I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 143: :launch missile

"Are you crazy?"

Patrick looked at Francis next to him in shock, and suddenly realized that he didn't recognize him a little bit, "That's an angel."

Angels, the messenger of the Lord, the most special child of God, the spirit who serves God, the spokesperson of the Lord in the world.

Attacking him is equivalent to attacking the Lord.

This is a serious sin.

It is a sin that is even bigger than surrendering to the enemy and betraying the country, or cannibalism.

"Also, depending on the situation, the person in the church is very likely to be the Virgin."

The position of the Virgin Mary is still above the angels, second only to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Francis habitually raised the little finger of his right hand, and said in a soft voice: "First of all, to remind you, angels are spirits, tangible, intangible, genderless and substantive spirits, so the two people outside the Cathedral of Saint Ang, He is only an angel’s reserve, or in other words, he will completely transform into an angel after he dies."

"It's the same with the Virgin. Only when she gives birth to a child is a Virgin. If she fails to give birth to a child, she will lose her identity as a Virgin and become an ordinary person."

"But that's also an angel, and it's also a Virgin." Patrick didn't understand what Francis meant?

Is the reserve of angels not angels?

The Virgin who did not give birth to the Son is not the Virgin?

Will the guilt of attacking them be smaller?

Is the consequence from falling into **** and suffering from the eternal punishment of the lake of sulfur and fire forever and forever?

Patrick didn't understand what Francis was thinking, how could he want to make such a crazy move.

Francis glanced across Patrick and said lightly: "Secondly, I know that he is an angel, and that the nun inside is the Virgin, so I don't need you to remind me repeatedly."

"What the **** do you want to do?" No matter how slow Patrick was, he also reacted at this time.

He, Francis, is exactly the person behind Francis, maybe those people. They knew from the beginning that the two people in the Cathedral of Saint Ang were angels, and they knew that the person inside was the Virgin, and theirs The goal is precisely them.

But why do they do this?

Why attack the angel?

Haven't they read "Revelation"? Don't know what the consequences of attacking the angels will be?

"It's a reaction." Francis's thin lips raised a smile, "In the end, it is them that I will attack."

"You're crazy, you're all crazy." Patrick almost jumped up when he was shocked by Francis's words.

He did not expect that Francis and the others were actually planning to attack the Angel and the Virgin, and they became the chess pieces in their hands and were dragged into the water by them.

After calming down, he squeezed a voice from his throat, "I won't play with you crazy men."

Although the big mistake was made, judging from the situation at St. Ang’s Cathedral, it is not too late to recover. The Benevolent Virgin can forgive the soldiers, but he may not be unable to forgive him.

He had already decided, and immediately contacted his subordinates, took a helicopter to St. Ang's Cathedral, and prayed for the forgiveness of the Virgin.

As for the so-called ‘launch a missile and give the angel a meeting ceremony’ order, this kind of order should let it meet the undead.

"Patrick, do you want to refuse to execute the order?" Francis sat on the chair, with his legs folded, and said in a high voice: "You want to leave here, want to kneel in front of the nun, and beg her for forgiveness?"

"Yes." Patrick said without hesitation.

If you change the order, he will definitely not refuse to execute the order, even if the order is unreasonable.

This is not something that drives him with the idea of ​​‘soldiers taking the execution of orders as their bounden duty’. It is purely that he knows how powerful the people behind Francis are and how cruel the means to deal with enemies are. He doesn’t dare to defy them casually.

But he dare not execute this order.

No matter how cruel Francis and the people behind him are, how can they compare to the record in "Revelation": Sinners go to **** and receive eternal punishment in the lake of sulfur and fire.

"It seems that you really want to betray us." Francis stood up suddenly and said coldly, "It seems that you have forgotten, our way of dealing with traitors."

Patrick glanced at him, suddenly pulled out the gun quickly and pressed it against his eyebrows.

All this happened abruptly, and it was completed in just a second or two, which was too fast for people to react.

He looked at Francis carefully, made sure he didn't have any chance to resist, he was relieved, and then said solemnly: "First, you are not my superior, you are not qualified to give me orders."

"Secondly, the Saint Ang Cathedral is located in the city of Saint Ang, which is within our Gaul country. Once the missile is launched, it will cause a large number of casualties. You will not bear this responsibility, and I cannot afford it.

"Third, I have endured you, a dead ladyboy for a long time."

He slowly squeezed the trigger and said slowly: "Now, I will give you two choices, one is to be held by me and wait for trial, and the second is to be shot and killed by me."

"François guessed that you were unreliable, guessed that you would lose your chain at a critical moment, so I was sent to watch you." Francis's voice did not fluctuate, as if it was not him who was pointed at the eyebrow with a gun.

"It now appears that Mr. François is right."

He moved, which immediately caused Patrick's reaction.

"do not move."

Patrick looked at him nervously, his calm reaction made him a little allergic.

"Ha ha……."

Francis laughed. Under Patrick's gaze, he spread out a pair of bat wings, and his tight lips revealed two small, sharp tiger teeth.

The base was quickly filled with black mist, unbearable coldness entangled him, and his hands and feet were cold.

Francis looked at him with eyes that were red as if it were bleeding and bleeding~www.NovelMTL.com~ Lips were as bright as blood, "If the bullet in your pistol is not a silver bullet, not a bullet soaked in holy water, not an angel Blessed bullets, then I suggest you put down your gun and don’t make unnecessary struggles."

"You are a vampire." Patrick's face turned pale. "Those people behind you, are they also vampires?"

"Congratulations, you are right, but unfortunately there is no reward."


The bullet passed through Francis's eyebrows, bringing out a cold dark red blood.

"Ha ha……."

Under Patrick's horrified gaze, Francis's eyebrows pierced by the bullet squirmed a few times, squeezed the bullet into his head, and then healed quickly.

He looked at Patrick, the red light in his eyes flashed, and he read the magic spell inherited from his blood.

"Kind Magic: Manipulate Humans!"

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