I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 152: : Hound of Tindalus

As Lucifer's voice fell, the weird creature actually noticed that someone was looking at him, turning his crocodile-like mouth, and a pair of vaguely unclear eyeballs. Staring at the empty void in front of him.

"Is it looking at me?"

There was a chill in the hearts of everyone present. Everyone felt that this strange creature was looking at themselves, but how could this be possible? They are separated by a long time.

Under everyone's gaze, the turquoise pus on this strange creature began to subside, revealing a body without meat like bat wings, only bat skin wrapped in bones.

A faint blue electric light suddenly radiated from its body.

In the next moment, it disappeared into everyone's sight like a cloud of mist.

Through the long river of time that Lucifer's divine power manifested, they could see this weird creature was going down the river all the way down the river.

It's in shuttle time.

"Traveling through time and space... This is the hound of Tindalus."

An expert in the Black Palace who knew this creature changed his face drastically and turned around subconsciously, but he immediately realized that he had seen it, and it had also seen himself, and his face turned gray for a while.

"You said this is the Hound of Tindaloth?"

"The immortal hound of Tindalus in the myth of Cthulhu who will chase everyone who sees it?"

"Why didn't you remind us earlier?"

Hearing this expert's words, the inside of the black palace seemed to have exploded, and everyone's faces were horrified.

Since the myth of Cthulhu came and set off a huge disaster, Cthulhu Ji has become popular on the market, and one of the people present has made up for Cthulhu.

According to the record of "The Whisperer in the Dark": The Hound of Tindalus is a dimensional creature that can travel through time and space at will. It likes to chase witnesses. Once other creatures in space or time encounter them, they will be tight at all costs. Follow them, crossing the boundaries of time or space one after another, until the prey is killed.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that this creature, which has nothing in common with the hound in appearance, will be named as the hound.

And just now, they all saw the Hound of Tindaloth, which meant that everyone in their presence would face the hunting of the Hound of Tindaloth.

"I didn't know that it was the Hound of Tindalus at first." The expert felt wronged. At first, the Hound of Tindalus was covered with turquoise pus and could not recognize it as a hunting dog. , After all, there are several creatures similar to it.

But after it showed its true colors, it was too late.

"Who told me how to deal with this kind of creature?" Hodgson said with a grim expression.

Watching a play puts himself in danger, is there anyone in this world who is more wronged than him?

"The Hound of Tindalus has something to do with the angle. When this creature travels through time and space, the target location needs to have a degree less than or equal to 120 degrees so that it can be materialized."

The expert hurriedly stated the method of dealing with the hound of Tindalus, "We can avoid the hunting of this hound by eliminating the horns. Of course, this is just the method mentioned here. Does it actually work? I can't guarantee it either."

After all, the last time the people of Dongying used a speedboat to hit the evil **** Cthulhutan, it has proved that the way Cthuluri recorded against the evil **** is not necessarily correct.

"Hurry up and call the nearest engineering team. I want to transform the Black Palace." Hodgson immediately ordered.

Except for the Black Palace, other people who were paying close attention to this matter invariably gave the same order.

This is the hound of Tindalus. Although it is said that this hound was picked by Lucifer to play the game, it is impossible to chase them for the time being, but when the game is over, it will be their turn to see the hound. It was chased and killed.

"too slow."

Although the Hound of Tindalus can travel through time, it will take at least 30 days for it to come to this era. Lucifer, the great being, obviously does not intend to wait that long.

With a thought in his mind, the long river of time flowed quickly, and the time that had been backtracked was swallowed by the river again, and the hound that was running down the long river of time was swept down by the raging river and fell out.

After this hound, which was absolutely terrifying in the eyes of ordinary people, fell out of the long river of time, it changed from a foggy look to a deformed body that did not conform to the normal aesthetics of human beings.

As soon as it materialized, the Hound of Tindalus pounced on Lucifer.

Lucifer laughed inexplicably. He stretched out his white and slender palm, and when he reached out to grasp it, this terrifying hound was surprised to find that he had fallen into Lucifer's palm.

However, the slap-sized space accommodates the hound of Tindalus that has become smaller than the slap.

The Hound of Tindalus opened his mouth and bared his teeth, and the physical body turned into a cloud of mist, sometimes disappearing, sometimes appearing, sometimes passing through space, and sometimes crossing time, but no matter how it disappears, no matter how it travels through time and space, it can’t escape. Lucifer's palm.

It seems that Lucifer's palm has become a completely independent space-time parallel to the universe.

"Follow my will, otherwise your so-called immortality will face my ruling."

The Hound of Tindalus is an immortal strange creature, claiming that no one can kill it, but for a great existence like Lucifer, the so-called immortality is just a joke.

Lucifer's palm turned over ~www.NovelMTL.com~ This terrible monster with deformity reappeared in reality.

This terrible monster looked at Lucifer and gradually lowered his head.

Lucifer turned his head to look at the scared and scared Red Archbishop Florence. There was a look of interest on his handsome face, "God shepherd, I want to play a game with you." The name is called Journey of Escape, it chases you to escape, of course you can also choose to kill it, if you can."

"You have three chances to teleport, you can teleport to any place in this world."

"When the Son is born, the game is over. After you survive, even if you win, I will forgive you for your blasphemy."

"I can give you some inspiration. The Hound of Tindalus will chase everyone who sees it. Maybe you can try to run to a crowded place, maybe you can get rid of it."

He said softly.

The king of angels who had violated God's will because he was jealous of Adam's favor, seemed to want to see some ugly things in human nature.

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