I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 127: : You should find a partner

In Gandros city, the black dragon Bamas, who had transformed into a half-man, returned to the hotel.

Looking at the ailing black dragon, Jiang Hao asked curiously: "What happened?"

Will the spirit of the Primordial Black Dragon of the Demigod level be sluggish? Under normal circumstances, after the professional reaches the advanced level, there will be no more energy shortages.

What happened?

How could something happen to me.

Barmas snorted and said, "There are too many challengers."

Too many challengers? But those noblemen should not have powerful men. Almost all high-level professionals in this world are in churches and various organizations. The power in the hands of nobles is mostly low- and middle-level professionals... Jiang Hao mobilizes his divine power and urges' All-knowing' authority, to perceive the situation of this black dragon.

After he has obtained the authority of omniscience, as long as he is willing, he can learn part of the information about the goal he wants to know through the authority. Although he has not reached the point of knowing all the information at a thought, he still feels some information he wants to know. relaxing.

Suddenly, he saw a picture.

A man and a woman were hiding in the distance looking at the black dragon Bamas, a green seed in their hands beating slightly, exuding strange power, quietly entwining the black dragon.

After being entangled by this force, Heilong first squinted his eyes, snorted comfortably, and quickly fell asleep.

A few minutes later, the black dragon hugged his hands and rolled over the gold coins. After that, it rolled on the ground and then in the sky, making a muffled sound in its mouth from time to time.

What dream did it have?

Jiang Hao once again mobilized the authority of ‘omniscience’ to perceive the dream of this black dragon.

A picture of spicy eyes appeared before his eyes.

He quickly stopped perceiving, Jiang Hao couldn't help but laughed, "You should find a female dragon as a partner."

When Bamarston froze in place, its mouth opened slightly, looking at Jiang Hao incredulously, and it took a long time to suffocate a sentence, "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand it."


Discovering the embarrassment of the black dragon gave Jiang Hao a smile on his face and a better mood. While waiting for the wheel of fortune to realize the fate he weaved, he went to a well-known gourmet restaurant in Ganzros to taste the difference. The delicacy of the world.

This is the first time he has tasted the food from another world.

It may be because there are no condiments in the alien world and the cooking skills of the chef in the restaurant. The food in the alien world does not surprise him too much in terms of taste.

But visually gave him a big surprise.

Because he found that the food made by chefs from other worlds has special effects.

Every pot of vegetables served in the restaurant glowed colorfully, and he even saw a cooked animal singing and dancing in the pot before being eaten.

If my perception is correct, this is a magical effect that contains divine power... With chefs as clergy, the effect of magical arts is to make special effects for food... The gods that these chefs believe in should have the authority related to cooking. "Chef" or "gourmet" authority?

It is more likely that he has the authority of the'cook', because if it is food, the magic effect should be to add various flavors to the food instead of making the food shine... Jiang Hao thought in his heart that the gods are in the domain of his power. , Almost omnipotent.

Therefore, most of the magic arts mastered by priests attached to the gods are related to the authority of the gods.

For example, the **** of beauty, because the **** of beauty holds the authority of ‘beauty’, a considerable part of the magic arts mastered by her pastors are used to enhance the beauty of ladies.

Suddenly, he saw a man coming in in his sight.

He was tall and had a rough face. On his eyes, face, exposed arms, legs and feet, he could see thick brown hair that almost covered the color of his skin, and a pair of silver-white tapered pupils with a wolf-like cruelty.

The person's gaze swept away, and Jiang Hao was locked on.

Silently, Jiang Hao felt that something light and light like a feather was attached to him. If he was an ordinary person or a professional with weaker perception, he would not feel that there was something on his body that did not belong to him. Own stuff.

It is a book page.

This man lost a page and put it on me?

Jiang Hao moved his mouth to eat while thinking, as if he didn't notice anything sticking to him.

After observing Jiang Hao for a while, and after confirming that he was not aware of it, the man left the restaurant casually.

Is this the backlash of doom brought about by using the wheel of fortune? If so, does the wheel of fortune have fulfilled the destiny that I have woven? ...Sitting Jiang Hao quickly used the authority of ‘omniscience’ and sensed what was attached to him.

Suddenly, he saw a picture.

Under the crimson blood moon, a large group of bats that could cover the sky and the sun in number rushed into a noble castle like a whirlwind. Within a few breaths, the castle was breached.

One of the bats turned into a pale, bloodless man reaching out and taking out a thin book page from the nobleman's corpse~www.NovelMTL.com~ The man was happy at first, then he seemed to have found something, he was taken aback. , Tear it up angrily.

"A page that will attract vampires to hunt down? Those vampires are looking for the whereabouts of this page. They obviously have a special way to perceive the position of the page."

Jiang Hao thought about it.

The vampire was a dark race that he had guessed, created directly by the lady of the night.

Before the Fourth Age, vampires were quite active. They claim to be nobles in the dark and get along well with the nobles of humans, and they often see vampires infested.

It was not until the Fifth Age that the new gods headed by the Lord of Dawn hated dark creatures, and the church under their command vigorously suppressed the vampires on the main plane, and the vampires gradually disappeared from the sight of human beings.

Generally speaking, they will build castles in places where the church is weak and in remote locations to gather servants and slaves.

Those who believe in the devil of the moon and have the favor of the night almost all sleep in the coffin in the castle during the day, and will not start their activities until the night arrives.

"This page of the book he threw on me should be fake... The man put the fake page on me and used me to confuse the vampires' perceptions, making them mistakenly think that something was on me, and he was carrying something on his own. Take the opportunity to leave."

"Wonderless calamity or backlash of doom?"

Jiang Hao thought about it, and after the man left, he also got up and left.

His eyes were firmly locked on the man.

After the other party threw the page to him, his expression became much more relaxed. He found a hotel and moved in, and fell asleep when he returned to the room.

After Jiang Hao made sure that the other party was asleep, he took the page from his body and threw it in.

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