I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 145: : It’s better for the Son to ascend to heaven

"Let your people confirm if she is Maria!"

Hodgson ordered.

If the nun is really Mary, then the son of the Lord, the anointed one, the Messiah, and the Messiah, is he still alive?

Although it is recorded in history that the Holy Son was nailed to the cross for the sins of all mankind and ascended to heaven 40 days later, it is recorded in history that Mary died.

Thinking of Shengzi, his breathing became heavy.

Although it is a bit blasphemous to think this way, but... But it is better for the Son to ascend to heaven.

If the Son really exists, with the status of the Son in the hearts of the Western people, the prestige of the Papal Kingdom will really go back to the Middle Ages, and it will surpass the nations.

Don't look at him now trying to hug Saint John XII's thigh and try to kiss his boots, but that is based on independence and equality.

His attitude towards the Papal State is similar to that of a small country politically dependent on a big country, rather than directly becoming a puppet of a big country.

"Yes." MacDonald responded.

"Before the intelligence personnel have given accurate information, we should not intervene in the war between extraordinary forces for the time being." Hodgson made a decision.

"As for Pope Saint John XII." He pondered for a moment, and said: "Share the information with him, and take the initiative to show him that the United States is willing to help him vigorously."

It is necessary to express one's stance, but it is their own business what they do after expressing their stance.

I pulled a hind leg and lowered my efficiency. Wouldn't the time be easily dragged by?

"Ellis, you come with me."

Hodgson took Ellis into a small office, closed the door and asked, "Ellis, how is your situation going on there? Have you communicated with Yugsothoth and got mystery knowledge from it?"

After realizing the existence of mysterious powers in this world, the United States established the seventh district to study mysterious powers, and Ellis was the person in charge of the seventh district.

For a long time, the progress of the seventh area has been close to zero. The props of suspected artifacts that have been scraped through various means have not shown mysterious power. They once doubted whether the artifacts in their hands were fake or why others were holding them. The artifact shows incredible mysterious power. Holding the artifact by yourself is similar to holding a dead object?

However, the appearance of the Cthulhu Son not long ago made them realize that an opportunity was coming, so they sent people to arrest the Cthulhu Son, while sending people to communicate with Yugsothoth, hoping to obtain mysterious knowledge through communication with the Cthulhu, so as to achieve it. Overtaking in the corners and becoming the overlord of the Blue Star again.

"No." Alice just opened his mouth and saw the brows on the president's face wrinkled, and he immediately continued: "But we are already improving our methods, and I believe it will not be long before we can communicate with Yugsothos."

When Hodgson got the promise, his brows stretched out, and immediately he exhorted: "You must pay attention to safety."

He didn't want to let the horrible plot of "the U.S. country's death experiment results in a crisis of extinction" in the movie happen in the U.S.

In the movie, their U.S. superheroes save the world. In reality, they don’t have any superheroes to save the U.S.

"Mr. President, please rest assured that the experiments we communicated with Yugsothos were all carried out in overseas bases. Even if they are out of control, they will not threaten the homeland." Ellis said quickly.

They are not stupid. Of course, such a dangerous experiment will not be carried out locally. What if it gets out of control?

So they put the experiment of communicating with Yugsothos in overseas bases, so that even if the experiment got out of control, it would be unlucky for other countries.

As for whether that country will protest...A country that can be stationed, he will care about the voice of protest?

Well, except for Dongying.

They are a country blessed by the Lord God of Heaven.


When a northern as20 supersonic missile approached, Simon and Lisa felt danger at the same time.

The long brilliance flowed from the two of them, covering everyone here, including the soldiers.

——The Virgin has just forgiven their sins through baptism. Wouldn't it be a joke if they were allowed to die here?


One missile after another bombarded the brilliance, making a series of roaring explosions.

During the explosion, the air was distorted by the high temperature, and the high temperature and shock waves and brilliance produced by the explosion violently collided.

At this moment, the soldier shrouded in glory finally felt the power of the missile at close range.

"Missile, they fired a missile at us?"

"No, it definitely won't, it's the enemy, it's the enemy who fired the missile."

"The enemy? Are you saying that the angels fired missiles or the Papal States fired missiles? Don't forget who is protecting us now!"

"After tricking us into attacking the angel and the Virgin, he fired missiles at us again, ha ha!"

"They don't care about our life or death."

The soldiers looked at the explosion above, and at first they couldn't believe it. They couldn't believe that the people above would bomb them with missiles.

Then a feeling of anger arose spontaneously. They were betrayed. They gave everything they had for this country, only to get missiles in return. The people above didn't care about their life or death at all.

Finally, they fell silent, and the tone of their speech also began to become cold, as if it was not them who were bombarded by the missiles, they were just bystanders.


Now their hearts are dead.

"Patrick, you bastard." Seeing the explosion above the light, the commander roared up to the sky, he swears that he must let Patrick know why the flowers are so red after returning.

Suddenly, two angry voices came.

"Damn it!"


Simon and Lisa felt the danger at the same time ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and yelled like thunder at the same time.

The divine power from the Lord warned them that a great danger was approaching.

They exhausted all their power to communicate with the kingdom of heaven. An illusory door suddenly opened, and endless brilliance flowed out of the kingdom of heaven. In the imaginary light, the phantoms of cute and handsome little angels were looming, and they sang praises. The magnificent chant of the Lord resounded through the sky.

The splendor spread rapidly, and everything passed by was turned into a splendid kingdom.

next moment.

boom! ! ! ! !

A missile with intense flames jetting from its tail fell on the brilliance and exploded.

The fuel in the projectile exploded first and was blown into a mist above the explosion point, and then the second detonation ignited the mist fuel, causing it to burn violently in an instant.

A fiery red cloud rose.

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