I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 126: : Black Dragon's Dreamland

In the lush endless forest.

The black dragon Bamas lay lying on the pile of glittering gold coins, and the drops of light passing through the leaves fell on it, giving it a warm feeling. The friction between the scales on its body and the gold coins under its body made it unconscious Half-squinted the narrow slits of his eyes, and the small but prominent dark pupils were full of comfort.

The touch of the gold coin and the jingle sound it makes are really wonderful. Although there are already a lot of treasures in its lair, how can the mere treasures satisfy the greedy appetite of a dragon.

Only infinite treasures can satisfy the appetite of the evil dragon.

"Thank that guy for providing such a good opportunity to the great black dragon Bamas. The great black dragon Bamas will surely rob the nobles well."

Although very comfortable, Black Dragon still did not forget what he should do.

It stretched out its small half-curved fingernails, and with one flick, a small bag of seeds was ejected from the mountain of seeds beside it.

Looking at the human being in front of him, its throat laughed strangely, matched with the ferocious dragon's body, it looked unusually evil, "The knight who dared to swing the sword against the dragon, this is the great black dragon Bamas who is brave to you. The recognition, next time remember to bring more magic equipment to show your martial arts."

Are you sure it is to show the bravery and not to pay tribute?

The knight who was robbed so that only the shorts was left spit out in his heart, and then regretted why he would think that he was wearing his golden breastplate and came out to a duel with this greedy black dragon today.

Everyone knows that this cruel and vicious black dragon only likes robbery and doesn't like killing people. Why do you need to wear equipment to challenge the black dragon? Isn't it good to wear sackcloth?

The brown-haired, middle-aged knight, who was just over 40 years old, took the seeds and turned and left silently after he finished complaining.

At the very least, I got the seed that the noble master asked to bring back.

Glancing at him, the black dragon's tail flung lightly on a piece of golden breastplate.

It's so hard to use gold to make a breastplate. Is it not good to use Mithril?

Mithril is the best material for making magic equipment.

A breastplate made of Mithril can be exchanged for a breastplate made of hundreds of Jinjing.

At this time, a giant dragon flies through the endless forest. Its two left and right horns are thin and slender, winding upwards. Its emerald green body is thin and slender, its curves are concave and convex, its delicate scales are shiny, and its body has a hazy natural halo. You can see that it is an emerald dragon who is good at magic.

"A legendary female dragon?"

Seeing the emerald female dragon flying over her head, casting a half-covered shadow on her body and disappearing, the black dragon Bamas rolled on the pile of gold coins, and the rubbing of scales and gold coins continued.

It squinted and snorted comfortably.

Mother dragon, do you have gold coins for fun?

Suddenly, the shadow cast on it again, and the emerald female dragon flew in front of the black dragon, revealing a curious gaze in its beautiful golden pupils.

"Black Dragon? Or a Demigod Primordial Black Dragon."

I was disturbed. The dark eyes of the black dragon Bamas were full of disgust, and his lips did not move, and his hoarse voice had already sounded, "Emerald Dragon, taking advantage of the great demigod-level Primordial Black Dragon Bamas in a good mood, he did not give birth to rob you. Before the idea of ​​lair collection, take your feet off my gold coins."

When the emerald dragon moved her steps, she discovered that she had accidentally stepped on a gold coin when it flew down.

The narrow eyes of the black dragon Bamas narrowed, and the dark pupils reflected the appearance of this dragon, and his deep voice came out from his throat, "A dragon, you didn't pick up the gold coin and put it in your pocket. Instead, take your feet away obediently. Your approach is not like a giant dragon, but a bit like a change from those druids who abide by principles."

The emerald female dragon snorted in her heart, and her voice was provocative, "Is it a druid change? You will find out if you try."

"Try it? How to try?"


The black dragon Bamas narrowed his eyes into a thin slit, pulled his claws twice, and pulled all the gold coins into his own space. It looked at the female dragon in front of him warily, "Are you in heat?"

"What." The emerald dragon sneered, revealing her fine teeth, "You don't want to?"

"I remember your evil dragon mother and the five-color dragon queen always encourage dragons to mate, or is your **** useless?"


The black dragon Bamas got up from the ground, stood up straight and looked at the strange emerald dragon, subconsciously sniffed, and said strangely: "If your smell is indeed the smell of the emerald dragon, I will I wonder if you are disguised by the idiots of the white dragons. As an emerald dragon, you will actually find a black dragon to mate during estrus."

The emerald dragon is a great dragon of the good camp, and the black dragons who believe in the good dragon **** Bahamut's natural and evil camps, naturally believe in the evil dragon mother, and the five-color dragon queen are hostile.

Generally speaking, the dragons of the two camps will never mate with each other, otherwise which deity the young dragons born to believe in?

"Am I disguised as Bailong? You will know if you try?"

"Now ~www.NovelMTL.com~ lie down for me, turn my body over, reveal your ****."

The emerald dragon said as if giving an order.

Black Dragon Bamas took a step back subconsciously.

When the emerald dragon saw it, she showed an expression of disgust, "Useless male."

After speaking, she rushed forward.

The black dragon Bamas dodged subconsciously, and the emerald female dragon immediately entangled it.

Two giant beasts chased me and played in the endless forest.

Although Bamas is a demigod-level Primordial Black Dragon, this emerald dragon is only a legendary adult dragon.

But the emerald dragon was smaller than the black dragon, and its movements were much more agile than him. After a few breaths, he caught up with the black dragon and pressed it down.


Bamas snorted and rolled over with the emerald dragon on the ground.

A few minutes later, a man and a woman walked out of the forest.

Looking at the black dragon rolling around on the ground with her hands emptied, Nelia was full of curiosity, "Antonio, what dream did you weave for this black dragon with the heart of nature? Why did it roll around on the ground , Did you weave it a dream of gold coins on the ground?"

Antonio's face muscles twitched a little when he put the seeds in the space, his eyes flushed slightly and said, "Well, it's a dreamland full of gold coins on the ground."

"No wonder some people say that there is no difference between five-colored dragons and beasts. These giant dragons do look like beasts with no brains when they meet gold coins." Nelia was full of disgust, "Antonio, where are we going next?"

Antonio smiled, "Going to the south, Mother Nature told me that there is something called'fertilizer' over there that can increase food production."

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