I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 129: : Werewolf

As the Eye of Horus opened, Jiang Hao saw the buds blooming where he was originally standing.

Emerald green light flashed, and a serious-faced Valentine, wearing dark green clothes, stood where he had been standing, and said puzzledly: "Strange, I obviously feel that there are people here, did he leave?"

Feeling the fluctuations caused by the teleportation, Earl Cannes, who had been hanging upside down under the eaves, suddenly cast his eyes on the old man, his mouth slightly opened, making a sharp squeak.

The werewolf was waving his paws and was about to shoot the bat down. Hearing the sound, a bat took the opportunity to pounce on him and bite. The werewolf instinctively waved the claws to knock the bat down under the pain. More bats pounced and bite.

Valentin, with a serious face, glanced at the werewolf who appeared to be unsupported, raised his hand and pointed, and a seed was spread on the werewolf.

The seed sent out emerald green shoots, pushed away the bat that threw on him, and then the shoots trembled, and a little green light came out and enveloped the werewolf.

The wound on the werewolf's body healed little by little.

Earl Cannes looked at him warily, "This is a matter between our dark races. As a human, you should not interfere."

"I am not interested in the grudge between your vampires and werewolves, but it can't die yet."

The emerald green light flashed, and Valentine immediately appeared in front of the werewolf.

The sprouts that had originally grown on the werewolf quickly turned into vines, and grew up frantically, binding the werewolf.

He took out a knife and waved it at the werewolf's fangs growing out of his mouth.

Two fangs were cut off at the waist.

"Using the werewolf virus contained in the werewolf teeth to infect humans on a large scale, transforming humans into werewolves."

"Although the werewolves created in this way are irrational and weak, even apprentice-level professionals may not be able to fight, but it is enough to create chaos."

Valentin put his teeth into his space ring, and he looked at these vampires.

"The blood of a vampire can also infect humans, turning humans into vampires."

"Although the blood of vampires is incomparable with the virus contained in the teeth of werewolves in terms of transmission, the new vampires created by injecting vampire blood are far more powerful than werewolves, and can be used to contain some low-level ones. Clergyman."

"To fight against steam, and for the health of Mother Nature, donate all your blood."

Valentin threw a handful of seeds on the ground, and plants with brown roots and white crests grew tenaciously in places that did not meet their growing conditions.

The ground and the eaves are all of this kind of plant.

As soon as the wind blows, the long white crests on the heads of the plants drift away.

"kill him."


With a scream from Earl Cannes, the group of bats immediately rushed towards Valentine.

The latter gave a ‘huh’ and smiled.

"A count-level vampire takes a group of baron-level and viscount-level vampires to challenge a legendary professional. It's really interesting."

The ground cracked, and the fangs on the flower buds suddenly opened their mouths and bit down at the flying bats in the sky.

The two hapless bats were immediately swallowed by the piranha and swallowed and digested in a few swallows.


Count Cannes screamed, and a red flame rose up around him.

The flames quickly spread as soon as they touched the piranha and the buds, and soon there was a sea of ​​flames around him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Earl Cannes spread his bat wings and flew back.

Facing a legendary professional, he retreats decisively and strategically without the slightest chance of winning.

"After the blood of a vampire count is injected into a human body, at least a dozen vampire viscounts can be created."

"How can I let you run away."

With a smile on Valentine's face, Earl Cannes suddenly grew a vine.

The vines in turn tied Earl Cannes, and the bat immediately fell down.

"It's the plant with the long white crested hair." Earl Cannes immediately realized why plants were growing on his body and struggled.

"The flower of Dayinar, the long white crested hair on top of its head is its seed. There are more than 3,000 seeds. When the wind blows, it will spread, and it has a strong concealment when it spreads, unless you have extreme High perception, otherwise you won’t be able to perceive the seeds of it on your body.”

The emerald light flashed, and Valentine appeared in front of Earl Cannes. When he stretched out his hand to catch the bat, the emerald light suddenly lit up, and Valentine disappeared in place.

In the next second, there was a middle-aged man dressed as a craftsman with a hammer in the place where he was standing.

Valentin, who appeared in the distance, looked at this person's dress, his eyes dignified.

With the craftsman’s dress and the magical power emerging from his body, the identity of the other party is ready to emerge.

"Craftsmen of the Craftsman and the God of Steam!"

But how could he appear here? Did my plan be foreseen by the other's gods? Impossible, those few said that they will temporarily block the warning of danger from the craftsman and the **** of steam~www.NovelMTL.com~the craftsman and the **** of steam are absolutely impossible to discover my plan.

Does the Tritheism have professionals with strong prophecy and divination skills? The prediction came to my actions.

"My lord's prediction is indeed correct. There are indeed people who try to use the characteristics of the two dark races, vampires and werewolves, to create chaos and launch a war against us."

Temple sneered, "Druid, remember, it was Temple who killed you."

After speaking, he raised the hammer, the brilliance of the magical arts on his body flickered, and then he rushed up.

Quietly, green buds grew out, turning into vines and crawling on to Tempo's body.


Tempe's hammer hit the ground, and a shock wave spread out.

Suddenly, all the vines halted, and immediately broke inch by inch.

After a few jumps, Tempe arrived in front of Valentine.

The latter's complexion remained unchanged, and he raised his hand and dropped a seed. After the seed fell to the ground, it quickly sprouted and grew into an ancient tree with a height of five meters.

Ancient tree of war.

The war units developed by the elves of the Second Age possess powerful resilience and defensive capabilities.

The emerald light flashed, and Valentine appeared further away, his face expressionless, and the magic in his body surged.

"Summon allies of nature."

"Summoning Collective Elements."

"Summon the creeping monster."

"Summon thorns."

One after another, the summoned creatures were summoned by him, and in the blink of an eye there were dozens of more summoned creatures around him.

These summoned creatures have different strengths, the lowest being equivalent to the mid-level professional, and the strongest being equivalent to the master-level professional.

After finishing these, the emerald light flashed on Valentine's body, and he quickly transformed into a giant brown bear more than three meters high.

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