I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 144: : The Pope’s Dutiful Son

"The North as20 supersonic missile is ready."


Supersonic missiles were launched, moving forward steadily in the air.

The moment the missile lifted off, US President Hodgson, who was on another continent, received the news.

Of course, he was able to get news so quickly, not because his satellite was awesome and the missile could be detected as soon as the missile was launched, but because his intelligence department was awesome. When the other party gave an order, someone secretly checked it. The message was delivered.

"The Gaul country's military fired a missile? Is Billborn crazy?" In the Black Palace, an adviser had an incredible look in his eyes when he heard the news read by the president.

It was in Gaul, and it was still a densely populated place. How many people would have to die if these missiles went down? Afterwards, how did Billborn face the anger of the family of the deceased and those who sympathized with the family of the deceased?

"Is it possible that it is false news?" the consultant asked.

"The news can't be fake!"

McDonald, who has always regarded himself as an invisible man since entering, glanced at the adviser and said that he was in charge of the intelligence department, and the adviser was slapped in the face by questioning the authenticity of the intelligence.

"Sorry, I'm the one who made a mistake." The consultant trembled and quickly apologized.

Since the establishment of the US intelligence agency, each of its bosses is not easy to provoke, because no one knows how many handles the other party holds in his hand.

Putting a few handles out at random is a scandal, which can be ashamed, or resign.

MacDonald closed his eyes and rested in the corner after finishing speaking, and the consultant suddenly sweated heavily on his forehead.

Hodgson ignored the panicked consultant. He looked at Hyde, an expert in Gaul affairs, and asked, "Mr. Hyde, why do you think Billborn did this?"

"Bilborn must have some cards to dare to do this." Hyde replied with a serious face.

As the most thorough expert in the study of Gaul in the Black Palace, his knowledge of Billborn is not unprofound.

"The Billborn I think is a tough and shameless person. Once he knows something, he will try his best to achieve it. Unless he hits the south wall, he will never look back."

"Since Pope Barnabas summoned the kingdom of heaven, the president of the Gaul Kingdom has adopted a strategy of holding tightly to the thighs of the Papal Kingdom, competing with the Bear Kingdom and the United States for the'favor' of St. John XII, although Repeated defeats, but repeated defeats."

"For example, he shouted several times in public, saying that St. John the XII was like his old father, and he meant to live up to his status as a filial son of the Pope."

Don't sell teammates, the sun never sets, the Pope's filial son Gaul.

These two sentences were originally used to satirize the country that has repeatedly betrayed its allies and the Gaul country that has stabbed the Papal country several times in history. But Billborn's series of operations have changed the irony abruptly. Become shameless.

As he said, Hyde looked at Hodgson with a strange look.

After discovering Billborn’s harassment, this Mr. President cursed him shamelessly in the Black Palace, and planned to tweet that he also came to say “Saint John XII is his old father”. Fortunately, he was finally killed. Persuaded.

——At the age of 73, he called Saint John XII as his old father. Is this to please Saint John XII or curse Saint John XII to die sooner?

With a series of strange thoughts flashing in his mind, Hyde did not stop talking, "He suddenly changed his strategy. First he sent someone to hold St. John XII, and then fired a missile to attack the angel who appeared outside Saint Ang's Cathedral. Is that right? Means that he got the power to fight the Papal State?"

If only to hold St. John XII, it can be understood that Bilborn wanted to win over the two angels first, but to attack the angels, there is only the possibility of ‘he got the power against the Papal State’.

Hyde cautiously hypothesized: "For example, he got the extraordinary power left by Philip IV who imprisoned Boniface VIII, or he got the legacy of Emperor Nao who snatched the crown from the Pope. power?"

In the past, they thought that Gaul had always hidden their extraordinary power, but Bilborn’s performance made them gradually produce other speculations, although they still firmly believe that Gaul has a hidden extraordinary power, some people have also proposed it. , Did Billborn not get this power?

After all, there have been great turbulences in the history of the Gaul Kingdom. After the original owner of the extraordinary power lost the crown, it would be a big question mark whether the power would be handed over to the later ruler.

The wrinkles between Hodgson's eyebrows are tight, and they are associated with the glorious history of the Gaul Kingdom several times in the Papal Kingdom. It seems that this is really possible.

After all, they can insult the leader of the Pope's transcendental forces, and they are the Gaul state of transcendents themselves, they must also be transcendental forces.

"Then what should we do?" Hodgson asked.

In their original plan, they were to please St. John the XII and put pressure on the Gaul State. If necessary, they could launch a small-scale war, but now it must be changed.

It is not in their interests to be involved in a war between two extraordinary forces.

After all, they don't understand the transcendents. If they make a mistake, don't they lose all the games?

After Mr. President's question, no one spoke.

One side is an angel, and the other side is the Gaul State, which has repeatedly stabbed the Pope in history and has a glorious history of killing and humiliating the Pope.

Judging from the emotions and the strength of the angels, the betting on the angels is correct, but no one knows if this is a big pit~www.NovelMTL.com~ After all, in the church, as the Lord’s shepherd, the pope’s status It is higher than most angels, only under the blazing angels, and even the Pope in Gaul can be imprisoned to death, and it seems that it is not impossible to kill the angels.

"There is an indeterminate information." McDonald, who had only said a word in the Black Palace, spoke again. "The nun named Angelica seems to be the Virgin, because our people heard the soldiers at Call the Virgin."

"Virgin? Mary?"

Hodgson's voice trembled. As a cross, he might not be very pious to the Lord, but if the nun outside Saint Ang's Cathedral is really the Virgin, then he will definitely stand in line with angels.

This has nothing to do with faith, but no one can defeat an omnipotent god.

"It's not clear if it's that one at the moment." MacDonald shook his head and said, Sister Angelica's information had already been in his hands, but this nun had nothing to do with the Virgin apart from her belief in Mary. He really couldn't see where Sister Angelica looked like the Virgin, but the soldiers called the nun as the Virgin, which puzzled him, and it was also the reason why he didn't reveal the information early in the morning.

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