I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 153: : Chase hunt


"Evasion from hunting by the Hound of Tindaloth?"

"I... Isn't this killing me?"

Florence looked at this strange creature with sharp teeth and sharp minions, and his heart was cold. After being chased by this creature that can travel through time and space, could he really escape?

The Hound of Tindalus twisted his body and looked at Florence, this strange creature was blurred. Looking at Florence with unclear eyes, even if he couldn't see clearly the other person's eyes, he could feel the strong maliciousness in the other person's sight.

"The game starts now."

As Lucifer's words fell, the terrifying creature's eyes shrunk, brought a hideous touch, and rushed forward.

The hunt has begun.


Facing the culling of the Hound of Tindalus, Florence did not hesitate to use the teleportation opportunity given to him by Lucifer.

He teleported to the sparsely populated desert.

Because he remembered that Cthuluri said that when the hound of Tindalus travels through time and space, it needs to have a horn less than or equal to 120 in the target location to be substantiated. In other words, if he hides in a place without square horns, It means that the Hound of Tindalus cannot track him temporarily, at least it cannot track it by traveling through time and space.

And the endless desert meets such conditions.

So he teleported here to avoid being chased by the hound of Tindaloth.

There was a scorching heat on the golden desert, and under the scorching sun, the clothes of the archbishop became a burden, and soon felt hot.

He quickly took off the clothes inside, leaving only a layer of outer robe to cover his body, and then sat on the gravel covered with clothes, thinking carefully about the next way out.

"The hound hasn't chased it for the time being. This shows that what is said is correct. It does need a horn to realize the space shuttle. I hope it can delay a little time in the desert."

He didn't expect the hound to stay away because it was impossible.

The Hound of Tindalus is a terrifying creature that will chase its prey until the prey dies. Even if it has no horns, it will rush over. The difference lies in the day or night.

"There are still two opportunities. If it chases after two days, it will continue to teleport to another place. If it is within two days, it will have to think of other ways."

"Is there any way to avoid its chase?"

Florence turned around anxiously, and suddenly he thought of what Lucifer had said to him.

In fact, that method is feasible...

He struggled with his face.

Like Lucifer said, the Hound of Tindalus will chase everyone who sees it. If it sees enough people, it means it will focus on chasing others and seeing it. Of the person.

——Everyone killed by the Hound of Tindaloth will buy him some time with his own life.

The weak human body cannot stop the hunting of the Hound of Tindalus, and can only buy a little time for him, but the accumulation of little can be achieved, but it may not be impossible for him to wait until the birth of the son and the end of the game.


There is **** in this world.

If he did such a bad thing, would he be thrown into **** by the born Son, and be tortured for eternity?

No, it definitely will.

Lucifer, the king of angels who violated God's will, never had a good heart. He just wanted to look at me with an ugly side.

Just like it was written in a certain book, He deceived mankind and exposed him to the ugliest side of human nature, and then said to the great God: Look, God, your favorite creature, he is like this ugly.

At this moment, Florence, who was thinking, suddenly noticed that there was a little strange color in the endless desert. He looked carefully and found that the Hound of Tindalus didn’t know when it appeared. In the desert, step by step walked towards him.

As if noticing Florence's gaze, the Hound of Tindalus actually stopped, raised his vaguely invisible eyes, and stared at Flor with a gaze that could clearly feel malicious. Lens, as if saying,

"You can't escape."

"How is it possible... how could it chase me so quickly?" Florence's hands and feet were stiff, and there was clearly a boundless sight here. There was no horn to let it travel. How did it get here? Isn't it true that what is said in it?

"Actually you guessed it, but you refused to believe it, didn't you?"

"The Hound of Tindalus just shuttled to the place closest to you, and then rushed over."

It seemed like the voice of an angel, and it seemed like the voice of a devil appeared in his heart. Another voice that belonged to him emerged in his heart.

"Actually, as long as you go to a crowded place, you can get rid of it."

"Run where there are many people, how can the humble life of others compare to your own great life."

Florence hesitated.

The ‘self’ continued: "You are the cardinal archbishop, the candidate for the pope, the future shepherd, Florence, you have to cherish your life."

"Other people's lives are not important. You can see from the ages, which king's crown was not made of blood?"

"As long as you live, as long as you become the shepherd of the Lord in the world, as long as you get incredible power, you can let countless people sing praises for you, and countless people praise you as the most merciful pope. History books will only record your greatness. I will never mention what you did today, just like the countless executioners in history."

Florence was a little shaken.

The'self' bewildered: "The king in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" said: I would rather teach me to bear the people of the world, and quit teaching the people of the world to bear me. Even the kings of the East understand this truth, why would you not Understand."

"No, you know, you are just afraid of going to hell, but you forgot that **** is the kingdom of Lucifer. You will not suffer from suffering when you go to hell, but you will be blessed."

The Hound of Tindalus squatted under the golden gravel, staring at the prey without blinking, as if waiting for something.

"Go to Nima and run to crowded places~www.NovelMTL.com~Go to Nima, the most merciful pope, the devil, don't confuse me."

Florence roared and sent again.

This time he appeared in the Papal State.

As soon as he appeared, he roared, "Everyone took up their weapons and prepared to shoot."

He is commanding the gendarmerie of the Papal State.

The Papal State does not have a conventional army, but they have the gendarmerie, a gendarmerie team that usually serves as the police to maintain law and order.

As soon as his voice fell, a cloud of mist emerged. The strange creature, the Hound of Tindalus, condensed and formed in the mist, and then disappeared from everyone's sight.

In the next moment, this terrifying hound appeared behind a military policeman. It stretched out its ugly mouth, opened its slimy mouth, and opened its mouth to the head of the military policeman.

ps: I recommend the work "Tomorrow's Tribulation" by the Great Bear, Wolf and Dog, which is super good-looking. The author has been chasing this book.

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