I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 147: : Not to share an enemy

"Ah...this new game from Ubisoft is so disgusting. It actually makes players launch missiles to blow up angels. This is blasphemy! This is naked and blasphemy to my lord! I, Weber Faustin, swear here, I must Let the people in the game development team roll up and go."

Webster turned his mind and immediately scolded in anger.

The appearance of gnashing his teeth, as if he and the people in the game development team have feuds.

Listening to Webster's roar and watching his performance, many of the people who were sent along with him all cast their hearts on the five bodies he admired.

Oscar owes him a golden figure for his performance level.

"The perception that the Lord has given me tells me that you are lying." Lisa's voice was faint, and the diffuse light emerged from behind her.

There is no way to communicate with someone like you who can perceive the truth in words.

Seeing that the lie he told was seen through, Webster walked back quietly, the lie was invalidated, and now of course he has to run to a safe place with lots of people. If he gets angry, someone can help stop it, but After retreating, he was shocked to discover that the people around him were actually several meters away from him quietly.

You...how dare you do this.

Webster stared at these "friends" who usually talk and laugh together, his eyes were surprisingly angry.

The people he watched turned aside their eyes one by one, without the slightest shame in their hearts.

Do you want to provoke everyone to fight together? What a joke!

Don't say you don't have this idea.

Everyone is a thousand-year old fox, so what do you play?

When they were fighting, the soldiers outside Saint Ang's Cathedral who were protected by Simon and Lisa became angry. They glared at these people, and some soldiers even pointed their guns at them.

Although they didn't listen to the words of these abruptly appearing people, after hearing the cloud burst, they still didn't understand that it was these people who fired missiles here regardless of their life and death.

Webster's words did confuse some people, making them a little bit shaken, and ‘could he really have nothing to do with the cloud bomb? ’Thought, but then Lisa’s words made them even more angry.

"Under the explosion of the cloud explosive bomb, so many people have been saved. How much power do you have in this exhausted body now?" The werewolf in the white riding uniform walked up slowly, with a hint of cunning in his sturdy temperament. .

At this moment, he was like a wolf through and through.

Cruel, but there is no lack of wisdom.

"You can try." Lisa said defiantly, as if she was not exhausted like the werewolf said.

The werewolf looked at her.

Simon walked to Lisa's side, feeling nervous.

He has a bad feeling.

The atmosphere gradually became serious, and layers of black fog appeared on the sky, covering the brilliance of the sun in the sky, casting a huge shadow.

The kinsmen who were extremely uncomfortable with the sun were shrouded in shadows, and a feeling of comfort suddenly fell from the head to the soles of the feet.

Suddenly, the werewolf turned his head to look at Billborn, his thick-haired brows wrinkled, "The witches have already cast spells to block the sun, why don't you take action?"

The dark mist in the sky has something to do with the witch, I guessed it, but you didn’t tell me it was a signal to do something...Billborn was done slander, stretched out his extra-long nails, opened the bat’s wings, and flew towards Lisa. Rushed over.

People have been teleported, and they have to fight if they don't want to fight.

And everyone here can afford to lose, but he can't.

As a person who directly drags down the giants who are hiding behind Gaul and manipulating everything, once defeated, they will probably endure the crazy revenge of the giants.

Although he has extraordinary strength after becoming a blood clan, but a creature with natural weaknesses like the blood clan, if it is deliberately targeted, it may not be unable to deal with it.

Lisa flapped the angel's wings and punched Billborn.

The moment the fists collided, the Bilborn suddenly turned into a large group of bats.

These bats showed their terrifying fangs, made a creepy squeaking sound, flexibly pounced on Lisa's body, and began to bite.

"Be careful."

Simon rushed to help.

In the next moment, a brilliance slashed across, and the werewolf who had turned into a two-meter-high giant wolf stretched out its giant claws and grabbed Simon fiercely.


Simon flashed back, and a wound appeared on his abdomen, and the red blood gurgled out like water, soaking his suit wet.

The werewolf said in a hoarse and low voice: "Shallow combat wisdom. In the five hundred years of being transformed into a werewolf, I have dealt with hundreds of extraordinary people in the church, but you are the worst one I have ever seen. You don’t even have the most basic means to respond in battle. Fortunate ones like you who are favored by God, there is nothing but luck."

Simon covered his abdomen, his hands glowed, and after a few seconds, the wound healed.

Regarding what the werewolf said, he retorted: "No, besides being lucky, I have devotion to my lord."

After being given divine power by the Lord, he consciously realized that his belief in the Lord had risen to the height of a fanatic.


The werewolf suddenly howled up to the sky, with a stern voice in his voice.

He rushed towards Simon frantically, waving his two giant claws non-stop, the air was torn apart by his immense power, and the red brilliance rushed past Simon's side densely.


The werewolf's claws grabbed the wall of Saint Ang's Cathedral, and the powerful force directly grabbed the wall.

He kept attacking Simon ~www.NovelMTL.com~ in complete anger. "The Lord said, the wicked should abandon their own way, and the unrighteous should get rid of their thoughts and return to the Almighty Lord, and the Lord will Have mercy on him and turn to the Almighty Lord, because the Lord will forgive him broadly."

Simon dodges from the werewolf's giant claws, and a bit can't support it.

"This is what your God said in the Book of Isaiah."

His voice turned from anger to deep sorrow, "But even if I piously pray for God’s forgiveness, pray for God to lower his divine power, remove the unstoppable rage in my body, and destroy the devil hidden deep in my heart, but God Still did not show his miracle, I did not save my lover, did not save my children, just like I failed to contain the devil in my heart at first, and killed my father and my brother with my own hands. , Killed his own brother, killed his nephew like that."

In the black palace, paying close attention to Hyde heard these words, his face was shocked, and he murmured in disbelief like Xianglin's wife.

"No, it won't be him. He should have died long ago. It is clearly recorded in history that he died. How could it be him."

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