I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 142: : God loves the world

Standing next to Sister Angelica, Lisa spread her illusory wings and embraced the nun, soft light streaming out, curling up the three of them, forming a circular cover in front of them.

Stones slammed on the cover, and ripples were swayed.

"what happened?"

Florence was still immersed in the joy of seeing the Son, and the top of the church suddenly exploded, making him a little dazed for a while.

"Someone wants to attack the Virgin?" Lisa looked outside vigilantly, squandering her divine power as if she didn't need money. If the Virgin lost a single hair, she would be to blame.

Outside the church, Simon was already confronting a group of soldiers armed to the teeth with a nervous expression on his face.

As an ordinary person who has just gained divine power for only a day, he has not yet reached the point where he relies on his own power to act recklessly.

But when St. Ang's Cathedral was attacked, the tension on his face turned into anger.

The guardian with all his heart, soul, and mind is not only a task given to him by an angel, but also a voluntary one.

In the future he imagined, he will follow the Son, and in the near future, like those ancestors who followed the Son in the Medieval century, he will put the name ‘Holy’ before his name.

But now, these mortals are actually attacking the Virgin.

How dare they do this?

Even though the Son was only born into this world through the body of Sister Angelica, Sister Angelica is still the Virgin, the innocent, the Virgin that all the Lord’s people must respect and love.

Endless anger rose from his heart, a pair of illusory angel wings spread from behind, and the magnificent holy light erupted from him, seeming to be affected by his anger, and the holy light came vaguely from the horn. sound.

It was the little angels who sounded the horn of war.

"You are all guilty!"

In just a moment, all the soldiers were hit by some kind of invisible and only perceptible force at the same time. They flew upside down like a basketball being thrown.

Blood spit out from their mouths.

But they weren't dead, and at the last minute, Simon stopped.

"Oh, God."

The soldier lying on the ground, vomiting blood, wailed while looking at Simon and the wings behind him with shock and disbelief.

Is he an angel?

We just attacked the angel?

God, we were just bewitched by the devil.

Some soldiers with strong physical qualities endured the pain, struggling to get up and fell to the ground, praying in a low voice, begging the angels for forgiveness.

"Revelation" says: Attacking angels is a great sin, and sinners will fall into **** after death, suffer eternal punishment from the lake of sulphur and fire, and suffer day and night, until forever and ever.

He has been hiding behind to command, so the commander who has escaped seeing this scene has already scolded the whole family of the superior in his heart. Is this what you are talking about as the most vicious criminal? This is the criminal you say you want to kill as soon as you meet?

I **** your family!

Looking at the angel wings behind the other party, he still didn't understand that he was pitted by his boss.

The guy didn't know why he wanted to attack the angel, and he was afraid that he would not dare to go, so he deliberately tricked himself into bringing the team over with a lie.

Seeing the other person looking over and seeing the unfading anger on the other person's face shrouded in faint radiance, he instinctively said loudly, "I didn't do it, I was also bewitched by the devil."

As the words fell, Simon stopped.

"Who is the devil?"

"My boss, Patrick, he is the devil." The commander roared loudly. "He said that there are murderous criminals here. He said that you are stealing national encryption and told me to kill as soon as I meet."

"He deceived me with lies, so much that I attacked the angel."

He directly confessed to his boss Patrick.

As for what will happen to this boss after being confessed by himself, will he be thrown into **** as recorded in the "Revelation" and be tortured forever and ever... He is eager for him to go to hell.

If it wasn't for that guy to coax him, how could he bring a team to attack the angel.

The commander looked at Simon with a pitiful expression, "Please forgive me."

"Lord forgive me."

The soldiers who had gradually recovered blessed their hearts and cried out.

Outside the church, the sound shook the sky.

Simon frowned.

The telepathy from God's divine power told him that these people did not lie. They did not know that this was the residence of the Virgin, and they were indeed bewitched by their superiors when they attacked this place.

But this is where he struggles.

Although he doesn't agree with the notion that the unknown is not guilty, he can't kill people who don't die. After all, he is a doctor who saves lives, not a killer who kills people without blinking an eye.

Just assaulting the Lord is a great sin, let alone he is not an angel, even if he is an angel, he cannot forgive these people's sins, because forgiving other people's sins is the Lord's prerogative.

If you use the Lord's privileges, you will fall even if you are an angel.

"Simon." Sister Angelica's gentle voice came from the church, "Let them go...The Lord came to this world to preach the gospel, to make atonement for all beings, not to destroy them."

"God loves the world!"

Brilliant brilliance flowed out from the church, and if there was no singing, accompanied by the brilliance.

The nun’s voice is very gentle, it can be heard in people’s ears but it is deafening. Those who pray for forgiveness are swept by the light, and they feel like they are washed from the inside out by water, something indescribable is moving away. they.

The Virgin is baptizing herself!

An enlightenment arose in everyone's hearts. Our Lady is using the power that the Lord has given her to wash away the sins of these people~www.NovelMTL.com~ so that these people will not be affected by the heinous crime she just committed. Fall into **** and suffer forever.

They shed tears subconsciously, and involuntarily prayed to Sister Angelica.

"Our most loving mother! You suffered for us, washed away our sins, alleviated our original sins, we all knelt down in front of your altar, and implore your caress, Amen!"

"It's over."

Inside a military base, Patrick became dull after seeing what happened outside Saint Ang's Cathedral through the big screen.

"We attacked angels?"

But the people above are talking about vampires, why do vampires become angels? The person above concealed himself?

"You are surprised that we attacked the angel?"

Francis raised his orchid finger and smiled faintly, "Go, let your people launch the North AS20 supersonic missile as a meeting gift for the two angels."

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