I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 151: : Lucifer's Game

Inside an overseas military base.

A young man in military uniform was looking at a piece of paper and chanting a spell silently.

"Praise you, the great king of the endless void! Star mover! A solid foundation! The master of earthquakes..."

"Can he succeed?"

Across the monitor, an officer asked a researcher in a white protective suit.

They are now trying to communicate with Yugsothoth, the One of All Things.

After receiving the spell to summon Yugsothoth, they began to communicate with Yugsothoth, intending to obtain ancient mystical knowledge from this evil **** who has the title of omniscience and all-seeing, so as to achieve corner overtaking and return to Blue Star in one fell swoop. The status of the overlord.

From the very beginning, they placed the experiment on the territory of other countries, and the people they were looking for were also soldiers with firm will and absolute loyalty to the United States. This would ensure that even if the experiment was out of control, the damage would be to other countries as well as the subjects of the experiment. After getting mystery knowledge, they will not become anti-human and anti-social lunatics like Florence and Mizuno Takuto.

After all, the incident in Dongying told them that summoning is dangerous and communication needs to be cautious. In the unlikely event of an accident, the experimental subjects who communicated with Yugsothoth summoned the evil **** after obtaining the mysterious knowledge. They did not have the protection of the Lord God of Heaven.

As for the Quetzalcoatl... After this great **** does not carry out a massacre on the United States, it is already a great grace. I hope that he can help against the evil god. It is better to expect God to come and save all living beings.

——They who have been experimenting in the base do not yet know that the Son is coming.

"I don't know." The researcher shook his head. The experiment had failed many times. He really didn't have any confidence in this experiment.

He thought for a while and said: "Let's try to communicate with Yugsothoth with a lunatic with anti-social, anti-human and anti-social characteristics, as suggested by Professor Paul, just like people like Takuto Mizuno."

When they were still unable to communicate with Yugsothoth, Professor Paul wondered if Yugsothoth liked lunatics, so he proposed to use lunatics with anti-social, anti-human and anti-social characteristics as experiments. .

In fact, they had a more reliable guess in their hearts, and that was whether Yugsothoth was sealed by the great **** from the East, so that they could not respond to the summoner.

But no one is stupid enough to say this kind of speculation that will smash their jobs.

Isn't it fragrant to enjoy projects supported by massive funds and resources?

"This is too risky." The officer shook his head and said: "I can't take a risk. This is taking the safety of the people in this base as a risk."

"But if there is no progress, the Black Palace will have opinions." The researcher said, the Black Palace is not a fool, and if there is no progress, people will not approve funding.

"Are you sure you can succeed according to Professor Paul's advice?"

"I don't know if I can be sure, but I always have to try. Science should have an adventurous spirit."

He has already decided that if it doesn't work this time, he can only risk forging progress.

While they were talking, a white and slender palm reached in and grabbed the young man in uniform.

The young man who was grasped by his palm trembled and couldn't move at all.

"How is this going."

"What is that palm? Why does it stick in? It's not scientific"

The officer and the researcher exclaimed at the same time. Why is there no one on the other end of this palm? Is it invisible? But the laboratory cannot be said to be completely sealed, but there is absolutely no room for a palm to enter.

The officer who was more experienced in emergency handling applied for a moment, and immediately shouted, "Hurry up, open the laboratory."

"No, the laboratory should be closed." The researcher immediately put forward the opposite opinion. If the opponent is invisible, opening the laboratory at this time will definitely let them go.

As soon as the voice fell, the palm of the hand and the youth in uniform disappeared together in the laboratory.

Outside the Saint Ang Cathedral, everyone saw Lucifer's palm immersed in the void, and in the blink of an eye a young man in military uniform was caught from the void.

"Humans? What did he catch human beings for?"

"He said that playing games is not about letting these two people have a friendship PK of life and death duel together."

"Does such a great existence as Lucifer still have such a bad taste?"

Everyone who saw Lucifer's actions guessed in their hearts.

Kneeling on the ground, Bilborn looked up at Lucifer and wondered whether he should sacrifice two fighters when he sacrifices in the future? Maybe Lucifer likes this?

"That seems to be a soldier in our country."

Inside the Black Palace, a military expert said hesitantly after staring at the screen for a while.

The military uniform belongs to our country.

"Really? Get his information quickly." Hodgson was shocked, and immediately called someone down to get the information.

As if seeing the thoughts of these creatures below, Lucifer smiled lightly, "Don't get me wrong, I am not interested in your human confrontation. I pulled him over because he can attract something interesting."

His heart moved, and a long river appeared in front of him.

Everyone saw themselves in this gently flowing crystal clear river, saw others, and saw everything in the universe, as if it encompassed the entire universe.

"Long time..."

When everyone saw this river, the name came to mind unconsciously.

As Lucifer's thoughts turned, this crystal-clear river began to trace upward. This great monarch used his great power to run the river of time ~www.NovelMTL.com~ to trace the ancient source.

Modern... World War II... World War I... As time goes back, time fragments emerge in everyone's eyes.

They saw the feathered serpent entrenched in the sky above the Americas, with a body larger than the entire Americas; they saw the blue star, sitting high on the throne, tall and draped in golden armor, staring indifferently at the battlefield of the nine worlds, countless giants The one-eyed old man fighting each other; saw the young youth sitting in front of the dining table, dressed in linen, and said to the believers, "You must not learn from Cain"; saw the gorgeous palace hidden in the void, where countless spiritual gods are in this gorgeous Dancing in the palace to please the great lord god; I saw a dying giant on the top of the mountain, bound by heavy chains, pecked by eagles, and dying; I saw the great **** who was driving the ship of ten thousand years through the sky; I saw the giant golden Buddha sitting on the lotus flower and chanting and preaching; I saw the nine large bronze cauldrons that flew to the four directions, connected to form an enchantment, and enveloped the entire ancient East.

These great beings, gods or sacred beings, seem to be able to perceive someone watching them, some groaning, some being indifferent, and some preaching without realizing it.

Until the end, they saw a weird creature whose whole body was covered with liquid like blue-green pus.

"You are the one."

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