I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 123: : Praise the lady

"Maybe everyone thinks that the Jade Emperor is not great enough."

"Upstairs refers to the time when the monkeys made a noise in the Heavenly Palace?"

"No, you said it, I didn't say it."

The man quickly denied it.

Now that the gods are in this world, who would dare to tease the gods as before, wouldn't they be afraid to draw the gods' anger?

The phrase "Don't blaspheme God" is not exclusive to the Hebrew master. It can be applied to any god.

Blue Star’s Internet is guessing who the **** who saved the world is, but everyone has guessed and guessed and is not sure which **** it is. After all, the image of the last person on the stage is too vague, and the East is in personality. There are too many gods of Yugsothoth who can stabilize everything.

Needless to say, Emperor Wa and Emperor Xi are both the personality of God of Creation, and the other three are also gods who dominate the universe.

But Jiang Hao, who was the initiator, didn't care about this at all.

He was feeling the power of a creeping walker in space at this moment.

"Swallowing so much material and absorbing so much negative emotions, the creeper is finally an adult..."

"The size of the body is close to one-thirtieth the size of the Blue Star. The power of the physical body is terrifying. If you collide with the Blue Star, you may be able to destroy humans directly. But if you collide with the Blue Star, this head I'm afraid the creeping walker will also fall."

"The evil power of Creeping Walker itself has been doubled and increased. If a legendary professional directly faces its pollution, it may degenerate into evil within a few breaths, and the demigod may resist a little longer, but it is also It's hard to escape the fate of being contaminated, except for the demigods holding artifacts."

"The resistance to soul attacks has been greatly strengthened, but it is still a weakness."

"I don't know who is stronger than the lower gods?"

"The upper limit of the main plane of the other world is a demigod. After adulthood, the creep walker level has exceeded the half-god. After I bring it back to the other world, will I directly suppress it to the demigod level or be rejected from the main plane? "

"The possibility of the former is not too high. If it is only suppressed, those ancient evils, the devil prince, and the devil prince do not need to sneak in. The main plane has long become their paradise, and everyone is a demigod. In the case of, the demon lord and the devil lord are not afraid of the gods...the probability of directly rejecting the main plane is relatively high. When I cross the past, I will separate from the creeping walker to prevent being rejected by the main plane, the dawn The Lord has been waiting for me to leave Ganzros."

Thoughts flashed through Jiang Hao's mind. With a move of his mind, the wriggling walker quickly shrank, turning into a palm-sized worm and shrank in his palm, then communicated with the black vortex in his consciousness, and in the blink of an eye he crossed to the strangeness. World.

As soon as he entered, he threw the creeper in his hand out, and then watched it disappear little by little.


The outer void of the alien world and the blue star's outer space are the same pitch black and gloomy.

After being repelled by the main plane, Jiang Hao saw a huge, rotating planet in his field of vision. The azure ocean was wrapped in a huge continent, and a lot of black dots were faintly visible on the ocean.

Almost the moment he saw it, he realized that it was the main plane.

He manipulated the creeping walker to change into the original appearance, comparing the area of ​​the main plane, and was shocked to find that the size of the creeping walker after adulthood was only a few hundredths of it.

Not far away from the naked eye, two huge spheres revolved around the world, radiating incalculable light into the void outside the domain.

One is as hot as fire, and the other is cold and cold.

"The sun... the moon..."

Jiang Hao looked at the bright white sun.

The sun in another world is a huge flame in which certain life forms are inhabited.

——When his gaze was watching the past, he clearly felt that he had awakened several demigod-level beings. Those beings opened their eyes and stared out from the sun, and then after seeing him Quickly looked away from him.

After a few breaths, they disappeared directly into his perception.

It seems that the ancient evil things have a strong deterrent effect in the void outside the domain?

After seeing the sun, he was going to put his curious eyes on the moon, but he immediately stopped the idea, because he suddenly remembered that the kingdom of the night lady was on the moon.

So this lady's believers always like to pray to the moon at night, which is the opposite of dawn believers who like to pray to the sun during the day.

"Praise madam."

He muttered a word in his heart, and cast his gaze further away.

Farther away from the main plane is the empty deep space, which is different from the blue star space full of asteroids. The empty deep space outside the domain is very clean. Meteorites are rare objects here, so what he saw is A dark darkness.

——It's not that the darkness blocked his sight, but that the places his sight can see are all dark. Those outer planes seem to be very far away from the main plane, and they can't be seen from the eyes of the ancient evil creatures above. ~www.NovelMTL.com~ If an adventurous person sees this dark extraterrestrial void, he will definitely arouse an adventurous heart to explore in the unknown darkness, to find the paradise mountain, the bliss , Chaos Sea, Wild Realm, Bottomless Abyss, Elemental Plane, these famous outer planes on the main plane and the legendary kingdom of the gods established in the void outside the realm.

But Jiang Hao just escaped into this dark darkness, and then hid himself.

For him, getting the recognition of the world as soon as possible and gaining authority to promote the gods is the right thing.

Shifting his attention from the void outside the domain, Jiang Hao began to examine his own situation.

"Because I played Dainichi Tathagata in Blue Star, I have more authority of'Truth' in my body, but Dainichi Tathagata has the name of shining light all over the place, why didn't I have the authority of "Brightness"? Could it be that a **** secretly grasped it? The power of light? If it is, then the power of the sun is a huge pit."

A thought flashed in Jiang Hao's mind, and he suddenly discovered that perhaps the fall of Luoshanda, Lord of the Morning Light, was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

"I played the role of Emperor Wa and got the authority of ‘Creator’ and ‘Music’."

"The power of the'Earth' is still not obtained. It seems that there are gods in the alien world that have secretly controlled the authority of the'Earth', but the envisioned'marriage' authority has not been obtained either. There are gods in the alien world that have secretly mastered the authority of'marriage'. , Why do the gods of other worlds like to hide the authority they hold so much, is it for the convenience of the Yin people/gods?"

Inexplicably, he thought of a picture.

A powerful **** broke into the kingdom of a weak **** and was about to kill him. Suddenly, the other party laughed: Do you think I am a stubborn bronze? Sorry, I am actually the strongest king!

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