I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 140: : Crescent Moon and 0 Flower

This man with thick hair and sturdy temperament is wearing a white riding uniform and has a loud and rough voice.

When he appeared, the instinct from the blood clan made Billborn curl his eyebrows, as if he had a deep hatred with someone he had never seen before, and he felt disgusted when he saw him.

But when he heard what the man said clearly, all the disgust and the frowning of his eyebrows disappeared from the bottom of his heart, and there was only endless horror in his heart.

"What are you talking about? Say it again, the Son has come, which Son has come? Is that the Son I know? Anointed? Messiah? Messiah?"

He was shocked by the man's words.

Son of God.

If it is the Son that he knows and thinks is really coming, then something big will happen, something terrible.

"Anointed, Messiah, and Messiah, don't these three names all refer to the Supreme, Unique, Self-Existing, Doing Whatever One Wants, All-Knowing and Almighty, the Son born through mankind?"

The man in the white riding suit laughed.

"Profanity, this is great blasphemy."

Webster cried out in his heart.

The man's words made him suddenly realize that the Lord who has ruled the Western faith since the Middle Ages has appeared.

If it was placed in the past, if it was placed a year ago, he would definitely think that this man was talking nonsense, how could there be a **** in this world, if there was a god, he would not be bloody.

But in the Imperial Palace, the Lord God, Ra God and other gods appeared one after another, and the appearance of the Lord seemed to be unexpected but ideal.

If it wasn't for the power displayed by the other party that made him afraid, if it wasn't for his life that was still in the hands of the other party, he would have shouted the slogan to kill heretics.

That's the case, he also kept praising in his heart at this moment.

"Praise you, great Lord, our father... I, Webster, will defend your glory forever."

While Webster kept praising the Lord in his heart, many people here did the same.

Many people sneered after praising God in their hearts, waiting to see the fate of Billborn.

Although they were blind, they did not recognize that the wolf-hearted president who was held up by themselves and others was a blood clan, so much so that Billborn had put him in a position to advance and retreat, but he was supreme, unique, and possessed. In front of the eternal, all-knowing and almighty who do whatever they want, what does the blood race count?

Don't forget, Cain, the ancestor of the blood family, gained power only through his curse.

"Billborn, wait. After I go back, I will contact the church to report you. Then I will use silver and garlic to pour you into a statue." François's mouth showed a grin.

Want us to surrender to you, want to be our emperor, yes, you have everything in your dreams, why do you have to say it.

Now that I have said it, then I will teach you what it means to be unspeakable.

After becoming a blood clan, Billborn's physical fitness has been strengthened in all aspects, especially his perception, which has been strengthened to the point where he could not even think of it before. Therefore, all the performances of everyone present are in the eye.

But he doesn't even bother to pay attention to those people now, his heart is now roaring frantically.

Take the emperor, you made me miserable.

If he had known that the Son had come, he would never accept the first embrace.

Although he was semi-voluntary when he accepted the first embrace in the afternoon, in addition to his desire for immortality, he also pursued the power of the blood race.

In his heart, the kinsmen who could break into the Papal State, imprison the Pope and kill him personally could definitely stabilize the Papal State in terms of strength, but he didn't include the Son in what he thought.

The Holy Father, the Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit are trinity. In a sense, the Holy Son is the omniscient and almighty.

Face the Lord, he really doesn't have the guts.

For an instant, he thought of his fate in the flames.

"Are you scared?" The man in the white riding uniform laughed. "Yes, the other party is a personification of the supreme, unique, self-existent, omnipotent person who does whatever he wants. Who is not in his heart when facing him? Fear, who is not afraid in his heart."

"But it's useless to be afraid. Even if you embrace the day, even if your heart is toward God, you will never get the blessing of the one who does what you want, because his gospel does not belong to you, does not belong to me, and does not belong to all darkness. biological."

"We are... unclean lives!"

Yeah, unclean life...Bilborn regretted it.

If he regrets selling medicines in this world, he is willing to pay all of his own to buy them.

But there is no regret in the world for selling medicines, so he can only force himself to calm down, "How to do it?"

In any case, the road has been wrong, and I can't look back, I can only walk one way to the end.

"Prevent the birth of the Son."

The man in the white riding suit said calmly.

He glanced at Billborn, his voice was hoarse and low like a beast, "As long as the light of the crescent moon still shines on the lilies, we will definitely prevent the birth of the Son."

"Relax, before the birth of the Son, what we need to face is the papal kingdom, or it may be the angels who descended from heaven. Although it is difficult, at least we don't have to face the Son."

"What's more, this time we are not without helpers."

"Helper? Who?" Billborn asked.

"We." A woman with a pointed hat, a black dress, and the fine fluff on her face appeared. She looked at Billborn with eyes that looked unusually bright in the dark, "Witch."

"And us..." a group of people in black robes and cloaks appeared, and one of them said in a cold voice: "...this poor group of homeless beasts."

The homeless...could not be those guys.

Bilborn thought for a while~www.NovelMTL.com~ his eyes fell on the person he invited over, "Everyone, the Son has come, you should be very happy now, very happy."

"Unhappy, unhappy." Webster was awe-inspiring, and now anyone who dares to say he is happy in his heart will kill anyone.

"Yes, not happy."

"Since the prisoner of Avignon, our family has been enmity with the Pope."

"No matter what decision you make, we will support you."

Everyone expressed their support one after another. As for what they were thinking, only they knew.

"Everyone, thank you very much for your trust." Billborn smiled and showed his little tiger teeth, "Since everyone supports me so, then accept my first embrace and become your own."

The magic of darkness rushed straight into the sky, a bright moon, red as blood.

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