I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 149: : Morning Son

As a black mass ritual to please and summon the devil, it actually summoned the kingdom of heaven?

Simon felt that his three views had been greatly impacted.

"What's the matter, this is also in your plan?" Webster and the others stared at the sky, under the bright light, they felt like they were about to melt.

Billborn spread the wings of the bat and turned into a bat. He wanted to escape, but an invisible force held him firmly, and even the bat he incarnate squeaked and squashed, he couldn't fly out.

Countless rays of light fell on him, like burning fire, and he screamed and cursed fiercely.

"Damn werewolf, I was so miserable by you, I knew I shouldn't believe you, you heretics, cultists, actually tempted me to abandon my Lord."

He is clearly the most pious believer of the Lord. It is someone else who has tempted him, and he will turn his back on the Lord.

Lord, please forgive me and stop shining your hot light on me. Your humblest believer really can't bear your light.

"This is impossible, this is impossible. The Black Mass is obviously a ritual to communicate with hell. Why is it so? Why is there a kingdom of heaven." Sedam I was stunned, as if he could not believe what was happening before him.

"This... how is this possible? Isn't the black mass a ritual for summoning the devil? Isn't the pentagram that just appeared a black mass ritual?" Lisa flushed as she thought about it, and gave rise to her misunderstanding. ashamed.

In a dilapidated, weedy church, there is a burning black candle. Below the candle is an altar decorated with owls, bats, toads and some ominous animals.

A group of witches clenched their hands and prayed in a low voice before the burning black candles.

Suddenly, the sacred brilliance was like rain, falling down little by little.

These brilliance fell on the black candle and the altar, the latter two immediately burned, and in a blink of an eye, they had been burned out.

In the glorious rain, the eyes of the witches were irritated, and the tears continued to flow. "We are all cheated, damn, the black mass is not used to summon Satan, it is used to summon the kingdom of heaven."

"Why is the kingdom of heaven summoned by the black mass?" Hyde muttered to himself, scratching his cheeks and red ears while looking at the picture displayed on the big screen.

He really couldn't understand why the black mass ceremony would call heaven.

The earliest record of the Black Mass is in 1672. In order to regain the favor of Louis XIV, De Monticipan, the emperor of Gaul, did not let him fall into the arms of other women in the palace, so she found the notorious abortion doctor Kai. Celine assisted and held a black mass in an attempt to use the power of the devil to make Louis XIV love himself forever.

But in fact, there are even earlier legends. In the 14th century, King Philip IV of the Gaul Kingdom coveted the papal flag, and the Knights Templar were in the hands of the wealth of the enemy, so they spread rumors that they were followers of Satan, often after Mass. Hold a black mass ceremony to please Satan.

No matter how you look at it, the Black Mass cannot be related to the kingdom of heaven. Why is this happening now? Is it another historical record error?

"The legendary black diffusion ritual of summoning the devil Satan actually summoned the kingdom of heaven. Could it be that Satan is the incarnation of the Lord?" an expert murmured.

After inadvertently popping out these words, the expert shivered immediately, praying for the Lord's forgiveness.

"Matthew Gospel" says: Don't try to figure out your God!

In this age when gods are present, trying to figure out God is tantamount to blasphemy, and blasphemy means going to hell.

He tried to forget this blasphemous thought, but no matter how he tried to forget it, the thought remained in his mind and lingered.

The "Bible" records: All things were created through Him, and everything that was created was not created through Him.

Since the Lord made everything and everything, is Satan also made by him?

Although this idea is incredible, it is currently the most reasonable explanation.

Hearing his whisper, the consultant next to the expert quietly climbed up from the bottom of his heart, causing his hair to stand up.

He shuddered and looked at the big screen fearfully.

Because no matter which book it is in, God is not merciful, and the dualism of human good and evil cannot be applied to him at all.

God, He is the Almighty who does whatever he wants.

Everyone was shocked that the Black Mass had actually summoned the kingdom of heaven. Only when Sister Angelica saw the paradise above her head, she said with a very calm face: "Lisa, you were deceived by it, that is not the kingdom of heaven."

"Not heaven? How could it be possible." Lisa exclaimed.

At this moment, she seemed to have thought of something, and a small face turned pale, "No way, could it be him...he?"

She originally used him to describe it, but when she thought of the other person's personality, she unconsciously took him.

But if he was really called, it would be over.

Simon on the side was startled when he heard the conversation between the two people, and immediately thought of a possibility, his face changed involuntarily.

Is it really Him?


There was a soft sound as if the glass was broken, and as if the cloth was torn.

This voice is so far away, you can hear it, as if it is in the ear, there is a sense of disobedience that seems to be near and far.

"No, he is coming."

"Hurry up and stop him."

Simon and Lisa exclaimed at the same time, flapped their wings, and rushed towards the sky.

What are they going to do?

Seeing this scene, everyone except Sister Angelica had a deep doubt in their minds.

Several kinsmen who had memorized "Isaiah" suddenly thought of a possibility~www.NovelMTL.com~ their faces showed excitement, and their hearts were ecstatic.

It seems that he was called out.

If it is really Him, then there will be a good show.

There is a deep hatred between that person and the Saint Son.

Condensed to the extreme, the brilliance of substance vented down from the paradise, like a river of light, suddenly flooding Simon and Lisa.

The intense light illuminates the vast expanse of the earth, and the person who is illuminated by the radiance has a short sight of blindness.

In the paradise, countless angels dancing and singing stopped dancing, and they chanted at the same time,

"Bright star, son of morning, why did you fall from the sky? How did your angel who defeated the nations be chopped down to the ground?"

"You say: Because I want to ascend to the sky; I want to lift my throne above the stars of God; I want to sit on the gathering mountain; I want to be equal to the Supreme..."

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