I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 141: : The Son of Enemy

Saint Ang International Airport, a special plane steadily parked on the runway of the airport, Saint John XII was sitting on the soft leather sofa, holding the cross in both hands, and praying in a low voice.

After praying, he asked the man who came running out of breath; "Mr. Evan, haven't the people outside dispersed yet?"

"Not yet, but it should be soon." Evan whispered.

"Then let's wait." Saint John the XII glanced at him with a smile, and the latter turned his head guiltyly.

As soon as he received the news of the brilliance on the Saint Ang Cathedral, he rushed over by a special plane. Unexpectedly, a group of people protesting against the excessive emission of planes at the airport of Saint Ang and polluting the air surrounded the airport and blocked him on the plane.

Do you people from Gaul dare to talk a little more?

"We must try our best to evacuate the crowd." Evan wiped the sweat on his forehead and scolded the people on it all over. Why should you delay the time and block the airport? And even if the airport is blocked, can you find someone who is reliable? Those standing upright, for fear that others might not know what you are doing?

"I hope you can finish it within today." Saint John XII said lightly.

Really thought he didn't know what Billborn did?

It’s true that the intelligence system of the Pope Kingdom is almost equal to zero, but after Bilborn’s order was issued, the presidents of the United States and the bear country called at the same time and told him of Bilborn’s order.

"Want to hold me, not let me meet Lisa and Simon, and prevent me from drawing these two extraordinary people? Then I will do what you want, but the end result will not be what you want."

Saint John XII showed a calm and gentle smile, holding the cross in both hands, closing his eyes and continuing to pray.

At the entrance of Saint Ang's Cathedral, the Cardinal of Florence tidied his robe and knocked on the door.

On the surface, it was the Pope taking a special plane to visit the Cathedral of Saint Ang to meet the extraordinary, but secretly it was the cardinal of Florence, the next pope candidate, who sneaked into Saint Ang with the help of the bear country. The cathedral, attract the extraordinary who belong to the church.

Their papal country now understands that in this world, indicators such as economic, military, population, land area are all imaginary, and only the extraordinary are true.

A country with extraordinary people, even if the economy is in a mess, the population is small, and the military standing is about zero, it still dares to take the table with the big countries.

"But fortunately..."

Our papacy has its own extraordinary people. Although we don’t know why the former sixteenth pope hid after making an appearance, but their papacy unanimously believes that Barnabas is hiding. Practicing in the church.

After all, the pope admired asceticism when he was in office, and once said that he wanted to be an ascetic.

"Are you here to greet the Son?" The door of the church opened, and Simon, who was put on a black priest's robe, walked out and asked with a cross.

"Holy Son?" Florence was startled for a moment, and his face changed drastically, "You mean the Son has come?"

Although the gods are showing miracles one by one, the coming of the Son seems to be a matter of course.

But when he heard the news, he was inexplicably horrified.

"Of course." The illusory wings of Simon's back opened slowly, and gleams of light emerged from behind him, and the white feathers fell from above.

"Is the final judgment coming?" Florence was extremely frightened.

The "Revelation" prophesied that when the world is about to end, the Son will come down from the kingdom of heaven. He will bring all the dead back to life and give them the final judgment. The good will go to heaven for pleasure, and the wicked will be lost. It perishes forever in the lake of sulfur and fire, so this day is also called the Day of Judgment.

Although he consciously is the most devout believer of God, how can he be a spotless good person who has never done evil if he can climb to this position.

The logic of killing and arson, instigating discord, and framing colleagues, but I know that I am a good person will not work before the final judgment.

Simon thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "The angel did not mention Judgment Day."

Did not mention Judgment Day?

Florence breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes flickered immediately. He pretended to be excited and asked, "Where is the Son? Can I visit him?"


Simon nodded.

Florence followed Simon in, dodged his eyes.

Will it be the Son of Enemy?

The "Gospel" records: When the final judgment comes, the Son will come from the kingdom of heaven, but before His reappearance, there will be an enemy Son who will come in an attempt to steal the glory of the Lord.

The so-called Anti-Holy Son refers to the spirit of Satan who pretends to be the Son of God and intends to replace the Son of God.

"1 John" says: Anyone who denies the anointed as the Son, denies the only-begotten Son of the anointed as the Lord, and denies that the anointed is the incarnate, professing to be the Son of God, is the anti-Holy Son.

So he intends to confirm whether the one who is about to descend into the world is the Son of the Saint or the Son of the Enemy.

If it were placed a year ago, anyone who claimed to be the Son of the Son or the brother of the Son, or the second son of the Lord, would not need to be confirmed. They would definitely be the Son of the Enemy and the Spirit of Satan.

But now he dare not jump to conclusions, after all, the "1 John" written by the ancestors would be wrong.

Just like in Egypt, when offering sacrifices to the gods, they should dance to please the gods, but the murals engraved by them only need to present gifts and achievements.

Had it not been for the reincarnation of the **** Sekhmet to correct it, the Egyptians would not have known that the way they had been offering sacrifices to the gods was wrong.

Under Simon's guidance, Florence saw Sister Angelica standing in front of the cross, touching her belly with her white hands, her face exuding maternal brilliance.

The moment she saw Sister Angelica, Florence saw layers of light radiating from her body, and little angels surrounded her ~www.NovelMTL.com~ playing a musical instrument, Praise the greatness and supremacy of the Lord with magnificent hymns.

In his sight, the doors of heaven were opened, and endless brilliance flowed from inside.

In the glory, Florence showed tears of joy.

This is the Son of God.

He is the true Son.

The moment he saw Sister Angelica, his heart told him that it was true, and the true Son in the belly of the Virgin.

"The Gospel" records: The spirit of Satan can confuse everyone and make them mistakenly believe that it is the Son of God, but it cannot confuse the Pope and the most devout.


A rumbling explosion sounded, and the top of Saint Ang's Cathedral exploded sharply, and a piece of stone collapsed and fell down.

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