I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 134: : Clues to the Color-resistant Scroll

Asked about the blind?

Jiang Hao thought of these words instinctively after listening to Efram Krell's words.

Mr. Paperman wants to become a god? ……Mr. Mysterious Man has already walked on the road to becoming a god, and Mr. Paperman is about to embark on this road. In addition, I have long been the real god’s Royal Highness, and here is the only saltwater fish. I will not turn over when I lie down That kind of... Fiona Russell's thoughts became confused.

She originally thought that she was working hard to become a legendary professional, and it was not a saltwater fish here, but now it seems that the goal of a legendary professional is still too small, and she still needs to work hard.

Should I seek guidance from His Highness? But I can't pay for it.

Iyetta Cavendil turned to look at Afram Krell with surprise in his eyes. This former academic professional, the current blasphemous priest also wants to become a god?

The blasphemous priest wants to become a new god, and he feels like watching a drama no matter how he thinks.

"Remuneration." Jiang Hao pondered for a moment and said, "What is your reward for me?"

He is now playing the gods, and the gods are not incapable of such guidance.

"I don't know if your Highness is interested in the floating city in the era of Netheril?" Afram Krell said the reward he had already prepared. "After the fall of the magic net ruler, the floating city one after another from the sky Falling, crashing, but a floating city is different, it escaped into the plane of shadow, avoiding the fate of crashing."

Averam Krell added: "I have the specific coordinates of this floating city."

The floating city that fell into the plane of shadow... is that the ghost city? Iyetta Cavendil made a judgment instantly. The ancestors of the Cavendil family were very interested in the floating city and predicted the city through the crown of prophecy, but the result of the prediction was disturbed, except Knowing that it is outside the plane of shadow, you only know that its name is Ghost City.

Floating City... Jiang Hao's heart was moved when he heard this name.

The Floating City is the highest achievement of the legendary wizards in the era of Netheril. It is a powerful creation that can float in the sky and drive into the void outside the domain.

It is both a city and a fortress of war!

The mages of the Netheril era drove the floating city to fight against those powerful beings in the void outside the domain. They even had the glorious deeds of bombarding the gods and kingdoms.

However, with the fall of the lord of the magic net, the elemental powers of the planes began to become violent and chaotic. The floating city with elemental powers at the core began to crash under the influence, which directly ended the most brilliant of Netheril, the mage professional. era.

The longing for the golden age of the wizard and the nostalgia for it are contained in the magical notes of the Archmage Tingen.

Unexpectedly, there is still a floating city in the world... Jiang Hao looked at Afram Krell and slowly thought about it. The floating city can enhance his strength and help him resist being rejected from the main position due to his promotion to the true god. Behind the face, there may be an attack from the Lord of Dawn.

But the coordinates of the floating city are not equal to his request.

"Not enough." Jiang Hao's tone remained unchanged.

Is it not enough instead of directly rejecting... It shows that this Highness is very interested in something from the Netheril era... Afram Krell thought about it for a while, and then cautiously said: " If you add a clue to the color-resistant scroll that the mages had in the era of Netheril?"

Color-resistant scroll? He actually has a clue to the color-resistant scroll? Iyetta Cavendil's pupils shrunk slightly, revealing an incredible look.

The Scroll of Resistance is a treasure owned by the mages at the beginning of the third era. It records countless magic skills. It is from it that the mages obtained unimaginable magic knowledge, and opened up the glorious era of Netheril. .

However, with the collapse of the magic net, the crash of the floating city, and the end of the third era, the scroll of resistance to color disappeared inexplicably. Countless people tried to find the scroll of resistance to color through divination and prophecy, but in the end there was no result.

And he actually has a clue to the color-resistant scroll?

Ephraim Krell looked at Jiang Hao, who didn’t seem to care too much. He thought for a while, and said in a low voice: “When the Third Age was approaching the end, the wizards of Netheril had a disagreement. Why did they disagree? , I don’t know what disagreement occurred. I only know that the disagreement seems to have something to do with the gods and the devil monarchs.”

"After the disagreement, a war broke out between the mages, and the scroll of resistance was torn apart, partly in the hands of the **** of knowledge, partly in the hands of the lady of the night, and partly in the hands of the devil lord of hell. , The last part was hidden by Iolum, I know where it is hidden."

Iolum? Fiona Russell thought for a while, but didn't even think of who he was, so she asked directly, "Mr. Paperman, who is Iolum?"

"Iolum is one of the most powerful wizards in the Third Age. His name shines throughout the era of Netheril. The magic core he created is still used as the power source for airships and battleships~www.NovelMTL. com~ But as the Third Age came to the end, Iolum disappeared. It is said that he was chased by the gods and hid in the bottomless abyss."

After Efram Krell answered Fiona Russell's doubts, she silently looked at Jiang Hao, waiting for a reply.

Floating City... Scroll of Resistance... This price is indeed enough, but which authority should I guide him? Jiang Hao thought about it.

capital? Dynamite? arms? Textile? industry? mechanical? ... Jiang Hao thought about it and answered, "In the new era, there is indeed authority that has never been mastered by the gods, but due to the fall of the Lord of All-Knowing, it is relatively difficult to master this authority, if you need it. , I can tell you its clues."

Avram Krell nodded vigorously, and held his breath subconsciously. At this moment, he seemed to be returning to face the teacher to announce his grades when he was a child.

Is Mr. Paperman going to get some tips to embark on the road to becoming a god? Fiona Russell tilted her ears and listened curiously. Although the next matter has nothing to do with her, the guidance given by Her Royal Highness will only give him knowledge like the previous time when he guided Mr. Mysterious to obtain'steam', and no one else could rely on it. You can guess what it is with just one noun, but even hearing a name can ease her curiosity.

It seems that there is another partner on the road to becoming a god... The guidance given by His Highness seems to have something to do with the Steam Era that I created. In this way, my path to becoming a **** is complementary to him. Maybe I can unite with him. Get up and jointly promote the arrival of the Steam Era... Iyetta Cavendil thought in his heart, and looked at Jiang Hao, waiting for the final answer.

Jiang Hao stared at them and said softly:

"The name of this authority is called..."


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