I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 139: : Who agrees and who opposes?



The monstrous dark breath passed from the Xianglishe Palace, and the crooked moon in the sky flashed with a ray of red light, and the originally quiet night had a little more dark and dirty smell.

Billborn walked out of the palace, with a wicked smile on his pale face, and his thin body seemed to contain infinite vitality, with powerful force in every gesture.

Feeling the situation inside his body, he smiled.

What vampire, we are noble and elegant blood.

"Mr President."

Just to make the arrangement, the secretary of St. John XII came back after finishing the work. He was taken aback when he saw Billborn coming out.


The mentality of Billborn, who had just gained strength and immortality, changed unconsciously, and his tone also changed.

The current Mr. President is a bit strange, a bit different from just now.

The thoughts in the secretary's heart flashed away, and he immediately suppressed the surprise in his heart, and said, "The experts are on their way here and they are expected to arrive tomorrow. President, do you see when you are going to contact Ms. Lisa and Mr. Simon? ?"

"Don't touch it for now."

Billborn said lightly: "Let the people from the intelligence department monitor Lisa and Simon. I want to know their every move. Remember, keep them secret."

If it were before the emperor gave him his first embrace, he might wrongly regard Lisa and Simon as the extraordinary power of his own Gaul nation.

But after the first embrace, he still didn't understand that he was cheated by those two guys.

Concerning about the scandal of the church, or admiring Voltaire, huh, they are all in disguise. Those two people are clearly the spies sent by the Papal State to their Gaul State.

"Okay." The secretary replied, feeling a little strange in his heart. Did something happen during the time I was away? Why did Mr. President suddenly change his mind?

"Also, call these people over."

Billborn gave a dozen names.

The more the secretary listened, the more surprised he became, because Mr. President said that the person was either a faction leader or a consortium leader. Together, these people can completely influence the Gaulian political arena and formulate national policies.

And what was the tone of the president just now? An arrogant tone, as if these big people who usually need to talk with an equal or even slightly lower tone even for the president are the underlings who come and leave?

Although surprised, the secretary nodded and did.

He called them one by one, respectfully.

——The president’s tone is arrogant. He doesn’t dare to be arrogant. He is very clear about his position. Let alone a secretary, even if he sits on the throne of the president, he dare not be disrespectful to these big people.

Although the people called by the president are all big bosses hiding behind the scenes of Gaul and manipulating everything, they are still willing to give a little bit of face to the face of the president, the boss of Gaul.

Therefore, when the president's secretary called, they were glad to come to the Xianglishe Palace.

"Everyone, this time I called everyone over because I wanted to discuss a few things with you." Bilborn chuckled and went straight to the subject, "The first thing, all future government meetings will be held in the evening."

The sun is too big during the day, he doesn't like it.

"At night? Why do you have a meeting at night?" asked Francois, the business boss.

He didn't have any special preferences for meetings during the day, nor was he opposed to it.

It’s that for centuries, everyone’s meetings have been held during the day. Only when the situation is urgent, meetings will be held temporarily regardless of time and place. Billborn suddenly wants to change, and of course he has to ask why.

"Because I like it." Bilborn said lightly.

Francois choked.

Because you like it?

Do you want to change the time? who do you think You Are? When you become president, you think you can really do whatever you want. Do you think of yourself as Richelieu?

But even Prime Minister Richelieu, who defeated the Guise family and extinct the third family of the Gaul kingdom during the Chard Lorraine era, did not dare to change the system with the phrase ‘I like it’.

"If you like it, then do it." Standing by Francois's side, Webster said lightly with the meticulous combing of his hair.

Hearing the head of the Charlie family speaking, François swallowed the refutation that was brewing.

After all, the Charlie family is now the first family.

"Tsk tsk...know the current affairs." Bilborn chuckled and continued: "The second thing, Gaul only needs a voice, and the owner of this voice can only be me, so please support me in the future, no matter what I have to support me unconditionally in whatever decision I make."

"Do you know what you are talking about?" François interrupted him loudly.

No matter what decision you make, you must unconditionally support you?

You are not treating yourself as Prime Minister Richelieu, you are treating yourself as the emperor!

"Billborn, you have been president for a few years, and it seems that you don't recognize your position." Webster squinted lightly, flashing a dangerous light.

Although their Gaul country has not yet put a pig in the position of the president, the country's government affairs will not be chaotic, but it would be wrong to regard the president as the emperor of the Middle Ages.

What dominates this country is the collective will of their class, not the personal will of the president.

Billborn, since you want to be emperor? Then don't blame them for learning from the country across the ocean and letting out the residual heat of a mentally ill gunner.

"Ha ha."

There was a sneer at the corner of Billborn's lips. In an instant, a pair of bat wings spread out~www.NovelMTL.com~ The magic of darkness burst out, and the crescent moon in the sky became red and strange under the induction of the magic, and the air A thick black mist filled the room unknowingly, wrapping the room and everyone in it.

He bared two small tiger teeth, looked around, and spit out a voice gently from his throat, "Who agrees with what I just said? Who opposes?"

"I agree."

Webster's voice was loud and sincere, as if he had never thought of asking the mentally ill gunner to kill Billborn in his heart just now.

Bilborn smiled slightly and was about to speak when suddenly a voice came in from outside.

"I said why I smelled a rotten smell from so far away. It turned out to be a blood clan. I haven't seen it for hundreds of years. I'm about to forget your breath."

Suddenly a person jumped in from outside the window. He glanced at the situation inside the room and grinned. "Look at how you look like you are discussing with the son who is about to be born?"

"Then add us, as we did when we formed an alliance four hundred years ago, sincerely cooperate and fight against God."

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