I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 148: : Black Mass

"Who is he?"

Back in the hall long ago, Hodgson, who was staring at the big screen, heard Hyde's words, and subconsciously looked at Hyde and asked. MacDonald, who was hiding in the corner, also instinctively raised his ears and listened, if he could know who he was. , May be able to draw him over.

Perhaps a werewolf is nothing in the eyes of others. Countries like East Asia, Egypt, and Northern Europe have gods behind them. But for a country that desperately needs extraordinary power, a werewolf is also worth a lot of price to win. .

"Sedam the Cruel."

Hyde turned around and said.

"Sedam I the Cruel?" Hodgson repeated the name subconsciously, and asked blankly: "Who is he?"

Mr. President, your historical score must be F when you take the exam.

Many people complained in their hearts, and one of them explained to the experts in history, “Seddam I was the ninth king of the Tuji Kingdom, because he took severe measures to govern the country and frequently killed the ministers and his relatives. In history, people have been called cold, meaning people who are cold and cruel."

"In the past, archaeologists thought that the reason Sedam I would kill his father, kill his brothers, kill his brothers, and kill his nephews was entirely to stabilize his throne and solve the problem of succession to the throne, but now it seems that there is something hidden in it."

"He said,'Pull out the unstoppable rage in my body and destroy the devil hidden deep in my heart.' Does this mean that the devil is attached to him, manipulated him, and made him make the historical piece? The jaw-dropping murder?" someone who is interested in history asked.

In history, after Sedam I chose Suleiman, the child born to him and Hafshaha, as the crown prince, he brutally killed more than 20 sons.

Archaeologists and historical experts blamed this situation on his own indifference and cruelty and he was paving the way for Suleiman to sit on the throne, but now, he seems to be manipulated by the devil. Is he involuntary?

“It’s possible that although Sedam I’s methods are harsh and his attitude towards himself is very cold, but as a father, it’s impossible to have no affection for his son at all. No matter how poisonous a tiger is, he won’t kill his son. No matter how cruel the crocodile is. Nor will he eat his own offspring, so I think Sedam I should have been manipulated by the devil."

Although all kinds of documents show that Sedam I was really out of consideration for the stability of the native chicken country, and his method of killing his son did make the native chicken country usher in a great monarch, but no matter how many documents It's not as good as the appearance of Sedam I.

As for whether the werewolf is a fake.

They never thought about it that way at all.

——Who would be so boring to pretend to be a character hundreds of years ago? Outside Saint Ang’s Cathedral is a battlefield, not a special historical halloween ball.

"A wise monarch who deserves to be named, became a tyrant who killed fathers and sons after being manipulated by the devil, but historical books recorded him as a fierce and cruel monarch..."

Someone sighed.

Fortunately, there is no Madame Bai Zuo here, or she might cry for his encounter on the spot.

"It is unknown in history how many people were manipulated by the devil like Sedam I."

The few historical books and the few texts portray how thin the characters are and how many mistakes they make.

When the experts in the Black Palace were discussing in full swing, the battlefield outside Saint Ang's Cathedral was divided between the winners and losers.

Sedam I left a claw on Simon's abdomen deep enough to see the bones.

At the same time, he said what he had not finished saying, "...Finally, I chose to fall into the arms of Satan. From then on, not only did I not receive the blessing of the sun, but I had to sneak in the dark, and I had to face the church tree for hundreds of years. Persevering in hunting down, but at least, my child has grown up healthy and healthy."

Simon clutched his stomach, and the pink granulation began to grow. He sneered at Sedam I, "Because the Lord did not cast down his divine power to save, so you fell into the embrace of darkness. Your faith is really pious. of."

Seeing that Simon was injured, Lisa's body suddenly burst into light. The bats flying all over the sky were illuminated by the light, making a squeaking sound, flew back, gathered in place, and formed a pale-faced Billborn with a deep body. There were pits and pits all over the blue suit.

But Billborn didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, he raised his hand, his lips stretched out a dark red tongue, gently licked the blood on it, and whispered softly, "Angel's blood is more delicious than a virgin. ."

"Dirty blood, I will let you know what a divine ruling is." Lisa's voice contained anger.

"No, you have no chance."

Sedam I suddenly laughed, "You who have received God’s power, don’t know how to use that great power at all. Since we came here, a lot of dark power has appeared under the ground, and you don’t even have the slightest power. Perception, let the witches complete the ceremony smoothly."

The wind blew suddenly.

Black lines emerged from the ground, and these lines began to spread, but for a while, these lines were connected to each other, forming a huge pentagram on the surface.

And everyone present, where they are standing, is in the center of the pentagram.

After forming, the five-pointed star array released a black light, and an inverted five-pointed star array was mapped out in the sky.

A large amount of black mist emerged from the inverted five-pointed star array, devouring light bit by bit.

"Black Diffusion!" Lisa, who has grown up in the church since she was a child, understood the origin and function of the pentacle when she saw the pentacle~www.NovelMTL.com~The Witch of Honnoulius In the book of Shushu, the diffusion ritual in which life was sacrificed to summon the devil to come.

"They are calling the devil!"

The darkness that can't see the five fingers, I don't know when it will come.

This darkness is pure and without light, and they can't see anything except the inverted pentagram in the darkness, even they can't see themselves. If they don't feel the body, they must suspect that they have nothing but a dual purpose. Except for the eyes that came to see things, have other parts been destroyed?

Suddenly, a little light appeared behind the darkness

In the light, everyone has seen the light and sacred paradise, it seems that all the light in the world is gathered in it, bright forever.

Countless angels sang and danced freely in the paradise, praising a certain great monarch.

Seeing this sacred and magnificent temple, Simon murmured incredibly, "Heaven? The black mass has summoned the heaven?"

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