I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 154: : The Last Judgment


A faint smell of gun smoke filled the air.

When the hound of Tindalus was about to eat the military policeman, a bullet hit its head in time, but after being shot, the hound still bit the military policeman's head, and then turned around as shriveled as a crocodile. Head, looking at the direction of the bullet, a pair of fuzzy eyes with deep malice.

"Run." Seeing that the bullet didn't work on this weird creature, Florence immediately roared.

Hearing his voice, everyone who was shocked before their eyes awakened, and everyone fled without thinking.


Florence stepped forward and ran. He didn't think about continuing to teleport. There were only three opportunities to teleport, and they were gone. Obviously, teleportation could not get rid of the hunting hound of Tindalus. It should be used as a lifesaver.

what! what! what! As he ran, there was a scream from behind, and the hounds of Tindalus chose to kill them first.

The wind brought by running was blowing quickly, and the cool breeze from the rainy weather slowly blown into Florence's heart, his heart getting cold a little bit.

I killed them.

Every gendarme Florence was impressed, because those people were loyal and steadfast believers. They often listened to him and confessed to him in the confessional. They were all vigorous and good young people.

But these people are now a corpse.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind behind him, and a strange, unexplainable smell penetrated his nose. He rolled aside without hesitation, and saw the hound's dry mouth biting into the air.

Before he got up, the Hound of Tindalus turned his head and bit him.

A heavy smell came out, his pupils shrank, and the two ‘teleport’ were about to be spoken, a faint white light appeared in front of him, and the hound of Tindalus hit the white light, and the white light soon shook.

At the same time, he heard an old, low voice, and said a prayer.

"The Lord said: The later glory of this temple will be greater than the previous glory, and I will give peace in this place."

The faint brilliance began to spread in an instant, a palace of simple lines of brilliance intertwined, the terrifying hound was curled up by the brilliance, and unexpectedly retreated.


And is it an extraordinary person in the Papal Kingdom?

Florence swallowed the word'transmission' abruptly, and at the same time looked at the old man in surprise.

The other party was reciting the scriptures in the Book of Haggai, so he concluded that the other party was an extraordinary person in the papal kingdom.

Since the Extraordinary came to the world, they have investigated all the people inside and outside the Papal kingdom. After Pope Barnabas appeared, they checked everyone again and found nothing in the end. They It is suspected that these transcendents live in some secret or remote churches and practice asceticism.

But looking at it now, the transcendent is by our side?

The old man's hair was white, his brows were engraved with wrinkles, and his azure eyes were slightly muddy. He looked at Florence and asked, "Why do you attract unclean creatures to our Lord's sanctuary?"

Being watched by the other's calm gaze, Florence trembled and bit the bullet and spoke out Lucifer's game. Finally, he defended himself by saying, "I didn't want to attract the Hound of Tindalus. I wanted to kill it with a gun."

The old man wrinkled his wrinkled brows when he heard Lucifer. After hearing the coming of the Son, his expression became strange, as if excited and sentimental, "Is the final judgment finally coming?"

"Oh, God……."

Florence listened to the old man's words and swallowed, "The Son was born to judge the crimes of all mankind?"

Doesn't that mean that he will die in six days?

Unless Lucifer wins the Son?

Oh, God……

Florence didn't know what was thinking in his head for a moment. Many thoughts flashed in his mind, but he couldn't catch them no matter how much he grasped.

"Of course." The old man said affirmatively: "All the people in the world think about are evil all day long, and heretics who don't believe in our lord are everywhere. The sins in this world have alarmed our lord."

"The omnipotent Lord descended the Son through the body of a virgin, indicating that the second extinction is coming."

The second extinction...

Florence squirmed his throat, and he suddenly remembered the great flood recorded in Genesis.

Seeing that people are sinful on earth, everything they think about all the time is evil, so I regret it.

He sent a great flood to annihilate all creations in heaven and on earth.

Only Noah rode on the Ark and took some of the world's species through the flood.

The hound of Tindalus who had been expelled disappeared quickly, and then the sound of chucking sound was endless, and the brilliance of constructing this simple linear palace appeared little by little.

"The Lord said that the end of all unclean creatures has come, and those that do not please me will be wiped out from the ground, because I, the creator of them, regret it!"


The body of the Tindalus Hound became torn apart as if hit by some invisible force. Dark red blood and turquoise viscous liquid were scattered all over the ground. This Tindalus Hound did not Screamed.

"Dead?" Florence, who was upset, was shocked when he saw the hound's death, and then fell into a trance. The monster that frightened and feared himself, just died?

"There is great power in God's language. Read the Bible more." The old man said lightly, as if thinking of something, "but it is no longer necessary, because the final judgment is about to come, and the **** fire will punish the sins. Falling from the sky, burning everything in the world."

Florence swallowed a mouthful of saliva~www.NovelMTL.com~ and squeezed the words out of his throat with difficulty, "My lord, isn't it in the book of Revelation that the final judgment is to redeem sentient beings and free us from the slavery of Satan? ?"

"To completely destroy your body and soul and erase all traces of you in this world, won't you be free from Satan's slavery?"

"The ultimate salvation is complete destruction."

The old man sighed, looked at him, and said faintly: "The Hound of Tindalus is dead. You have won the Lucifer game. Go back and wait for the final judgment to come."

The old man's voice fell, and Florence's figure slowly became transparent and disappeared.

He was teleported away.

After he left, the hound of Tindalus, who was silent on the ground, slowly got up, his torn body slowly solidified, and the dark red blood and turquoise viscous liquid flowed back. In the blink of an eye, the hound of Tindalus Resurrected.

The resurrected hound looked at the old man and slowly lowered his head.

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