I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 136: : St. Ang's Cathedral

As soon as he returned to Blue Star, Jiang Hao turned into a ray of floating light, passed through the space and appeared on the bottom of the sea.

The cold water came upon him, and the realm of this field that humans hadn't set foot in front of him once again unfolded its true colors, dark and deep, mysterious and distant.

He began to check himself.

"The source of faith in me now is divided into three main parts."

"Respectively from the gods of the heavenly imperial master, the big day Tathagata Buddha and the emperor Wa."

"There are faiths gained by playing other gods, but the number is too small to compare with these three... It seems that this time the goal is to be placed on these gods with a broad believer base."

"Strange, someone actually believes in Yugsothoth, Gherros and Cthulhutan?"

These three Cthulhus, the true Cthulhus, are different from the Cthulhus that have never appeared in the classical mythology. They came out and brought huge disasters.

Even if it is so, there are people who believe in it?

Is it the worship of power?

He thought about it, and flew to the front of a church.

This church is in a typical Gothic style, with high spires and pointed arches.

Jiang Hao entered through the arch, passed through the corridor, and walked into a square hall.

A series of stained glass windows at the top of the hall cast the sunlight in neatly and orderly, making the whole church appear bright and scattered.

In the hall, a nun dressed in black is preaching.

In front of her, sitting rows of brightly dressed people, they listened quietly, intoxicated.

"Nun, it's you."


The Cathedral of Saint Ang is a large Gothic church located in the city of Saint Ang in Gaul.

Although St. Ang has the name of the city of millennium, there are many churches in the city, and there are not a few large churches, but St. Ang’s Cathedral still stands out among the churches and becomes the largest church in St. Ang.


The huge 56-bell bell rang.

The nun stopped preaching, and the rows of brightly dressed people stood up consciously and left in an orderly manner after expressing gratitude to the nun.

Soon, there were only nuns left in the church.

She stood quietly in front of the cross and looked up at the suffering Son, even though she had experienced the scene many times just now, she still felt like she was in a dream.

Those big people, those big people who weren't even seen on TV before, would sit there quietly and listen to their sermons.

"Sister Angelica." A girl in a white nun dress came over with a check. "This is a check sent by Mr. Charlie, saying it was a donation to us and support for the spread of the gospel by the Sisters of the Holy Spirit. ."

When she talked, the girl was very happy.

This was built in the 14th century and was originally built for the purpose of dedicated to the Notre Dame. It is called the Cathedral of Saint Ang, which is actually Notre Dame. It has been ill-fated since its birth.

At the beginning of its construction, it encountered the Hundred Years’ War and had to stop its construction. After the Hundred Years’ War, the St. Ang’s Cathedral was rebuilt several times. It was not built until the 15th century, but it was occupied by others three hundred years after its completion. , Acting as a city hall, finally waited until others returned it and was forcibly closed by the Kombu cabinet.

After the reopening of St. Ang’s Cathedral, although there are no more twists and turns, the days are definitely difficult. Last year, in order to raise the cost of repairing the church, Sister Angelica lobbied everywhere and hoped that the believers would donate. Roll your eyes one by one.

She has been adopted by the Sisters of the Holy Spirit since she was a child, and now she is studying with Sister Angelica and she feels distressed when she sees her being stunned.

But now the bitterness is finally coming.

Some time ago, the Lord God of Heaven's Lord came to the world and directly declared to the world that the gods really existed.

Although their God never appeared, although their faith was faltering under the attack of rumors.

——Many people use the existence of the Lord God of Heaven, the Nordic Gods, and the God of Ra to prove that God is not the only one, prove that the scriptures are false, and deny the existence of God.

But when the evil **** invaded Dongying, the pope of Barnabas holding "Genesis", and the projection of calling heaven descended, undoubtedly telling the world:

Our Lord, your God, really exists.

The most direct impact of this incident was that churches everywhere began to fill up, and big figures that were not easily seen began to appear in the churches in well-dressed clothes, quietly listening to the sermons of the nuns.

The repair costs that were difficult to raise in the past have become easier than drinking water at once. Every time the big people come here, they ask whether they are enough or not. Even if they make it clear that it is enough, they will still stuff money in. And said that he is a devout believer.

Every time after coming to the church to finish the service, the big people will leave a large check when they leave, as a support for the nuns to spread the gospel.

Looking at the series of zeros on the cheque, Sister Angelica had no greed and no idea of ​​returning the money. She said softly: "The cost of repairing the church is enough. You donate the money to charity. Well, there will be donations in the future, and they will all be handled like this."

The girl nodded vigorously, and silently wrote down the words.

"Lisa, you... vomit!" Sister Angelica was nauseous as soon as she spoke.

"Sister Angelica~www.NovelMTL.com~ Lisa yelled nervously, "It's okay for you. "

"I'm fine... vomit!"

Sister Angelica opened her mouth and retched.

Lisa said, "I'll get you a doctor."

"No, I..." Sister Anjelica felt dizzy and weak, and fell backward unconsciously.

Lisa hurried forward when she saw this, and gently supported Sister Angelica to sit on the bench, "Sister Angelica, you should rest here first, and I will call the doctor over immediately."

Without waiting for Sister Angelica to answer, she made a call on her own terms.

After about ten minutes, the doctor rushed over.

The well-known doctor in Saint Ann asked the nun after he checked, "Madam, have you been picky eaters lately? It's just that you didn't want to eat the food that you liked before suddenly didn't want to eat it after eating it once."

Sister Angelica thought for a while, shook her head, "No."

"How often do you urinate? Do you feel frequent urination."


"Madam, I suggest that you cooperate with my examination and tell the truth." The doctor sighed, and the tone of his words was strange, "I know that you are very anxious and anxious when this happens, and you don't want to let others I know, but please rest assured, I have a professional ethics, and I will never disclose the patient’s situation outside."

"Doctor Simon, what's wrong with me?" Sister Jelica listened to his tone, thinking she was terminally ill, and she became nervous.

"Speak out here? It's not convenient, right."

Sister Jelica was stunned. My condition is too serious to let outsiders know?

Then she nodded and motioned to the doctor to speak directly.

Seeing the patient's request, Dr. Simon said in a weird tone, "You may be pregnant."

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