I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 133: : The Way to Become God

A group of black dark clouds made a thunderous roar, and electric light flashed from time to time. A small tree with a height of one person stood stubbornly under the dark cloud with its scorched canopy.

Fiona Russell, who was shuttled by, was taken aback when she saw the little tree, "Are you actually bald?"

"Good afternoon, madam." Afram Krell, whose face was covered in hazy colors, appeared in the space and said hello with a smile.

Because Afram Krell didn't use paper people this time, Fiona Russell was shocked, "Are you... Mr. Paper people? How are you?"

She showed an expression of joy first, then took out the blood of the angel she had brought, and said: "Mr. Paper Man, this is a gift from my teacher. I think you may need it."

"Angel's blood?" Avram Krell looked at Fiona Russell, did not shirk, accepted it, "Thank you for your help."

He reminded: "Recently, be careful. If you don't have to, don't leave a heavily guarded place, don't approach any temples or churches, don't leave the main plane."

be careful? Is it related to the fall of the gods? Fiona Russell thought to herself, and naturally asked her own question.

Avram Krell nodded, "When each epoch reaches the end, there will be huge disasters, and the sign is often the fall of the gods."

"For example, in the Third Age, the fall of the ruler of the magic net caused the floating city to crash one after another, burying this era called the Netheril era by the wizards."

A huge disaster? Fiona Russell asked actively, "Mr. Paper Man, do you know who the **** who has fallen this time is?"

As soon as she said the question, she heard the answer from others.

"It is the **** of justice that has fallen." Iyetta Cavendil, who was shrouded in white light, came and said: "I predict which church pastor will lose the ability to release divine magic. The result of the prediction tells me that it is the **** of justice. The priest of the gods has lost the ability to release the magic arts."

When the deity falls, the clergy under the deity will lose their professional level because they cannot communicate with the deity, and lose the ability to release the magic, unless another deity is willing to provide divine power or communicate through specific rituals. After the fall, they will drift in the star world The gods in.

God of justice? ...The Three Gods of Heaven Mountain? A powerful divine power with a **** level of up to 17? He actually fell... Fiona Russell's eyes were unbelievable.

Avram Krell also found it incredible.

The levels of the gods are divided into 20 levels. Levels 1 to 4 are weak powers, 5 to 9 are weak powers, 10 to 14 are medium powers, 15 to 18 are strong powers, 19 are great powers, and level 20 is God God.

Except for the gods who have never appeared before, among the known gods, the gods that can be called the level of great divine power, only the lady of the night, the lord of disasters, the lord of the dead, and perhaps the herd magic A mysterious girl with a **** level of 18 was born on the mother of Mystra.

It can be said that the **** of justice with a **** level of up to 17 is already the top group of gods, but now, he has fallen.

"Who caused his fall?" Averam Krell asked.

Iyetta Cavendil shook his head, "I can’t directly prophesy on the gods of the powerful divine power level, but I predicted which of the outer planes will be produced by the fall of the gods. Concussion, the result of the prophecy tells me that the Silver Heavenly Kingdom Solania in the Seven Heavens Mountain and the 426th abyss plane in the Bottomless Abyss have been concussed."

The Bottomless Abyss...the 426th level of the abyss plane...was the fall of the **** of justice caused by the demon lord or evil god? Fiona Russell guessed in her heart.

As a collection of countless ugliness, evil, and chaos among the many outer planes, the bottomless abyss has always been the base camp of the evil gods, and the kingdom of many evil gods is in the bottomless abyss.

In addition, the devil lord, a creature that is said to be able to wrestle with the gods, lies in the bottomless abyss.

These two are most likely to cause the fall of the **** of justice.

She had never thought that the fall of the **** of justice was related to the silver kingdom of Solania. As the seat of the kingdom of justice of the **** of justice, it was normal for Solania to oscillate when he fell.

Avram Krell groaned and said, "As far as I know, after the fall of the **** of knowledge, his palace of knowledge of the kingdom of God moved to the 426th level of the abyss plane."

"The fall of the **** of justice is related to the **** of knowledge?" Fiona Russell asked thoughtfully, but, both are powerful divine powers, can the **** of knowledge cause the fall of the **** of justice? .

Avram Krell shook his head. The strength comparison between the gods depends on whether he is good at fighting in addition to the level of the gods.

Like the five-colored dragon queen, spider lady, **** of war and other gods who are good at fighting, the gods of the same level are almost not their opponents.

As far as he knows, the **** of knowledge is not a **** who is good at fighting.

Immediately, everyone present heard another voice.

"The God of Knowledge has the authority of'omniscience'."

The authority of ‘omniscience’... the **** of knowledge has mastered omniscience! Afram Krell and Iyetta Cavendil’s faces changed at the same time~www.NovelMTL.com~ Faith determines the amount of divine power, and authority determines the upper limit of the level of the gods.

The upper limit of the omniscient **** level is quite high.

"His current **** level should be great divine power." Jiang Hao looked at them and laughed: "Well, if his omniscience includes everything in the future, then he should now be a god."

"The God of Knowledge has mastered omniscience..."

"A fallen evil **** has mastered omniscience."


Fiona Russell thought of the evil things that have recently appeared in Kirchnewl. These evil things have been transformed by the crazy pollution contained in knowledge after human beings accidentally come into contact with unknown knowledge. They have already caused Thousands of city guards were injured and hundreds of humans died.

Kirchnewl is still like this, there will only be more evils in other places.

Originally, she hoped that the gods could solve this problem as soon as possible and prevent the chaos and casualties from expanding. Now it seems that chaos and casualties are inevitable.

Avram Krell calmed down and glanced at Fiona Russell and said: "The God of Knowledge is promoted to the Lord of All-Knowing. The fall of the God of Justice should have a direct relationship with him. It will not be long before the God of Goodness. They will respond and stay away from the church of the good gods as much as possible recently to prevent getting involved in the war between them."

After speaking, he took out a scroll and gave it to Iyetta Cavendil, "This is a scroll that can solidify ‘deceitful lies’."

After doing this, Avram Krell looked at Jiang Hao and asked in a tone of awe and expectation.

"His Royal Highness, can you guide me to find a way to become a **** in the new era!"

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