I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 135: : Back to Blue Star


"What is that? Drama?"

Fiona Russell lay on the goose down bed quilt, her hands on her cheeks, her legs bent upward and shaking, her face full of distress.

"His Royal Highness gave a clue that Mr. Paperman is about to embark on the road to becoming a god. Among the three, I am the only salty sanshui fish."

She didn't count that majesty. His Majesty was a god, and God was not a human being.

"By the way, I forgot to ask Mr. Paperman at this party, but I don't seem to have any requirements to ask. It's better to put it aside and ask for it when I have a need."

But in case I have no need, Mr. Paperman has become a **** again, will he care for me in the future? ... Fiona Russell felt even more distressed at the thought of this.

Boom boom boom!

Hearing the bedroom door knocked, Fiona Russell immediately made the bed quilt familiarly, and sat in an elegant posture, "Come in."

"Miss." Liya looked at the bed cover and said: "The Hillman Temple of the Goddess of Spring Water is completed today. Their archbishop said that the Goddess of Spring Water will give grace, so Mr. Duke asked me to inform you that you can go. Under the prayers of the temple, try your luck and see if you can get the grace of the goddess of spring water."

Grace? When Fiona Russell's heart moved, she immediately remembered Mr. Paperman's warning. After a little thought, she shook her head and said, "Tell my father, I have something to do, so I won't go."

"Miss." Liya was very confused, "That's a chance to get the grace of God, are you really not going?"

Fiona Russell shook her head firmly, "Don't go!"


Northland, Dallaire.

Avram Krell pressed his fingers to the brows of his brows and sighed.

"The pollution of the All-Knowing Lord, alas!"

Da da!

Ephraim Krell followed the prestige, only to see a man wearing the same ice blue robe approaching.

After the man came in, he paused and said respectfully: "Master Everam, the bishop of Dallaire of the Ice and Snow Church have been replaced by our people, and the Ice Goddess has not found an abnormality. Do we start the next step?"

"let's start!"


Kingdom of Venia.

Iyetta Cavendil took out the scroll and tore it open.

A look of text appeared on his eyebrows, and after a while, the text disappeared, as if it had melted into his soul.

He stretched out his hand to take out the crown of prophecy and shook it. The crown released a vast white light, and the pictures reflected in his mind.

After a moment, he stopped prophesying.

"The ability to blaspheme priests'deceitful lies' can indeed deceive the perception of the gods."

"Now, unless the **** of craftsman descends and sees me with his own eyes, he will only think that I am his clone."

"But it won't take a few years to hide it. Sooner or later, he will notice something is wrong."

"But a few years is enough."


"The floating city is hidden in the plane of shadow, and the scroll of resistance to color is hidden in the outer plane of the mechanical realm of the clock and Nirvana."

Jiang Hao thought about the clues that Efram Krell had traded to him, and he thought about it, "I have the specific coordinates of the floating city, and I can send the Creeping Walker clone to look for it. The possibility of not finding it is not high, but It is necessary to guard against the shadow creatures lurking inside the shadow plane and travelers from other planes."

"The mechanical realm of horological Nirvana is relatively troublesome. There is the sanctioner Normanus, the half-constructed life mound, and the nest of the Vermi ants."

"Normanus, the sanctioner, doesn't care about them as long as they don't violate the laws they made. The half-constructed life magic mound is not hostile to outsiders. The real trouble is the Vermi ants."

The Vermi ants are small creatures on the outer plane. They regard the mechanical realm of horological Nirvana as their kingdom, and are very hostile to all travelers who set foot on this plane.

Although a single Fumi worker ant is roughly equivalent to a level 12 intermediate professional, the problem is that there are too many Fumi ants in the mechanical realm of Nirvana.

——They are often thousands of Fermi worker ants dispatched together to attack the enemy.

"The action of looking for the color-resistant scroll can be placed after finding the floating city...I don't have an urgent need for the color-resistant scroll now."

"The most important thing now is to be promoted to the true god."

He focused his mind on his preparation for the promotion of the true god, "I moved my destiny and asked the group of Druid professionals to help me spread the seeds and fertilizers. It is expected that at most one or two years, wheat will bloom everywhere and become the mainstream of the alien world. crop."

"At that time, it should be the time when I was recognized by the world, mastered the'agricultural authority', and was promoted to the true god."

"According to my estimation, the upper limit of the **** level of the authority of'agriculture' is strong divine power, but it is hard to say what the specific level is. It may be 15 or 18."

"After being promoted to the True God, a lot of faith is required. Last time I pretended to be Da Ri Tathagata and Emperor Wa at Blue Star, I absorbed enough faith, and there was no problem at all for my own use~www.NovelMTL.com~ But after becoming a true God, we must develop a church. The establishment of a divine power network is to bestow divine power to priests so that they can perform divine arts...Although the divine power obtained by the priest’s prayers is diluted, the number of priests is still astronomical."

"I finally understand why the gods must crack down on blasphemy priests...Before the Fifth Age, the area of ​​the main plane was not large, only one percent of the current one, and the population is not large. It can provide the gods with faith and present It’s impossible to compare... In the case of insufficient divine power, it is already very difficult for the gods to maintain the kingdom of God and the priest’s spellcasting. If there are a group of blasphemous priests who specialize in stealing divine power, it is estimated that they will soon be Blot it dry."

"But the strange thing is, why didn't the gods before the Fifth Age choose to let the priest cast spells through the magic net to reduce their own loss? Why did they have to build a magic network on their own to pass on the magic to the priest? Are they afraid that the master of the magic net will interfere with it ?"

"However, the former lord of the magic net, the current mysterious girl, seems to be not very keen on spreading beliefs. Does this mean that he has other channels to obtain a lot of divine power? For example, he can get from the magic net, a behemoth that spreads all over the planes. Absorb divine power?"

"If you think about it this way, it seems that the two churches, the Lord of the End of All Things and the Lord of Disaster, are not very active, and the number of believers is not large. Even some of the believers of the gods below the **** level 4 have more believers than them. This is Doesn't it mean that after the **** level reaches 19th, faith is less important?"

"But Lady Night's church is huge, with many believers."

Questions flashed in Jiang Hao's mind, but he couldn't think of the answer.

"Let's go back to Blue Star to absorb faith first."

He condensed his thoughts, his consciousness communicated with the black vortex, and returned to Blue Star.

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