell. That is where you and your sinners should be."

Every believer became angry at Satan. The place where the Lord is is not only the heaven on earth, but also the sacred place of the Lord. All unclean lives are not welcome here, let alone Satan, the incarnation of original sin, the root of sin. ?

In order to protect the Lord's sacred place, even if the big red dragon on the opposite side is Satan, these believers did not shrink at all!

"No, mankind, I'm here to save you. Your moody Lord destroys you, and your Lord who does whatever he wants throws you into **** and causes you to perish forever, just because He regrets making you."

The Satan in the sky fell on the ground and turned into a huge, dark golden snake.

The big snake opened its mouth, spit out the forked snake letter, and made a hissing sound. It was just like bewitching Adam in the Garden of Eden, and said with a bewitching voice: "Humans, if you turn against me, use When the dagger pierced the woman's stomach and stabbed the Son in her stomach, that God would no longer be able to judge you as written in his script, and you would not have to face the judgment of that God. "

"You don't need to die, you don't need to fall into hell, you don't need to be completely perished in the lake of sulfur and fire. You will survive this doomsday crisis and live in the world you are familiar with again. Don't worry about waiting for the decision of the one who does what you want."

Unlike the Cthulhu mythology, the evil **** will be polluted as long as he confronts his voice, loses his sanity, and becomes crazy. Satan’s words are full of inducing magic, and when they enter the ears, they will penetrate into the heart and touch the depths of the heart. Endless evil thoughts provoke their sins.

"Satan, don't confuse us."

"Leave here and get out with your minions. You are not welcome here."

The believers present all glared at Satan, without the slightest fear.

The people who could not escape here when the danger came, but instead rushed here are some devout believers who don't even need their own lives.

Their will is extremely firm, and how can they be deceived by Satan in a few words, even if its voice has magical power, contains evil and strange power, it still can't shake their pious beliefs.

But there are two exceptions.

"Just killing the Son can make the final judgment disappear?"

Anthony listened to Satan's bewitching voice, and felt that Satan's words were in his heart, as if Satan was not a bewitching devil, but his closest friend.

Its words made his mind float.

"Woman." Satan looked at Sister Angelica, and once again brought deceptive magic in her voice, "Look at the outside, look at the gates of heaven that is covered by my magic, look at the big white throne. , Look at the book of life with merits and demerits on it. That is the proof that God wants to destroy the world."

"If my Lord desires to destroy the world, then the world has reached the time when it should be destroyed. I will feel happy about this and will not have any sorrow, because the Lord has done what He wants to do." Angelica The nun said calmly, she didn't know whether the Virgin Mary had faced Satan's temptation, whether she had been shaken in front of Satan, but faced the devil's temptation, she didn't have any wavering thoughts.

"Women, do you have the heart to look at your compatriots and watch all the lives on the blue star perish in God's will?"

Her gaze fell on the believers, and she asked them, "I ask you, would you grieve for the death of yourself and your loved ones, and would you resent the Lord for the Lord's judgment of the sins of the world?"

"Do not."

"we will not."

Everyone responded in unison.

"I will not grieve for my death."

"My relative is dead~www.NovelMTL.com~ I will be sad, but I will not be sad for him, I will not be painful for him, but I will be happy for him, happy for him, because I know he is going to glory The kingdom of heaven is to meet the great Lord. This is a worthy joy."

"I will not resent the Lord, because if he mainly does such a thing, he will have his own reasoning, and we should all understand.

As a devout believer, they know that everything the Lord does is right. If He is not right, then please refer to the previous sentence.

Sister Angelica got the answer from everyone, and said to Satan very happily: "Satan, look, this is my answer."

Satan, transformed into an ancient snake, was furious at the answer of Sister Angelica. He raised his head up with an angry roar, and endless dark power burst out, bringing with it unknown, secretive, and evil, "The wicked innocent man, I want to swallow you with the saint son in your stomach."

It opened its mouth wide at Sister Angelica, and bit down at Sister Angelica while everyone exclaimed in anger and despair.

"The Lord said: Let there be light."

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