I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 122: : Wa Huang?

When Yugsothoth squeezed into the universe from the unknowable kingdom beyond the timeline, when it began to stretch its infinite body, it expanded more than it became larger than the blue star.

From Tokyo to Sydney, from Big Apple City to Milo City, half a blue star can see purple bubbles occupying the sky as long as they look up.

Unspeakable heart palpitations and feelings of fear rose from their hearts, as if at this moment, human beings have found the perception of danger that they have lost in the process of evolution.

The cats and dogs wandering in the city curled up and trembled in fear, groups of mice rushed out of their dens and lay straight on the ground.

They have a foreboding of danger, but they can't hide from danger.

Because of danger, everywhere.

"Has the notice been sent to the presidents of all countries?"

In the Outram Observatory, Ge Li sat on the ground without an image, her face full of despair.

As the first observatory to discover the voice of celestial bodies, Gheros and Yugsothoth, the one who is the one of all things, they have been paying attention to Yugsothoth, even if the attention of others is taken by the Lord of Laleier and the evil **** Cthulhu Tan attracted away, and they still did not relax their vigilance on the one who has all things together.

So when the bubbles started to expand and reproduce themselves, they observed it for the first time, and then they were desperate.

Because their astronomical telescopes observed that the meteorites that were blocked in the bubble's expansion process became part of the purple bubble when they came in contact with the purple bubble.

It can assimilate matter!

And with the expansion speed of Yugsothoth, at most ten minutes, the Blue Star will collide with it, and then become a part of its body.

"Yes, but I can tell from their tone that they will never want to hear my voice anymore." Professor Ruskin also sat on the ground without an image, with a look of despair.

It's going to die, who cares about the image.

"In the future? Where is the future?" Eric grabbed his hair and said frantically: "Didn't those experts say that Yugsothoth is not malicious to us humans? What is this now? Shit, **** expert ."

"Yugsothoth is indeed not malicious towards us humans."

"A person accidentally trampled on an ant while walking, do you think he trampled the ant to death with malicious intent?"

Professor Ruskin laughed at himself, "Yugsothos is the one who trampled on the ant, and we humans, no, the Blue Star is the ant that was trampled to death. At best, we humans are only attached to the ants. bacterial."

"What about the Lord, can the Lord save us?" Eric pinned his hopes on the Lord.

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows."

After Professor Ruskin finished speaking, Grie suddenly got up. When Professor Ruskin asked her where to go, she turned her head and said, "I remember there are still a lot of pizzas and hamburgers in the cafeteria. I am going to eat. I have not eaten enough in 1 year. Before I die, I want to taste what it is like to be full."

"Hey, Gerry." Eric seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said to the open door: "I like you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked at Ge Li rushing back in astonishment.

"Hurry up, look, there is a god."

Ge Li, who rushed in, quickly ran to the computer and manipulated it. A jade-white hand appeared on the screen.

As the astronomical telescope began to adjust the angle of observation, they saw a ‘person’, a huge ‘person’.

This ‘person’ stood in the vast universe, dressed in a black robe and a diadem on his head, and could not see his face clearly.

Mountains and rivers, birds and beasts can be clearly seen in the fine beads that fall down from the mianqi.

It seems that what is hanging down is not a fine bead, but a small world.

He stretched out his jade-white hand, enclosing the blue star and the infinitely expanding purple bubble, and then slowly gathered his five fingers.

"God! This... this is incredible, how could there be such a huge person in this world."

"It's over, although I knew it would be over, but I thought it was swallowed by Yugsothoth, but I didn't expect it to be crushed and killed by ‘people’.

"Great god, please pay attention to the small us."

In the observatory, looking at this scene, Gree let out a desperate cry, Eric humblely begged.

But when his fingers collided with the blue star, it was expected that various natural disasters appeared on the blue star or the fingers directly pinched the blue star due to the impact of the fingers on the blue star.

They looked around, only to see a phantom of white jade passing by.

"Is this an illusion? A mirage?"

Professor Ruskin questioned.

Then, they saw the swollen Yugsothoth being held by this hand.

He gave a light force.


Some kind of bubble broke.

The three people in the observatory were stunned for a while, but found that the ‘person’ disappeared without knowing when, and the universe became pitch black again.

"The great **** has noticed us?" Eric was in a daze~www.NovelMTL.com~ and immediately rushed up and hugged* Gree crazy, "the great **** has noticed us." He didn’t trample the ants to death, nor did he trample the bacteria on the ants to death. It’s great, it’s great.”

"Is this God?"

Professor Ruskin glanced at the dark universe with lingering fear, with obvious fear in his eyes. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something. He took out his mobile phone to make a call and prepared to report the good news, but was shocked to find that he had entered the other party. Blacklist.

Gerry pushed Eric away, her eyes firmed, "I want to be his believer."

There are voices of joy and weeping everywhere in the world.

After the animals got through the crisis, they started to do their own things in a daze.

Selling cute and cute, hunting and hunting, stealing things, playing with the shoveling officer, playing with the shoveling officer, as if the catastrophe just now was just an illusion.

The entire Bluestar network is guessing who is the owner of the palm.

At first, everyone guessed that the main **** they believed in saved the world, but as the observatories released pictures of themselves, black robe and Mianqi clothing made them fix their eyes on the far east. .

And the discussion on the Internet in the East has been full of enthusiasm.

"God Haotian? Eastern Emperor Taiyi? Emperor Tai? Emperor Wa? Emperor Xi? Those who can wear Mianqi, right?"

"White as jade? Mianqi? A bit like the emperor Wa."

"Isn't it really the emperor Wa?"

"It shouldn't be. Although the emperor Wa wears the imperial character, he rarely appears in the image of Dai Mianqi, and more often appears in the image of a human head and a snake body."

"Weak mention, the Jade Emperor also wears Mianqi, why no one mentions him."

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